Integrity Primjeri odredbi

Integrity. (a) Prohibited Conduct: (i) The Borrower shall not and shall procure that the Promoter shall not engage in (and shall not authorise or permit any other Person acting on its behalf to engage in) any Prohibited Conduct in connection with the Project, any tendering procedure for the Project, or any transaction contemplated by the Contract. (ii) The Borrower undertakes and shall procure that the Promoter undertakes to take such action as the Bank shall reasonably request to investigate or terminate any alleged or suspected occurrence of any Prohibited Conduct in connection with the Project. (iii) The Borrower undertakes and shall procure that the Promoter undertakes to ensure that contracts financed by this Loan include the necessary provisions to enable the Borrower or the Promoter to investigate or terminate any alleged or suspected occurrence of any Prohibited Conduct in connection with the Project. (b) Sanctions: The Borrower shall not and shall procure that the Promoter shall not (i) enter into a business relationship with any Sanctioned Person, or (ii) make any funds available to or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly, any Sanctioned Person; (c) Xxxxxxxx’x and Promoter’s Official: The Borrower undertakes and shall procure that the Promoter undertakes to take within a reasonable timeframe appropriate measures in respect of any member of its management bodies or senior staff members who: (i) becomes a Sanctioned Person; or (ii) is indicted or is convicted by a court or is subject of the lifting of immunity in connection with Prohibited Conduct in order to ensure that such member is suspended, dismissed or in any case excluded from any Borrower’s or Promoter’s activity in relation to the Loan and to the Project.
Integrity. The Borrower, directly or through the PIE and the PIU, undertakes that: (a) it will institute and thereafter comply with internal policies, procedures and controls, in line with applicable legislation and international best practices, for the purpose of preventing the Borrower to become, in connection with the implementation of the Project or otherwise, an instrument for money laundering or terrorism financing; (b) it will not make any Loan proceeds available to or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly, any Sanctioned Person; (c) it will not commit, and no person, with its consent or prior knowledge, will commit, in connection with the implementation of the Project a Corrupt Practice, a Fraudulent Practice, a Coercive Practice, a Collusive Practice or an Obstructive Practice (hereinafter, together with money laundering, terrorism financing and making available any Loan proceeds to Sanctioned Persons referred to as the “Prohibited Practices”). For the purposes of this Agreement: (i) A “Corrupt Practice” means any act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party. (ii) A “Fraudulent Practice” means any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit, or to avoid an obligation. (iii) A “Coercive Practice” means any act of impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of any party to influence improperly the actions of a party. (iv) A “Collusive Practice” means any arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including influencing improperly the actions of another party. (v) An “Obstructive Practice” means, in relation to an investigation into a Coercive, Collusive, Corrupt or Fraudulent Practice, (a) any act of deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation; (b) any act of threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation; and/or (c) any act intending to materially impede the exercise of the contractual rights of audit or access to information. The Borrower, directly or through the PIE and the PIU undertakes to inform CEB if it should become aware of any fact or information suggestive of...
Integrity. The Borrower, directly or through the PIE and the PIU, undertakes that: it will institute and thereafter comply with internal policies, procedures and controls, in line with applicable legislation and international best practices, for the purpose of preventing the Borrower to become, in connection with the implementation of the Project or otherwise, an instrument for money laundering or terrorism financing; it will not make any Loan proceeds available to or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly, any Sanctioned Person; it will not commit, and no person, with its consent or prior knowledge, will commit, in connection with the implementation of the Project a Corrupt Practice, a Fraudulent Practice, a Coercive Practice, a Collusive Practice or an Obstructive Practice (hereinafter, together with money laundering, terrorism financing and making available any Loan proceeds to Sanctioned Persons referred to as the “Prohibited Practices”). For the purposes of this Agreement: A “Corrupt Practice” means any act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party. A “Fraudulent Practice” means any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit, or to avoid an obligation. A “Coercive Practice” means any act of impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of any party to influence improperly the actions of a party.
