Examples of Work Package 3 in a sentence
Work Package 3 coordinates the project’s activities in dissemination, collabora- tion, exploitation and sustainability.
Main issuesThe main issues defined for Work Package 3 are:- to describe and understand the varieties of European social models;- to picture the varieties of higher education policies, systems and practices in the countries participating in the NESOR project;- to identify the specific role and needs of the demand side of the labour market.These issues have been elaborated into a questionaire by the coordinators of Work Package 3.
Work Package 3 is coordinated by the Department of Industrial Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest.
This country report contains the Dutch contribution to Work Package 3 of the NESOR- project ‘Globalised Knowledge Society, New Social Risks and Higher Education’ which is conducted within the framework of the Socrates programme.
Once the reports from partners were received the template documents for task one were stored ready for consideration for inclusion in Work Package 3 (WP3).