Patients not completing the study Cláusulas de Ejemplo

Patients not completing the study. 5.1.1. – Extraordinary costs for the site and patients
Patients not completing the study. 4.1.1. – Extraordinary costs for the centre and patients a) For the payment of administrative management of the clinical trial, the amount of 500 € + VAT shall be paid. The payment to the CENTRE shall be made upon presentation of an invoice no later than thirty (30) days from the signing of the compliance document of the management of the centre, and before the start of the trial to the following address and bank account: Payment to the researching centre or foundation for study management. Address: Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital la Fe Avenida Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, nº 106, Torre A, planta 7ª C.P.: 00000 Xxxxxxxx (Xxxxx) Bank account No.: 2038 6159 96 0000000000 Nº IBAN XX00 0000 0000 00 0000000000 de Bankia (SWIFT CAHMESMMXXX) 4.1.2. – Regular costs of the trial (recruited patient) The Sponsor agrees to pay the amount of   € per concluded and evaluable patient as described in the Protocol. The estimated maximum number of patients to be included shall be of   patients. As general collaboration for the performance of the clinical trial, the amount of   € shall be paid, corresponding to an amount higher than the 25% of the study payment per patient. Said amount shall is deemed to cover indirect costs, and the corresponding invoice will be issued by the health centre, to which the corresponding VAT will be assessed. The payment of compensations to the INVESTIGATOR, as well as the additional legal obligations (I.R.P.F [Personal Income Tax] deductions) shall directly correspond to the SPONSOR. Payment to investigators shall be   € per patient (payment shall not exceed the 75% of the estimated amount per patient). Whenever possible, if there is capacity for it, payments to investigators should be made by the Foundation or Centre, not directly by the sponsor. 4.1.3. – Financial statement The overall cost of the study is estimated at “  Euros” per patient (VAT excluded). The breakdown of the same is contained in the Exhibit II herein (Financial statement of the study), In the event that a patient, for whatever cause, withdraws the study before its conclusion, the Sponsor shall be bound to pay the prorated amount based on their participation in the study. To said amounts, the corresponding VAT shall be assessed, and these shall be made effective by the Sponsor in accordance with clause 3 herein. In case of early termination of the study for whatever reason, the amount to be paid shall be modified based on the number of patients inclu...