Additional Security Primjeri odredbi

Additional Security. If the Borrower grant to a third party any security for the performance of any External Debt Instrument or any preference or priority in respect thereof, the Borrower shall, if so required by the Bank, provide to the Bank equivalent security for the performance of its obligations under this Contract or grant to the Bank equivalent preference or priority.
Additional Security. If the Borrower grant to a third party any security for the performance of any External Debt Instrument or any preference or priority in respect thereof, the Borrower shall, if so required by the Bank, provide to the Bank equivalent security for the performance of its obligations under this Contract or grant to the Bank equivalent preference or priority. If the Borrower concludes with any other financial creditor a financing agreement that includes a loss-of-rating clause or a covenant or other provision regarding its financial ratios, if applicable, that is not provided for in this Contract or is more favourable to the relevant financial creditor than any equivalent provision of this Contract is to the Bank, the Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank and shall provide a copy of the more favourable provision to the Bank. The Bank may request that the Borrower promptly executes an agreement to amend this Contract so as to provide for an equivalent provision in favour of the Bank.
Additional Security. If the Borrower grant to a third party any security for the performance of any External Debt Instrument or any preference or priority in respect thereof, the Borrower shall, if so required by the Bank, provide to the Bank equivalent security for the performance of its obligations under this Contract or grant to the Bank equivalent preference or priority. If the Borrower concludes with any other financial creditor a financing agreement that includes a loss-of-rating clause or a covenant or other provision regarding its financial ratios, if applicable, that is stricter than any equivalent provision of this Contract, the Borrower shall inform the Bank and shall, at the request of the Bank, execute an agreement to amend this Contract so as to provide for an equivalent provision in favour of the Bank.

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  • PREAMBULA S OBZIROM NA TO DA, xx Xxxxxx i Akcionarsko društvo „Železnice Srbije” zatražili pomoć xx Xxxxx za finansiranje ovog Projekta; S OBZIROM NA TO DA, u skladu sa Ugovorom o zajmu koji nosi datum ovog ugovora, a koji je potpisan između Akcionarskog društva „Železnice Srbije” u svojstvu Zajmoprimca i Banke („Ugovor o zajmu” onako xxxx xx definisan u Standardnim odredbama i uslovima), Banka se saglasila da odobri zajam Zajmoprimcu u iznosu od 95.000.000 EUR, za rehabilitaciju i modernizaciju mreže pruga na Koridoru H fokusirajući se na obnovu deonice Beograd-Rakovica-Xxxxxx i rehabilitaciju deonica duž Koridora H, saglasno uslovima koje Ugovor o zajmu utvrđuje ili na koje se poziva, ali samo pod uslovom xx Xxxxxx garantuje za obaveze Zajmoprimca po Ugovoru o zajmu, xxxx xx predviđeno ovim ugovorom; i S OBZIROM NA TO DA, xx Xxxxxx u odnosu na Banku stupio u Ugovor o zajmu sa Zajmoprimcem i preuzeo na sebe da garantuje za napred pomenute obaveze Zajmoprimca. NA OSNOVU TOGA, ugovorne strane se ovim usaglašavaju na sledeći način: Član 1.01. Primenjivanje Standardnih odredbi i uslova