Examples of Youth in care in a sentence
Youth in care have the right to receive non-directive and non-judgmental information to help them make informed decisions regarding their options and choices in the event that the youth (or the youth’s partner) becomes pregnant.
Youth in care are expected to follow the rules of their school regarding the use of social media or mobile technology while at school.
Youth in care ages 14 to 21 are eligible to receive Independent Living Services, based on the youth’s individual Transitional Living Plan (TLP).
Youth in care may remain in a Department funded living arrangement; however requests for assistance with housing or living expenses will not be approved.
Youth in care were also nearly three times as likely as other CPS youth (8% vs.
Youth in care in the U.K. spoke about the importance of foster and residential caregivers communicating high expectations in terms of their schooling, acknowledging their efforts, and praising them for their achievements (Harker et al., 2004).
B) Youth in Care and Use of Social Media Youth in care may create online accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) provided they meet the proper age requirements for each site.
Youth in care in Surrey talked about needing an advocate to support their transition out of care and as they begin to live independently.19 Youth from care in Surrey who discussed the transition to adulthood talked about the negative effects they experienced when they lost connections with supportive adults, such as foster parents and social workers, when they left care at 19.
Youth in care are also worried aboutbeing judged if they access sexual health services.
IL has adopted the following target populations to be served under FFPSA: a) Intact Family Services, b) Intact Family Recovery Services, and c) the Extended Family Support Program; recently reunified families (within the 6 months), adoptive families who request services, and d) families who obtained subsidized guardianship or are relatives; and Pregnant and Parenting Youth in care and recently aged out.