Annexure – III : Technical Bid नमूना खंड

Annexure – III : Technical Bid. Technical Bid Tender No. 500/2023/1706/CBO/ITV dated June 20, 2022 S. N. Parameter Declaration Certificate/ Documentary Proof Bidder response (Yes/No) Bidder’s Remark (if any) 1 Service Requirement: Provision of Internet Bandwidth with DDoS protection at Bank’s Data Center in Mumbai and DR Site in Chennai. 2 Bidder is feasible at the locations specified in this RFP from their own POP (Point of Presence) in India. 3 NOC - Bidder should have redundant NOC (Network operation center) setup. 4 NOC – Dedicated Help Desk /Support availability 24x7x365 days / SMS Alerts, for the Bank. 5 Last Mile - The bidder shall provide OWN last mile i.e., local loop based on optical fibre in self-healing ring topology to enable service availability on 24x7x365 basis 6 The last mile and infrastructure proposed by the bidder at DC and DR should be support 03 Gbps from day one. 7 Bank should be able to deploy QoS at its discretion for data, video, audio etc. ILL ISP must not enforce it on the Bank. The router provided by the Bidder should be enterprise grade and support 3Gbps bandwidth from day one. 8 The router should have at least 2x10G SFP+ interfaces on fiber for WAN connectivity, 2X1G copper interfaces and 2X10G SFP+ fiber interfaces for LAN connectivity. The power supply of router should be redundant. Datasheet / specifications of proposed router to be attached. uncompressed, unfiltered and unshared Internet Bandwidth with DDoS Protection S. N. Parameter Declaration Certificate/ Documentary Proof Bidder response (Yes/No) Bidder’s Remark (if any) 9 The ISP shall provide 127 (/25 subnet) IPv4 public IP addresses and same number of IPv6 addresses 10 Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters: a. Port availability: - 99.5% calculated on monthly basis b. Committed Information Rate (CIR): 100% c. Packet Loss: 1 out of every one million d. Latency: < 3m e. Jitter: < 5ms 11 Online portal for monitoring Bandwidth utilization, link performance, latency, jitter etc., on Real Time, Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Screen shots available from the portal to be submitted for above mentioned parameters 12 The ISP shall provide their Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity Plan (BCP) specific to the Bank detailing as to how the ILL connectivity and other allied services as specified in this document shall be provided to the Bank seamlessly even in event of a disaster in their ILL network and/or their NOC. DR / BCP plan to be submitted. 13 ISP should not load balance the mitigation of Bank...
Annexure – III : Technical Bid. S.N. Required functionality / features Specification Particulars Bidders Response Response Details of Supporting Documents attached 1 Uptime 99.5% (monthly) 2 Latency Local Lead <30ms 3 Packet Loss/Drop 1 out of every one million packets 4 Jitter 10ms (maximum) 5 Proactive monitoring of links (support) 24 X 7 X 365 6 Incident Reporting Monthly 7 Minimum Time to Restore. Maximum 3.6 hours 8 Online portal for bandwidth utilization, link performance etc. Real Time, Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly 9 Vendor should provide unique User ID and Password to access the customer portal for viewing reports and alerts of DDoS 10 The bidder has to provide last mile connectivity between banks locations and their local POP or exchange using their own infrastructure i.e. bidder should not hire last mile from another service provider. 11 The last mile at both Mumbai and Chennai should be on fiber and handoff should be on Ethernet. Wireless last mile is not accepted 12 Up-gradation and de- gradation of bandwidth Up-gradation within two weeks from date of Purchase Order and De-gradation within one week from intimation. 13 Up-gradation of DDoS capacity 24 hours from date of Purchase order. 14 Shifting of links Feasibility: - 2 week from the date of intimation 15 Shifting: - 4 weeks from the date of purchase order 16 Dedicated Account Management Team. (Bidder to Single point of contact for service requirements such as S.N. Required functionality / features Specification Particulars Bidders Response Response Details of Supporting Documents attached communicate the details) ordering, operations implementation, review meeting and billing. 17 Extension of contract up to six months beyond the contractual period. 18 The PoP from which last mile is extended to SIDBI, Mumbai and Chennai should have redundancy of equipments, links, power, backhaul connectivity etc. 19 Bidder must have Disaster Recovery (DR) arrangement & support infrastructure for the required services to be delivered. 20 The ISP should be in a position to block Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack at their end. ISP should have the feature to block a list/range of public IPs as and when Bank desires as part of security measures. The ISP has to provide a real-time monitoring portal for DDoS attack. 12.3.1.