Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Xxxxx Xxxxxx 5, 10 000 Zagreb, OIB: 22910368449, kojeg zastupa dekan, Prof. dr. sc. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, kao Naručitelj (u daljnjem tekstu „Naručitelj“)
Ústav materiálov a mechaniky strojov Slovenskej akadémie vied, príspevková organizácia, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0/0000, 00000, Xxxxxxxxxx, 2020798835, kojeg zastupa direktor Xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, PhD., kao Izvršitelj (u daljnjem tekstu
(Naručitelj i Izvršitelj zajedno u tekstu: „ugovorne strane“) sklapaju
Članak 1.
Ugovorne strane suglasne su da je predmet ovog Ugovora o javnoj nabavi robe (dalje u tekstu: „Ugovor“) nabava sustava za konsolidaciju praha za projekt Inovativni Ti-Mg dentalni implantati za svjetsko tržište – i-Dentist, sukladno provedenom otvorenom postupku javne nabave male vrijednosti „Nabava sustava za konsolidaciju praha“, evidencijski broj nabave: NMV22/21, broj objave Poziva na nadmetanje u Elektroničkom oglasniku javne nabave Republike Hrvatske 2021/S 0F2-0046378, Obavijest o nadmetanju, datum slanja: 3.12.2021., datum objave: 6.12.2021., i na temelju Odluke o odabiru KLASA: 406-09/21-25/28, URBROJ: 251-66-1705-22-
3 od 9.2.2022. godine.
Ovim Ugovorom Naručitelj povjerava, a Izvršitelj se obvezuje prema uvjetima iz ovog Ugovora, i prema odabranoj ponudi broj: Zagreb-1/2022 od 31.1.2022. godine isporučiti robu koja je predmet nabave.
Sastavni dio ovog Ugovora čine sljedeći prilozi:
1. Ponuda ponuditelja Zagreb-1/2022
2. Troškovnik
3. Tehničke specifikacije
Članak 2.
Naručitelj se obvezuje za isporuku robe iz članka 1. ovog Ugovora platiti cijenu od 374.500,00 kuna bez PDV-a, a s PDV-om 468.125,00 kuna.
Ugovorena cijena obuhvaća isporuku, montažu i stavljanje u rad nabavljene robe, u skladu s Prihvaćenom ponudom br. Zagreb-1/2022, Troškovnikom i Tehničkim specifikacijama iz Priloga ovog Ugovora.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Xxxxx Xxxxxx 5, 10 000 Zagreb, OIB: 22910368449, represented by dean, Prof. Dr. Sc. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, as Client (hereinafter referred to as "Client")
Ústav materiálov a mechaniky strojov Slovenskej akadémie vied, príspevková organizácia, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0/0000, 00000, Xxxxxxxxxx, 2020798835, represented by director Xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, PhD., as the Executor (hereinafter referred to as the "Executor")
(Client and Executor together in the text: “contracting parties”) assembling
Article 1
The Contracting Parties agree that the subject of this Public Procurement Contract (hereinafter referred to as the 'Contract') is the procurement of powder consolidation systems for the Project Innovative Ti-Mg Dental Implants for the World Market – and i-Dentist, in accordance with the open procurement procedure of low value 'Procurement of powder consolidation systems', procurement log number: NMV22/21, number of publication of the Call for Competition in the Electronic Public Procurement Bulletin of the Republic of Croatia 2021/S 0F2-0046378, Tender Notice, Date of Submission: 3.12.2021., release date: 6.12.2021, and based on the Decision on selection KLASA: 406-09/21-25/28, URBROJ: 251-66-1705-22-3 of 9.2.2022.
With this Contract, the Client entrusts, and the Executor undertakes according to the terms of this Contract, and according to the selected offer number: Zagreb-1/2022 of 31.1.2022 to deliver the goods which are subject to the procurement.
An integral part of this Contract consists of the following annexes:
1. Bidders Offer Zagreb-1/2022
2. Cost list
3. Technical specifications
Article 2
The Client undertakes to pay the price of HRK 374,500.00 excluding VAT for the supply of goods referred to in Article 1 of this Contract, and HRK 468,125.00 with VAT.
The agreed price includes the delivery, assembly and put into operation of the purchased goods, in accordance with accepted Offer No. Zagreb-1/2022, Cost list and Technical specifications referred to in the Annex to this Contract.
Cijena je nepromjenjiva za vrijeme trajanja Ugovora.
Ukupna cijena uključuje sve troškove isporuke robe na lokaciji Naručitelja iz članka 4. ovog Ugovora.