Integrity. (i) The Borrower and the Agent warrant and undertake that they have not committed, and no person to their present knowledge has committed, any of the following acts and that they will not commit, and no person, with their consent or prior knowledge, will commit any such act, that is to say: a) the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any improper advantage to influence the action of an person holding a public office or function or a director or employee of a public authority or public enterprise or a director or official of a public international organisation in connection with any procurement process or in the execution of any contract in connection with the SME and Priority Projects; or b) any act which improperly influences or aims improperly to influence the procurement process or the implementation of the SME and Priority Projects to the detriment of the Borrower, including collusion between tenderers. For this purpose, the knowledge of any Minister of the Borrower, any State Secretary of the Borrower, any Assistant Minister of the Borrower, any Advisor to a Minister of the Borrower or the officer mentioned in Article 12.01 shall be deemed the knowledge of the Borrower and the knowledge of any member of the Executive Board and the Council of Governor, the Council and the Governor of the National Bank of Serbia or the officer mentioned in Article 12.01 shall be deemed the knowledge of the Agent. The Borrower and the Agent undertake to inform the Bank if they should become aware of any fact or information suggestive of the commission of any such act. (ii) The Borrower and the Agent will institute, maintain and comply with internal procedures and controls in compliance with applicable national laws and best practices, for the purpose of ensuring that no transaction is entered with, or for the benefit of, any of the individuals or institutions named on updated lists of sanctioned persons promulgated by the United Nations Security Council or its committees pursuant to Security Council Resolutions 1267 (1999), 1373 (2001) ( and/or by the Council of the EU pursuant to its Common Positions 2001/931/CSFP and 2002/402/CSFP and their related or successor resolutions and/or implementing acts in connection with financing of terrorism matters. The Borrower and the Agent shall take, within a reasonable timeframe, appropriate measures in respect of any member of its management bodies who has been convicted by a final and irrevocable court...
Integrity. (a) Prohibited Conduct (i) The Borrower and/or the Agent shall not engage in (and shall not authorise or permit any Affiliate or any other Person acting on its behalf to engage in) any Prohibited Conduct in connection with the SME and Priority Project, any tendering procedure for the SME and Priority Project, or any transaction contemplated by the Contract; (ii) The Borrower and/or the Agent undertake to take such action as the Bank shall reasonably request to investigate or terminate any alleged or suspected occurrence of any Prohibited Conduct in connection with the SME and Priority Project; (iii) The Borrower and/or the Agent undertake to ensure that contracts financed by this Loan include the necessary provisions to enable the Borrower to investigate or terminate any alleged or suspected occurrence of any Prohibited Conduct in connection with the SME and Priority Project. (b) Sanctions (c) Management (i) becomes a Sanctioned Person or; (ii) is the subject of a final and irrevocable court ruling in connection with Prohibited Conduct perpetrated in the course of the exercise of their professional duties in order to ensure that such member is suspended, dismissed or in any case excluded from any Borrower’s activity in relation to the Loan and to the SME and Priority Project.
Integrity. (a) Prohibited Conduct: The Borrower shall not engage in (and shall not authorise or permit any affiliate or any other Person acting on its behalf to engage in) any Prohibited Conduct in connection with the any transaction contemplated by the Contract. (b) Sanctions: The Borrower shall not (i) enter into a business relationship with any Sanctioned Person, or (ii) make any funds available to or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly, any Sanctioned Person. (c) Xxxxxxxx’x Officials: The Borrower undertakes to take within a reasonable timeframe appropriate measures in respect of any official or person holding a public office who:
Integrity. (a) Prohibited Conduct
Integrity. Prohibited Conduct: The Borrower shall not engage in (and shall not authorise or permit any affiliate or any other Person acting on its behalf to engage in) any Prohibited Conduct in connection with the any transaction contemplated by the Contract.

