Zoning permit definition
Examples of Zoning permit in a sentence
A Zoning permit is not required for a class 2 co-location or a public safety tower owned and operated by federal, state, county, or other local municipal governments.
Every applicant for a Shoreland Zoning permit shall complete all applicable sections of the Town of Lamoine Construction Application form.
Zoning permit fee is charged for all permits except those with interior work only, fire systems and signs.
SECTION 131 - ZONING PERMIT(Amended 11-18-91, 3/17/97) 131-1 Unless otherwise stated in this ordinance, no building, structure (a sign is considered a structure) or any part thereof designed or intended to be used for other than farm or agricultural purposes, shall be erected or altered until Zoning permit has been issued by the Zoning Administrator or authorized representative.
The fee for the permit is as set forth in Columbia County Code of Ordinances Section 7.13, except that the maximum fee for the Zoning permit shall be $500.