Članak 3.
Sva plaćanja Naručitelj će izvršiti na poslovni račun Izvršitelja.
Naručitelj određuje plaćanje predujma u visini 30% iznosa ugovora s PDV-om.
Ostatak iznosa, odnosno 70% ugovorenog iznosa u punoj cijeni bit će plaćeno nakon izvršenja ugovora u roku od 60 (šezdeset) dana od dana primitka računa kojeg će odabrani gospodarski subjekt ispostaviti Naručitelju.
Uredno isporučen predmet nabave potvrđuje se Zapisnikom o primopredaji, sastavljen od strane Naručitelja i ovjeren od strane svih sudionika primopredaje. Izvršenje Ugovora smatra se obavljeno na dan potpisivanja Zapisnika o primopredaji.
Izvršitelj je dužan uz završni račun priložiti primjerak primopredajnog zapisnika.
Nedostaci uočeni tijekom isporuke, odnosno konačne primopredaje bit će odmah otklonjeni.
O naknadno utvrđenim nedostacima ili ukoliko roba nije isporučena prema prihvaćenoj ponudi, Naručitelj će obavijestiti Ugovaratelja i zahtijevati ponovnu isporuku u ugovorenoj kvaliteti i to u roku naznačenom u pismenoj obavijesti.
Ako Naručitelj prilikom preuzimanja robe ustanovi nedostatke u pogledu originalnosti, kakvoće, kvalitete ili količine robe, dužan je o tome sastaviti zapisnik i u roku od osam (8) dana obavijestiti Ugovaratelja radi uklanjanja utvrđenih nedostataka. Ugovaratelj je dužan u roku od osam (8) dana od zaprimljene obavijesti od strane Naručitelja otkloniti nedostatak, odnosno Naručitelju isporučiti novu robu, a sve prema ponudi.
Prema Zakonu o elektroničkom izdavanju računa u javnoj nabavi (NN 94/18), Naručitelj je s 1. prosincem 2018. godine obvezan zaprimati i obrađivati te izvršiti plaćanje elektroničkih računa i pratećih isprava izdanih sukladno europskoj normi, a od 1. srpnja 2019. izdavatelji elektroničkih računa obvezni su izdavati i slati elektroničke račune i prateće isprave sukladno europskoj normi. Izdavateljem računa, u kontekstu Zakona o elektroničkom izdavanju računa u javnoj nabavi, kao i ovog postupka nabave smatra se Izvršitelj.
Članak 4.
Isporuka predmeta nabave je u roku od 6 mjeseci od potpisa
The price is unchangeable for the duration of the Contract.
The total price shall include all the costs of supplying the goods at the Location of the Client referred to in Article 4 of this Contract.
Article 3
All payments will be made by the Client to the Executor's business account.
The client determines advance payment in the amount of 30% of the amount of the contract with VAT.
Advance payment is preceded by the issuance of a pro forma invoice. After the pro forma invoice has been paid, the Executor is obliged to issue an invoice for the advance.
The rest of the amount, i.e. 70% of the agreed amount in full price, will be paid after the performance of the contract within 60 (sixty) days from the date of receipt of the invoice that the selected economic operator will issue to the Client.
The duly delivered subject of the procurement shall be confirmed by the Handover log, drawn up by the Client and certified by all participants in the handover. The performance of the Contract shall be deemed to have taken place on the date of signature of the Handover log. The Executor is obliged to attach a copy of the handover log to the final invoice.
Defects observed during delivery, that is, the final handover will be immediately eliminated.
The Client will notify the Executor of the subsequently identified defects or if the goods have not been delivered according to the accepted offer and request re-delivery in the agreed quality within the time limit indicated in the written notification.
If the Client finds deficiencies in the originality, quality, or quantity of the goods when taking over the goods, it shall draw up a record and inform the Executor within eight (8) days to address the deficiencies identified. The Executor is obliged to eliminate the defect within eight (8) days of the notification received by the Client, i.e. to deliver new goods to the Client, all according to the offer.
According to the Law on Electronic Invoicing in Public Procurement (OG 94/18), the Client is obliged on 1 December 2018 to receive and process and make payments of electronic invoices and supporting documents issued in accordance with the European standard, and as of 1 July 2019, electronic account issuers are obliged to issue and send electronic invoices and supporting documents in accordance with the European standard. In the context of the Law on Electronic Invoicing in Public Procurement, as well as this procurement procedure, the Invoice Issuer is considered to be the Executor.
