Alternative Sourcing Cláusulas de Ejemplo

Alternative Sourcing. If the Company expressly grants, in writing, the Supplier exclusive or single source rights to supply the Contractual Products or Contractual Services to the Company, such grant of rights shall not restrict the Company’s ability to absolute entitlement to procure any and all goods and services which are the same as or similar to the Contractual Products or Contractual Services from third parties in the event of (and throughout the period of) a delay, breach or non- conformity and, at the Company’s option, to reduce a Purchase Order by such quantities without liability to the Supplier. Suministro Alternativo. Si la Compañía expresamente otorga por escrito al Proveedor derechos exclusivos o de Proveedor único para suministrar los Productos del Contrato o Servicios del Contrato a la Compañía, dicho otorgamiento de derechos no restringirá la capacidad de la Compañía para tener derecho absoluto para obtener la totalidad o parte de los bienes y servicios que sean iguales o similares a los Productos del Contrato o Servicios del Contrato de terceros en el caso de (y durante todo el periodo de) demora, incumplimiento o inconformidad y, a opción de la Compañía, reducir la Orden de Compra por dichas cantidades sin ninguna responsabilidad para el Proveedor.
Alternative Sourcing. If the Company expressly grants, in writing, the Supplier exclusive or single source rights to supply the Contractual Products or Contractual Services to the Company, such grant of rights shall not restrict the Company’s ability to absolute entitlement to procure any and all goods and services which are the same as or similar to the Contractual Products or Contractual Services from third parties in the event of (and throughout the period of) a delay, breach or non- conformity and, at the Company’s option, to reduce a Purchase Order by such quantities without liability to the Supplier.