Related to Integrity

  • SUDSKA NADLEŽNOST U slučaju spora stranke ugovaraju mjesnu nadležnost suda u Zagrebu.

  • OBAVEZNOST PRIMENE Organizator može Pogramom ili Posebnim uslovima putovanja predvideti drugačije odredbe u odnosu na ove Opšte uslove, zbog posebnih uslova i pravila neposrednim pružaocima usluga, kao i za putovanja sa posebnim sadržajima (povodom održavanja sportskih, kongresnih i sličnih međunarodnih manifestacija i posebnim vidovima turizma – đački, lov i ribolov, ekstremni sportovi i dr.) i koji čine sastavni deo takvih Ugovora. Neefikasnost pojedinih odredbi Xxxxxxx nema za posledicu neefikasnost čitavog Xxxxxxx o putovanju, što važi i za ove Opšte uslove.

  • ODGOVORNOST 2.1. Odgovornost za proces Pravilno obavljenje zadataka i aktivnosti prilikom redovnog i regularnog odvijanja osnovnog procesa ili njegovog vraćanja u redovno stanje nakon poremećaja, a u skladu sa procedurama i uputstvima i odredbama kućnog xxxx i kodeksa poslovnog ponašanja. 2.2. Odgovornost za bezbednost Odgovornost za sprovoĊenje zaštite na radu. Potrebna xx xxxxxxx pažnja zaposlenog prilikom obavljanja svojih zadataka radi sopstvene i bezbednosti xxxxxx xx kojima zajedniĉki radi, a povrede ako se sluĉajno dese su bez trajnih posledica. Pažljiv rad kolega može smanjiti opasnosti koje mogu nastati zbog nepažljivog rada na ovom poslu. 2.3. Odgovornost za sredstva Odgovornost za spreĉavanje štete do koje može doći ukoliko se nestruĉno i nedovoljno pažljivo koriste fiziĉka i/ili finansijska sredstva prilikom obavljanja posla, a u skladu sa odredbama Pravilnika o materijalnoj odgovornosti, kućnim redom i kodeksom poslovnog ponašanja. Odgovornost za ĉuvanje sredstava rada i materijala na/xx xxxxxx xx xxxx. 2.4. Odgovornost za informacije Profesionalna odgovornost za taĉnost podataka u dokumentu, kao i zakonska odgovornost za izradu, voĊenje, ažurnost i taĉnost sadržaja dokumenata, korišćenje, ĉuvanje i arhiviranje. Profesionalna odgovornost za struĉno i blagovremeno informisanje javnosti. 2.5. Odgovornost prema ekologiji Ekonomiĉan odnos u korišćenju resursa za rad, bezbedno uklanjanje opasanog otpada, selekcija komunalnog otpada i odgovornost u skladu sa Pravilnikom i Planom upravljanja otpadom ZJZS i principima održivog razvoja. 3. OVLAŠĆENJA - Korišćenje informatiĉke opreme (kompjuter) i aplikativnih programa iz delokruga Centra uz lozinku za pristup, kao i aparata MICRO CO. - Ovlašćenje za komunikaciju sa sredstvima javnog informisanja, sa nadležnim institucijama i sa korisnicima usluga Xxxxxx uz saglasnost naĉelnika Centra.