Article 4
The supply of the subject matter of the procurement is within 6
ugovora obiju ugovornih strana.
Uredna isporuka, odnosno izvršenje predmeta nabave se potvrđuje Zapisnikom o primopredaji ovjerenim od strane Naručitelja i odabranog gospodarskog subjekta (predstavnika obiju ugovornih strana), a kojim se potvrđuje uspješno izvršena isporuka opreme u ugovorenom roku te dostava jamstva za otklanjanje nedostataka u jamstvenom roku.
Isporuka i montaža robe izvršit će se na lokaciji: Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Xxxxx Xxxxxx 5, 10 000 Zagreb (sjeverna zgrada)
Članak 5.
Jamstvo za otklanjanje nedostataka u jamstvenom roku
Za isporučenu robu Ponuditelj je dužan uz dostavu robe, a najkasnije u roku od 10 dana od isporuke robe Naručitelju uručiti jamstvo za otklanjanje nedostataka u jamstvenom roku u obliku bankarske garancije ili bjanko zadužnice ili kao novčani polog. Trajanje jamstva mora biti:
- 61 mjesec.
Bankarska garancija mora biti „bezuvjetna“, „bez prigovora“,
„neopoziva“ i „naplativa na prvi poziv“ na iznos od 3% (tri posto) ugovorenog iznosa bez PDV-a. Valjanost bankarske garancije mora biti, s ovlaštenjem Naručitelja za honoriranje na prvi poziv, te s pokrićem svih aktivnosti za slučaj da Ponuditelj u jamstvenom roku ne ispuni obveze otklanjanja koje ima po osnovi jamstava ili s naslova naknade štete.
Bjanko zadužnica mora biti potvrđena kod javnog bilježnika i popunjena sukladno Pravilniku o obliku i sadržaju bjanko zadužnice (''NN'' broj 115/12 i 82/17) s naznakom najvišeg iznosa kojim će biti pokriveno 3% (tri posto) ugovorenog iznosa bez poreza na dodanu vrijednost.
Novčani polog mora biti u visini 3% (tri posto) ugovorenog iznosa bez PDV-a, uplaćuje se na račun Naručitelja XX0000000000000000000, MODEL HR00, poziv na broj: OIB
uplatitelja, uz naznaku da se radi o jamstvu za otklanjanje nedostataka u jamstvenom roku i evidencijski broj nabave.
Isporuka podrazumijeva dobavu robe na adresu Naručitelja, za što je mjerodavan datum potpisivanja Zapisnika o primopredaji.
Po isteku ponuđenog jamstvenog roka na isporučenu robu Naručitelj se obvezuje vratiti jamstvo odnosno novčani polog Izvršitelju, ukoliko ne nastupe okolnosti za aktiviranjem jamstva, u roku od 30 dana od isteka jamstvenog roka.
Članak 6.
Naručitelj i Izvršitelj određuju, kao osobe zadužene za
months of the signature of the contract of both contracting parties.
The orderly delivery or execution of the subject matter of the procurement is confirmed by the Handover log certified by the Client and the selected economic operator (representatives of both contracting parties), which confirms the successful delivery of the equipment within the agreed period and the delivery of a guarantee for the elimination of defects within the warranty period.
Delivery and installation of goods will be carried out at the location: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Xxxxx Xxxxxx 5, 10 000 Zagreb (northern building)
Article 5
Warranty for remedying deficiencies in the warranty period
For the goods delivered, the Executor is obliged to provide the Client with a guarantee for the elimination of defects within the warranty period in the form of a bank guarantee or blank promissory note or as a monetary deposit within 10 days of delivery of the goods. The duration of the warranty must be:
- 61 months.
The bank guarantee must be "unconditional", "without objection", "irrevocable" and "chargeable at first call" to the amount of 3% (three percent) of the agreed amount excluding VAT. The validity of the bank guarantee must be, with the authority of the Client for payment at the first call, and with the cover of all activities in case the Executor fails to comply with the remediation obligations it has within the warranty period on the basis of guarantees or from the title of compensation.
The blank promissory note must be confirmed by a notary public and filled in accordance with the Regulations on the Form and Contents of the Blank Promissory Note (“OG'' no. 115/12 and 82/17) with an indication of the maximum amount covering 3% (three percent) of the agreed amount excluding VAT.
The cash deposit must be in the amount of 3% (three percent) of the agreed amount excluding VAT, it is paid to the account of the Client XX0000000000000000000, MODEL HR00, call
to the number: OIB of the payer, indicating that it is a guarantee for the elimination of defects within the warranty period and a record number of purchases.
