Operation and Maintenance Primjeri odredbi

Operation and Maintenance. The management of the BIOCentre will be entrusted to the operating company BICRO BIOCentre Ltd, to be set up for the purpose of the project. Shareholders of the company will be BICRO Ltd, the University of Zagreb and the City of Zagreb. The signature of the establishment Agreement will be effective after the Commission decision on the BIOCentre Major Project, and prior to the signature of the Bilateral Project Agreement. The scope of activities of the newly founded company is the management, promotion and running of the operations for the BIOCentre users. All revenues of the company will be reinvested into operations of the BIOCentre, so as to cover the operational costs and increase the quality of services. The Ministry of environmental protection, physical planning and construction consulted confirmed by letter dated 17 May 2007 that the project components (laboratories, incubator, office space) are not listed under Appendix 1 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordnance (Official Gazette, Nos. 59/00, 136/04 and 85/06). Therefore, no environmental impact assessment is needed for this project. Planning/design fees 2 447 585 2 447 585 Land purchase Building and construction 8 905 897 8 905 897 Plant and machinery 4 867 657 4 867 657 Technical assistance 533 130 533 130 Publicity 101 548 101 548 Supervision during construction implementation 1 077 589 1 077 589 Sub-TOTAL 17 933 406 15 485 821 Contingencies 890 589,70 890 589,70 Estimated Total Costs (EUR ) of which non eligible (EUR ) Eligible Expenditure (EUR ) of which IPA Contribution (EUR ) Public Contribution (EUR ) of which: National (EUR ) IFI (EUR ) 18 823 995,70 2 447 585 16 376 410,70 13 919 949 524 874 The EC reserves the right to adjust IPA contribution in case the Competition Agency declares the project falls under the state aid as well as Croatian Competition Agency (CCA) will issue its final decision as regards the compliance of the project with the national State Aid rules .