Article 36 Primjeri odredbi

Article 36. If student does not pass the exam the third time he/she is entitled to take the exam in the presence of exam commission appointed by the Xxxxxx of the University. Student is entitled to submit the written objections if the exam, by his/her opinion is not performed according to the law or the university regulations. If the objection is justified by the authorised University body, student is entitled to take obavljen u skladu sa zakonom i opštim aktom visokoškolske ustanove. Ako se usvoji prigovor studenta, student ponovo polaže ispit pred ispitnom komisijom. Student snosi troškove komisijskog polaganja ispita prema Pravilima o visini naknade za studiranje i cijeni usluga koje se naplaćuju na Univerzitetu. the exam in the presence of exam commission. Student bears the expenses of taking the exam in the presence of exam commission according to the Rules on tuition amounts and prices of services, charged at the Pan-European University. Student koji je nezadovoljan visinom pozitivne ocjene utvrđene u redovnom ispitnom roku, može izraziti svoje neslaganje sa visinom ocjene neposredno nakon završetka ispita i tražiti da se pozitivna ocjena ne uvaži. Student je obavezan da ispit iz predmeta iz koga mu je poništena ocjena ponovo polaže do kraja tekuće akademske godine i da snosi troškove vanrednog polaganja. Studenti koji nisu položili pismeni dio ispita imaju pravo uvida u svoj rad neposredno poslije objavljivanja ispitnih rezultata. Istoga xxxx student može polagati najviše dva ispita iz istog studijskog programa. Student nema obavezu da izradi diplomski rad u prvom trogodišnjem bachelor ciklusu školovanja. Student ima obavezu da izradi diplomski rad i da ga odbrani u četverogodišnjem bachelor ciklusu školovanja. Studenti studiraju prema Nastavnim planu i programu školske godine u kojoj su upisali studij, a akademske titule, odnosno, stručna zvanja, stiču prema aktuelno važećoj Nomenklaturi strukovnih, akademskih i naučnih zvanja koja se stiču na studijskim programima Panevropskog univerziteta "APEIRON", xxxx xx sastavni dio ovog ugovora, i listom strukovnih, akademskih i naučnih zvanja koju donosi nadležno Ministarstvo. Student izjavljuje da je upoznat sa sadržajem Nomenklature te da je prilikom upisa upoznat sa akademskim zvanjem koje xx xxxxx završetkom upisanog studijskog programa.
Article 36. International Labour Standards and Agreements Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Environmental Principles Promotion of Trade and Investment Favouring Sustainable Development
Article 36. Governments of Contracting Parties shall ensure long-term financial commitments for the sustainability of RYCO structures, and accomplishment of RYCO mandate as set out in Article 7 of this Statute. As part of this, the sum of contributions of all RYCO Contracting Parties shall be no lower than 50% + 1 EUR of the RYCO Budget for any given year. Article 37
Article 36. The official language of the Fund shall be English. The Fund has full legal personality necessary for the fulfilment of the aims associated with its activities.
Article 36. Relation to Other International Treaties
Article 36. The Board of Directors may form expert bodies, commissions and boards to study individual issues and proposals or to carry out the set tasks. The Board of Directors may delegate to its bodies a part of its competencies and responsibilities and invite the members of these bodies to its meetings. If the Board of Directors makes a decision on the establishment of other bodies, the decisions on the establishment of these bodies will govern its composition, competence and managers.
Article 36. In any case where the child is exposed to a serious danger, the competent authorities of the Contracting State where measures for the protection of the child have been taken or are under consideration, if they are informed that the child's residence has changed to, or that the child is present in another State, shall inform the authorities of that other State about the danger involved and the measures taken or under consideration.
Article 36. The Director of the Permanent Secretariat shall implement the budget and shall report annually to the Regional Steering Committee on the execution of the budget. The Regional Steering Committee may decide, if appropriate, to entrust independent auditors with verifying the proper execution of the budget.
Article 36. Third party intervention