Year 5 definition
Examples of Year 5 in a sentence
An employee participating in DROP for a period of five (5) years will have terminal sick leave deposited as follows: Year 1 20% of balance of sick leave Year 2 25% of balance of sick leave Year 3 35% of balance of sick leave Year 4 50% of balance of sick leave Year 5 100% of balance of sick leave At termination of DROP, 100% of balance.
For 2024-252020-2021 and the subsequent years of the Agreement the above wagesalary rates shall be increased by the greater of five and five tenth (5.5%) percentthree percent (3%) or the inflationary adjustment (Implicit Price Deflator, IPD) plus one and five tenths percent (1.5%), and a Year 7 step shall be created at two percent (2%) over the Year 5 rate.
N/A 900,000 12.4: In Year 5, XXXX has carried out a standardized assessment of students’ skills at lower secondary schools in line its strategy for students in grade 8 (grade 2 of lower secondary) and another grade of lower secondary.
General Practitioner Year 1 to Year 4 Rural Generalist Year 1 to Year 5 Medical Administrator Year 1 to Year 9 (previously cited levels 16 to 24).
Non Specialist Qualified Medical Administrator Year 1 to Year 5 (previously cited levels 14 to 18).