Income Account Cláusulas de Ejemplo

Income Account. The Issuing Trustee shall keep a bank account (the "Income Account") into which all the amounts in cash resulting from the Receivable Rights Assigned shall be deposited, whether such amounts are deposited by the Debtors of such Receivable Rights, or transferred by the Issuing Trustee from other bank accounts as mentioned hereinafter, or by the Settlors in any other case, and any other income in cash received by the Issuing Trustee for any other concept. In case it is necessary for the Issuing Trustee to open additional bank accounts, in Pesos or Dollars, in other banking institutions (even though they may not be Authorized Banking Institutions), with the purpose of collecting the Receivable Rights, the Issuing Trustee shall open them. The Issuing Trustee shall immediately withdraw any amounts deposited in such accounts and transfer them to the Income Account. Any and all amounts deposited in such other accounts shall be considered for all effects related to the Trust and the Transaction Documents, as if they were deposited into the Income Account.