Procedure for Submission of Bids नमूना खंड

Procedure for Submission of Bids. It is proposed to have a Two-Cover / Part System for this tender (1) Techno – Commercial Bid / Part I consist of following items i. Part- I / Techno – Commercial Bid (all sections and annexes). Please note that prices should not be indicated in Part- I / Techno – Commercial Bid. Techno-Commercial bid may be submitted on (2) Part II / Financial Bid I) Part II / Financial Bid may be submitted on II) No conditional / optional quote shall be accepted. III) Tenderers shall not be permitted to alter or modify their bids after receipt of their bids. IV) Those who have downloaded the tender are required to submit the eligibility criteria, if any. (3) Receipt of E-Tenders The e-tender bids will be accepted till the schedule time and date as referred to in the Notice Inviting Tender. The e-tenders received thereafter shall not be entertained in any circumstances. (4) Opening of Part I The Technical – Commercial bids will be opened on the scheduled time and date as referred to in the Notice Inviting Tender at Estate Department, RBI Chandigarh. The tenderers or their authorized representatives may be present, if they so desire. (5) Opening of Part I and Part II (Financial Bid) The financial bid may be opened along with the technical bid on the date scheduled for opening of technical bid. (6) Scrutiny of Part II (Financial Bid) The Part II shall be evaluated as per the procedure indicated in special condition of contract. Accordingly, Lowest tenderer (L1) shall be declared. (k) The Bank has the right to vary quantities at the time of placing Order / signing of Contract / during execution of the work. (l)