Delivery implies the supply of goods to the address of the Client, for which the date of signing the Handover log is authoritative.
Upon expiry of the offered warranty period on the delivered goods, the Client undertakes to return the guarantee or cash deposit to the Executor, if the circumstances for the activation of the warranty do not arise, within 30 days from the expiry of the warranty period.
Article 6
The Client and the Executor shall designate, as persons in
kontrolu i praćenje usklađenosti izvršenja Ugovora s uvjetima određenima u Dokumentaciji za nadmetanje u postupku javne nabave koji je prethodio sklapanju ovog Ugovora, odabranom ponudom te uvjetima Ugovora:
- xxx
- xxx
U slučaju promjene osoba zaduženih za kontrolu i praćenje usklađenosti izvršenja Ugovora, ugovorna će strana na kojoj strani je došlo do promjene, bez odgađanja imenovati drugu osobu i pisanim putem obavijestiti drugu stranu o promjeni.
Članak 7.
Izvršitelj je dužan izvršiti isporuku prema zahtjevima Naručitelja specificiranim ovim Ugovorom, pravilima struke, važećim standardima, normativima, tehničkim pravilima, te relevantnim propisima Republike Hrvatske i Europske unije. Pritom se obvezuje postupati s pažnjom dobrog stručnjaka i u skladu s preuzetim obvezama.
Izvršitelj se obvezuje da će prilikom provedbe Ugovora poduzeti sve mjere zaštite od štete koja bi mogle nastati uslijed nestručne isporuke roba.
Izvršitelj se obvezuje isporuku izvršiti u skladu s uputama Naručitelja koji u slučaju bilo kakvih nedoumica ili otvorenih pitanja donosi konačnu odluku o rješenju nastalog problema.
Izvršitelj jamči da će isporučena roba funkcionirati u skladu sa zahtjevima iz tehničkih specifikacija i tehničkim specifikacijama proizvođača predmetne opreme.
Članak 8.
Naručitelj je dužan sve predradnje o kojima ovisi uredno izvršenje Ugovora obaviti u toj mjeri da se Izvršitelju osigura rad na izvršenju Ugovora.
Naručitelj je dužan izvršiti plaćanje Izvršitelju na način i u skladu s uvjetima iz članka 3. ovog Ugovora.
Na prava Naručitelja zbog eventualnih materijalnih nedostataka, o kojima je Naručitelj dužan pravodobno i uredno obavijestiti Izvršitelja, stranke su suglasne da će se primijeniti odgovarajuće odredbe Zakona o obveznim odnosima.
Naručitelj je obvezan skrivene nedostatke predmeta nabave prijaviti odabranom ponuditelju sukladno stavkama navedenim u članku 12. Nedostatak predmeta nabave podrazumijeva i isporuku predmeta nabave (robe) koji po svojim ponuđenim karakteristikama ne odgovara ponudi Izvršitelja.
charge of controlling and monitoring the compliance of the performance of the Contract with the conditions set out in the Tender Documentation in the procurement procedure preceding the conclusion of this Contract, the selected tender and the terms of the Contract:
- xxx
- xxx
In the event of a change in the persons in charge of controlling and monitoring the compliance of the performance of the Contract, the contracting party on which party the change occurred will appoint another person without delay and inform the other party of the change in writing.
Article 7
The Executor is obliged to make the delivery according to the requirements of the Client specified by this Contract, the rules of the profession, applicable standards, norms, technical rules, and the relevant regulations of the Republic of Croatia and the European Union. In doing so, it undertakes to act with the care of a good professional and in accordance with the commitments made.
The Executor undertakes to take all measures to protect against damages that may arise as a result of improper delivery of goods when implementing the Contract.
The Executor undertakes to make the delivery in accordance with the instructions of the Client who, in case of any doubts or open questions, makes a final decision on the solution of the problem.
The Executor shall ensure that the goods supplied will function in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications and the technical specifications of the manufacturer of the equipment concerned.
Article 8
The Client is obliged to carry out all pre-treatment on which the orderly performance of the Contract depends to the extent that the Executor is provided with the work on the performance of the Contract.
The Client is obliged to make a payment to the Executor in the manner and in accordance with the conditions referred to in Article 3 of this Contract.
On the rights of the Client due to any material defects, about which the Client is obliged to inform the Executor in a timely and orderly manner, the parties agree that the corresponding provisions of the Law on Obligations will be applied.
