Zone S definition
Examples of Zone S in a sentence
On December 13, 2005, the CSD Board approved the establishment of Zone S (Sunnymead Boulevard Maintenance).
Core Zone/ Low Permeability Blanket - Zone S The core zone/low permeability till blanket (Zone S) will be constructed with low permeability glacial till excavated from the pit.
Hydrocarbon contaminated soil less than 4 cm in diameter was deposited to the land farm, material greater than 4 cm in diameter was transported by BHP Billiton to Zone S and clean up consumables such as spill pads were incinerated at the waste management facility.
Placement of Zone S and Zone F was performed by Peterson Contracting Ltd.
BHP Billiton has asked the DIAND inspector to begin placing this material in Zone S to prevent the build up nitrates in the top soil but to date DIAND has not made a decision.
Zone S charges are calculated by determining the proportional financial obligation, based on front linear footage, of the properties along Sunnymead Boulevard between Frederick Street and Perris Boulevard.
The boundaries of Zone S include all parcels fronting Sunnymead Boulevard from Frederick Street to Perris Boulevard.
Zone S placement was conducted by Peterson Contracting Ltd (did they place anything else?).
TheHDPE liner will be placed on low permeability core zone material (Zone S) which serves as a bedding layer for the liner and provides an added level of seepage control in that the combined HDPE liner and Zone S material behaves as a compound liner.
Sewage solids were deposited into Zone S on the Panda/Koala WRSA.