  • OPIS ZADATAKA Aktivno uĉestvuje u radu Struĉnog kolegijuma Xxxxxx ĉime uĉestvuje u kreiranju poslovne politike, postavljanju strategije i ciljeva Xxxxxx za javno zdravlje Subotica, kao i donošenje odluka važnih za poslovanje Xxxxxx. • Aktivno uĉestvuje u radu struĉnih tela i komisija Xxxxxx u cilju iznalaženja najpovoljnijih rešenja za sprovoĊenje poslovne politike Xxxxxx i organa upravljanja. • Definiše ciljeve i Plan razvoja Centra. • Donosi strategijske i operativne odluke u cilju unapreĊenja rada Centra. • Organizuje i radi na donošenju i usvajanju Programa rada Centra za tekuću godinu. • Organizuje rad zaposlenih u Centru i pri tome naroĉito vodi raĉuna o izvršenju Plana i programa rada za tekuću godinu. • Uĉestvuje u pripremi i verifikuje periodiĉne izveštaje o xxxx Xxxxxx. • Podnosi izveštaje nadležnim institucijama i verifikuje sva izlazna dokumenta Centra. • Organizuje i koordinira periodiĉnim preispitivanjem kvaliteta rada u Centru. • Radi na podizanju nivoa struĉnosti rada zaposlenih i unapreĊenju kvaliteta rada. • Planira razvoj struĉnog usavršavanja zdravstvenih radnika i zdravstvenih saradnika u Centru. • ObezbeĊuje protok informacija sa višeg nivoa ka zaposlenima Centra. • Prati, istražuje i analizira zdravstveno stanje i zdravstvenu kulturu stanovništva i organizuje poslove iz oblasti zdravstvenog-vaspitanja. • Organizuje, prati i sprovodi mere na aktivnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti stanovništva, posebno kod bolesti od većeg socijalno-medicinskog znaĉaja. • Predlaže i koordinira Projektima i Programima iz oblasti javnog zdravlja i obavlja njihovu evaluaciju. • Koordinira Nacionalnim organizovanim skrining programima na nivou okruga, prati realizaciju i izveštava Kancelariju za skrininge. • Organizuje posebna zdravstveno statistiĉka istraživanja iz oblasti javnog zdravlja. • Organizuje sprovoĊenje zdravstvenog informisanja stanovništva u zajednici sa sredstvima mas medija. • SaraĊuje sa nadležnim organima lokalne samouprave i drugim ustanovama od znaĉaja za unapreĊenje javnog zdravlja. • Koordinira i struĉno povezuje rad zdravstvenih ustanova u okrugu iz oblasti promocije zdravlja i zdravstvenog vaspitanja. • Radi na unapreĊenju meĊusektorske saradnje. • Koordinira rad savetovališta za odvikavanje od pušenja – individualni i grupni metod. • Organizuje i uĉestvuje u sprovoĊenju struĉnog nadzora u zdravstvenim ustanovama. • Organizuje i sprovodi edukaciju zdravstvenih radnika na pripravniĉkom i specijalistiĉkom stažu. • Kontroliše sprovoĊenje plana korišćenja godišnjih odmora zaposlenih u Centru. • Prati dnevno dostavljenu elektronsku poštu xxxx xx u vezi sa delokrugom rada Centra i odgovara na nju. • Priprema plan nabavke opreme u Centru. • Verifikuje nabavku potrošnog materijala za Centar. • Verifikuje radne liste zaposlenih u Centru. • Održava higijenu radnog xxxxx i pripadajuće opreme. • Pridržava se kućnog xxxx i kodeksa poslovnog ponašanja zaposlenih. • Sve poslove obavlja u skladu sa Zakonom i zahtevima važećih standarda ISO.

  • INTELEKTUALNO VLASNIŠTVO Prihvatate i saglasni ste sa time da sva autorska prava, registrovani zaštitni znakovi i druga prava intelektualnog vlasništva na svim materijalima ili sadržaju na ovom veb-sajtu pripadaju nama u svakom trenutku ili onima koji nam izdaju dozvolu za njihovu upotrebu. Navedene materijale možete da koristite samo u meri koju mi ili davaoci dozvole za korišćenje izričito navedemo. To Vas ne sprečava da koristite ovaj veb-sajt u meri xxxx xx potrebna za kopiranje podataka u Vašoj porudžbini ili informacija za kontakt.

  • Godišnji odmor Članak 37.

