Year 5 definition

Year 5 import customs duties shall be removed in five equal annual stages beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall be duty-free, effective from January 1st of year five. Each year’s margin of preference is as follows: Category Entry into force 01.01.07 01.01.08 01.01.09 01.01.10
Year 5 means the twelve-month period beginning on the fourth anniversary of the Commencement Date and ending on the day preceding the fifth anniversary of the Commencement Date.
Year 5. (“blwyddyn 5”) means the school year in which the majority of pupils in the class attain the age of 10;”,

Examples of Year 5 in a sentence

  • An employee participating in DROP for a period of five (5) years will have terminal sick leave deposited as follows: Year 1 20% of balance of sick leave Year 2 25% of balance of sick leave Year 3 35% of balance of sick leave Year 4 50% of balance of sick leave Year 5 100% of balance of sick leave At termination of DROP, 100% of balance.

  • For 2024-252020-2021 and the subsequent years of the Agreement the above wagesalary rates shall be increased by the greater of five and five tenth (5.5%) percentthree percent (3%) or the inflationary adjustment (Implicit Price Deflator, IPD) plus one and five tenths percent (1.5%), and a Year 7 step shall be created at two percent (2%) over the Year 5 rate.

  • N/A 900,000 12.4: In Year 5, XXXX has carried out a standardized assessment of students’ skills at lower secondary schools in line its strategy for students in grade 8 (grade 2 of lower secondary) and another grade of lower secondary.

  • General Practitioner Year 1 to Year 4 Rural Generalist Year 1 to Year 5 Medical Administrator Year 1 to Year 9 (previously cited levels 16 to 24).

  • Non Specialist Qualified Medical Administrator Year 1 to Year 5 (previously cited levels 14 to 18).

More Definitions of Year 5

Year 5 means the school year in which the majority of pupils attain the age of ten;
Year 5 means December 12, 2010 through December 11, 2011.
Year 5 means January 1, **** – December 31, **** Each of the foregoing may be referred to individually as a “Year”. *For the avoidance of doubt, there is no monthly license fee for Free Subscribers under the Free Subscriber Allotment with any such Free Subscribers being included in the fees paid for the Paid Subscribers. The Paid Sub Fee shall apply to any Free Subscribers in a given month over the Free Subscriber Allotment. The Paid Sub Fee and Billed Subscriber Minimum include a Solution storage allotment (each month) calculated as follows (the “Monthly Storage Allotment”): **** multiplied by the number of Billed Subscribers in such month. **** per Billed Subscriber per month in **** **** per Billed Subscriber per month in **** **** per Billed Subscriber per month in **** **** per Billed Subscriber per month in **** **** per Billed Subscriber per month in **** Verizon and Synchronoss will review and mutually agree to determine whether to adjust the Monthly Storage Allotment at the end of each calendar year, commencing at the end of **** i.e. Revise Monthly Storage Allotment in **** for year ****.
Year 5 means the tax year preceding the current tax year.
Year 5 means the fifth year of implementation of Program activities, expected to take place in Fiscal Year 2027-28.
Year 5 means July 1, 2024 through the Closing Date.
Year 5 means the date falling immediately after the last day of Year 4 (“First Day of Year 5”) up to and including the date falling 12 months after the last day of Year 4.