Project Information Primjeri odredbi

Project Information. The Borrower shall keep accounting records concerning the Project, which shall be in conformity with international standards, showing, at any point in time, the Project’s state of progress, and which shall record all operations made and identify the assets and services partially financed with the Loan. The Borrower through the PIU shall deliver to the CEB in a timely manner any information or document concerning the financing or the implementation (including in particular environmental/social and procurement issues) of the Project as the CEB may reasonably require. The Borrower through the PIU shall inform the CEB immediately of any event affecting the implementation of the Project, including but not limited to:
Project Information. The Borrower directly or through the PIE and the PIU shall keep accounting records concerning the Project, which shall be in conformity with international standards, showing, at any point in time, the Project’s state of progress, and which shall record all operations made and identify the assets and services partially financed with the Loan. The Borrower through the PIU shall deliver to the CEB in a timely manner any information or document concerning the financing or the implementation (including in particular environmental/social and procurement issues) of the Project as the CEB may reasonably require. The Borrower through the PIU shall inform the CEB immediately of any event in connection with the Project, including but not limited to:
Project Information. The Borrower shall keep accounting records concerning the Project, which shall be in conformity with international standards, showing, at any point in time, the Project’s state of progress, and which shall record all operations made and identify the assets and services partially financed with the Loan. The Borrower through the PIU shall deliver to the CEB in a timely manner any information or document concerning the financing or the implementation (including in particular environmental/social and procurement issues) of the Project as the CEB may reasonably require. The Borrower through the PIU shall inform the CEB immediately of any event in connection with the Project, including but not limited to: any action or protest initiated or any objection raised by any third party or any complaint received by the Borrower or any litigation that is commenced or threatened against it with regard to procurement or environmental,social or occupational health and safety (e.g. loss of life or important accident)matters or other matters in connection with the Project; or any enactment of or any amendment to any law, rule or regulation (or in the application or official interpretation of any law, rule or regulation) in connection with the Project. Any event that may have a material adverse impact on the implementation of the Project would constitute an event in the terms of Article 3.3 (h) of the Loan Regulations and may give rise to the early reimbursement, suspension or cancellation of the Loan under the terms of Articles 3.3 (Early reimbursement of disbursed loans), 3.5 (Suspension by the Bank of undisbursed loans) and 3.6 (Cancellation by the Bank of undisbursed loans) of the Loan Regulations.
Project Information. The Borrower directly or through the PIE and the PIU shall keep accounting records concerning the Project, which shall be in conformity with international standards, showing, at any point in time, the Project’s state of progress, and which shall record all operations made and identify the assets and services partially financed with the Loan. The Borrower through the PIU shall deliver to the CEB in a timely manner any information or document concerning the financing or the implementation (including in particular environmental/social and procurement issues) of the Project as the CEB may reasonably require. The Borrower through the PIU shall inform the CEB immediately of any event in connection with the Project, including but not limited to: any action or protest initiated or any objection raised by any third party or any complaint received by the Borrower or any litigation that is commenced or threatened against it with regard to procurement or environmental, social or occupational health and safety (e.g. loss of life or important accident) matters or other matters in connection with the Project; or any enactment of or any amendment to any law, rule or regulation (or in the application or official interpretation of any law, rule or regulation) in connection with the Project. Any event that may have a material adverse impact on the implementation of the Project would constitute an event in the terms of Article 3.3 (h) of the Loan Regulations and may give rise to the early reimbursement, suspension or cancellation of the Loan under the terms of Articles 3.3 (Early reimbursement of disbursed loans), 3.5 (Suspension by the Bank of undisbursed loans) and 3.6 (Cancellation by the Bank of undisbursed loans) of the Loan Regulations.

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  • PROGRAM PUTOVANJA PO ZAHTEVU PUTNIKA I POJEDINAČNE USLUGE 15.1. Program putovanja po zahtevu Putnika: Individualno putovanje (dalje: Program po zahtevu) Putnika jeste kombinacija dve ili više usluga, kao i višednevni boravak koji uključuje samo uslugu smeštaja u određenim terminima, koji se ne nalazi u ponudi Organizatora, odnosno koji Organizator nije prethodno objavio, već ga je sačinio po zahtevu Putnika. Na Program po zahtevu, analogno se primenjuju odredbe prethodnih tačaka ovih Opštih uslova, ako ovom tačkom nije drugačije regulisano. Putnik ima pravo da odustane od Ugovora, o čemu xx xxxxx, pismeno izvestiti Organizatora. Datum pismenog otkaza Ugovora predstavlja osnov za obračun naknade koja pripada Organizatoru, izražene procentualno u odnosu na ukupnu cenu zahtevanog putovanja, ako Programom nije drugačije određeno i to: Ukoliko Putnik blagovremeno otkaže putovanje (90 do 60 xxxx), Organizator ima pravo naknade samo učinjenih administrativnih troškova. 15 % ako se putovanje otkaže od 60 do 30 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 20 % ako se otkaže 29 do 20 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 40 % ako se otkaže 19 do 15 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 80 % ako se otkaže 14 do 10 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 90 % ako se otkaže 9 do 6 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 100 % ako se otkaže 5 xxxx pre početka putovanja ili u toku putovanja.

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