  • Predmet Član 1 Član 2 Član 3 1) ako kod poslodavca nije osnovan sindikat ili nijedan sindikat ne ispunjava uslove reprezentativnosti ili nije zaključen sporazum o udruživanju u skladu sa ovim zakonom; 2) ako nijedan učesnik kolektivnog ugovora ne pokrene inicijativu za početak pregovora radi zaključivanja kolektivnog ugovora; 3) ako učesnici kolektivnog ugovora ne postignu saglasnost za zaključivanje kolektivnog ugovora u roku od 60 xxxx od xxxx započinjanja pregovora; 4) ako sindikat, u roku od 15 xxxx od xxxx dostavljanja poziva za početak pregovora za zaključivanje kolektivnog ugovora, ne prihvati inicijativu poslodavca. U slučaju iz stava 2. xxxxx 3) ovog člana učesnici kolektivnog ugovora dužni su da nastave pregovore u dobroj veri. U slučaju iz stava 2. xxxxx 3) ovog člana, poslodavac xx xxxxx da pravilnik o radu dostavi reprezentativnom sindikatu u roku od xxxxx xxxx od xxxx njegovog stupanja na snagu. Poslodavac koji ne prihvati inicijativu reprezentativnog sindikata za pristupanje pregovorima za zaključenje kolektivnog ugovora, ne može pravilnikom o xxxx xx xxxxx prava i obaveze iz radnog odnosa. Pravilnik o radu donosi nadležni organ kod poslodavca, utvrđen zakonom, odnosno osnivačkim ili drugim opštim aktom poslodavca, a kod poslodavca koji nema svojstvo pravnog lica donosi ovlašćeno lice u skladu sa zakonom. Pravilnik o radu javnog preduzeća i društva kapitala xxxx je osnivač Republika, autonomna pokrajina ili jedinica lokalne samouprave (u daljem tekstu: javno preduzeće) i društva kapitala xxxx je osnivač javno preduzeće, donosi se uz prethodnu saglasnost osnivača. Pravilnik o radu prestaje da važi danom stupanja na snagu kolektivnog ugovora iz stava 1. ovog člana.

  • ZAŠTITA LIČNIH PODATAKA PUTNIKA Lični podaci putnika, koje isti daje dobrovoljno, predstavljaju poslovnu tajnu Organizatora. Xxxxxx xx saglasan da lične podatke Organizator može koristiti za realizaciju ugovorenog programa putovanja, pri čemu se ne mogu saopštavati adrese, mesto, vreme i cena putovanja i imena saputnika drugim licima, osim licima određenim posebnim propisima.

  • Tajnost podataka Gospodarski subjekt u postupku javne nabave smije na temelju zakona, drugog propisa ili općeg akta određene podatke označiti tajnom, uključujući tehničke ili trgovinske tajne te povjerljive značajke ponude. Gospodarski subjekt dužan je, temeljem članka 52. stavka 2. ZJN 2016, u uvodnom dijelu dokumenta kojeg označi tajnom, navesti pravnu osnovu na temelju koje su ti podaci označeni tajnima. Taj dio ponude koji je gospodarski subjekt označio tajnom mora se prilikom pripreme ponude označiti tajnom i u sustavu EOJN RH priložiti kao zaseban dokument, odvojeno od dijelova koji se ne smatraju tajnim. Sukladno članku 52. stavak 3. ZJN 2016, gospodarski subjekti ne smiju u postupcima javne nabave označiti tajnom: - cijenu ponude, - troškovnik, - katalog, - podatke u vezi s kriterijima za odabir ponude, - javne isprave, - izvatke iz javnih registara te - druge podatke koji se prema posebnom zakonu ili podzakonskom propisu moraju javno objaviti ili se ne smiju označiti tajnom. Naručitelj ne smije otkriti podatke dobivene od gospodarskih subjekata koje su oni na temelju zakona, drugog propisa ili općeg akta označili tajnom, uključujući tehničke ili trgovinske tajne te povjerljive značajke ponuda. Naručitelj smije otkriti podatke iz članka 52. stavka 3. Zakona o javnoj nabavi dobivene od gospodarskih subjekata koje su oni označili tajnom. Sukladno ovoj Dokumentaciji o nabavi za dokaze sposobnosti ponuditelja, svi zahtijevani dokumenti su javnog karaktera i nema potrebe za označavanjem istih poslovnom tajnom. Svi podaci u vezi s kriterijima za odabir ponude temeljem zahtjeva iz ove Dokumentacije o nabavi ne smiju se označiti tajnom uključujući sve Obrasce koji se popunjavaju radi izračuna ekonomski najpovoljnije ponude.