within definition
within means "from and excluding a specified date and to and including a later specified date".
within or “no later than”, when used before a year, month or day, shall always include the relevant year, month or day.
within means across, over, under, in, through and on.
More Definitions of within
within and “no later than” a certain day in this Agreement include the given day.
within means across, over, under, in, through and on. Exhibit "B" CANADA ENERGY REGULATOR INFORMATION LETTER (November 18, 2019) File OF-Fac-Oil-T260-2013-03 6318 November 2019 Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (Trans Mountain) Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP)Notice of Trans Mountain’s Application for Right of Entry Canada Energy Regulator Information Letter On 19 May 2016, the National Energy Board (NEB or Board) issued its OH-001-2014 Report recommending that the Governor in Council (GIC) approve the TMEP, subject to 157 conditions (A77045). On 29 November 2016, the GIC directed the Board to issue Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity OC-064 (A80871), the effect of which was to approve the TMEP, including the 150 metre wide corridor. On 18 June 2019 the GIC issued the Order in Council approving the Board’s MH-052-2018 Reconsideration Report (A98021). On 28 August 2019, pursuant to the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, the National Energy Board (NEB) was replaced with the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). The NEB’s adjudicative work has been transferred to the Commission of the Canada Energy Regulator. The CER has directed Trans Mountain to provide this information letter with all notices of application for right of entry. For any questions, please contact a CER Process Advisor by phone at 1-800-899-1265 (toll-free), or by email at TMX.ProcessHelp@cer-rec.gc.ca. Right of Entry If a company requires the use of private lands for its CER-regulated project, it must first acquire the necessary land rights through a land acquisition agreement. If the company and a landowner are unable to finalize a land acquisition agreement, the company can file with the CER a right of entry application for an order to enable the company to enter the lands. The process to be followed for right of entry applications is summarized in the attachment to this letter. The Commission expects that the company and the landowner have made every reasonable attempt to finalize a land acquisition agreement. The Commission wishes to highlight to landowners the following resources1 that are available to landowners regarding the right of entry application process: • section 324-326 of the CER Act(https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-15.1/page-32.html)• section 55 of the National Energy Board Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1995(http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-95-208/page-6.html#h-45);• Guide V of the CER Filing Manual(https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/bts/ctrg/gnnb/flngmnl/fmg...
within means across, over, under, in, through and on.Exhibit "B" Proof of Service in accordance with subsection 8(8) of the Rules of the Notice set out in Exhibit "A"Exhibit "C" Schedule describing the Lands of the Owner, the Pipeline ROW Area and Temporary Workspace Area; the rights, titles and interests applied for in respect of the Lands of the Owner, the Pipeline ROW Area and the Temporary Workspace Area; and the rights, obligations, restrictions, terms and conditions proposed to be made part of the Right of Entry Order SCHEDULE
within means on, in, over, above, under, across or along, as applicable in the circumstances; and
within in the third sentence thereof.
within mean “from and including”; the words “to” and “until” each mean “to but excluding”; and the word “through” means “to and including.”
within means under and along.