The Client is obliged to report the hidden shortcomings of the procurement subject to the selected tenderer in accordance with the items referred to in Article 12. The lack of procurement goods also implies the delivery of items of purchase (goods) which, according to its characteristics, do not correspond to the offer of the Executor.
The Executor is obliged to carry out the replacement of such
Izvršitelj je obvezan izvršiti zamjenu takvog dijela predmeta nabave (robe) o svom trošku u najkraćem mogućem roku.
Naručitelj ima pravo na naknadu štete koju je pretrpio uslijed toga što je lišen upotrebe stvari (opreme) od trenutka traženja popravka ili zamjene do njihova konačnog izvršenja od strane Izvršitelja.
Članak 9.
Svaka ugovorna strana ima pravo raskinuti ugovorni odnos ukoliko druga ugovorna strana krši odredbe Xxxxxxx, odnosno ne izvršava preuzete ugovorne obveze na način koji je ugovoren i u utvrđenim rokovima, a navedene propuste ne otkloni niti u naknadnom roku koji joj za to ostavi druga ugovorna strana.
Obavijest o propustu ugovorna strana dostavlja prekršitelju pisanim putem, faksom, e-mailom, ili poštom preporučeno, primitkom koje naknadni rok počinje teći. Ukoliko u navedenom naknadnom roku prekršitelj ne uskladi svoje ponašanje sa svojim ugovornim obvezama, Xxxxxx se smatra raskinutim bez potrebe davanja ikakvih daljnjih obavijesti ili izjava. Ukoliko u naknadnom roku prekršitelj otkloni propust, raskid nema učinka.
U slučaju raskida Ugovora, ugovorna strana odgovorna za raskid drugoj će naknaditi time prouzročenu štetu.
Članak 10.
U slučaju događaja definiranih kao viša sila, Izvršitelj i Naručitelj imaju pravo na razuman period produženja za izvršenje obveza nastalih ovim predmetom nabave, sukladno Zakonu o obveznim odnosima (NN 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18).
Obavijest o slučaju više sile stranke su hitno dužne poslati pisanim putem dajući sve potrebne podatke, a izvršenje obaveza iz ugovora stranke će dogovoriti za razdoblje nakon što događaj definiran kao viša sila prestane ili će odlučiti da se zbog događaja više sile ugovor neće realizirati.
Članak 11.
Uredno isporučen predmet nabave potvrđuje se Zapisnikom o primopredaji, sastavljen od strane Naručitelja i ovjeren od strane svih sudionika primopredaje. Izvršenje Ugovora smatra se obavljeno na dan potpisivanja Zapisnika o primopredaji.
part of the subject matter of the procurement (goods) at his own expense as soon as possible.
The Client is entitled to compensation for the damage suffered as a result of being deprived of the use of things (equipment) from the moment of requesting repair or replacement until their final execution by the Executor.
Article 9
Each contracting party has the right to terminate the contractual relationship if the counterparty violates the provisions of the Contract, i.e. does not perform the contractual obligations undertaken in the manner contracted and within the specified deadlines, and does not remedy these omissions even within the subsequent period left by the counterparty.
The notice of omission shall be served by the contracting party to the infringer in writing, by fax, by e-mail, or by post registered, by receipt of which subsequent period begins to run. If, within the specified subsequent period, the infringer does not align his conduct with his contractual obligations, the Contract shall be deemed terminated without the need to give any further notice or statements. If the offender rectifies the omission within a subsequent period, the termination has no effect.
Exceptionally, as of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Contract may be terminated by written notice and without leaving a subsequent deadline for fulfilment, if it follows from the holding of the contracting parties that it will not fulfil its contractual obligation even within a subsequent period, or the contracting party declares that it will not fulfil its obligation at all.
In the event of termination of the Contract, the contracting party responsible for the termination will compensate the other for the damage caused.
Article 10
In the case of events defined as force majeure, the Executor and the Client are entitled to a reasonable extension period for the performance of the obligations arising from this subject matter of procurement, in accordance with the Law on Obligations (OG 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18).
The notice of force majeure is urgently obliged to send the parties in writing, providing all the necessary information, and the performance of the obligations under the contract will be agreed by the parties for the period after the event defined as force majeure ceases or will decide that due to the event of force majeure, the contract will not be realized.
Article 11
The duly delivered subject of the procurement shall be confirmed by the Handover Minutes, drawn up by the Client and certified by all participants in the handover. The performance of the Contract shall be deemed to have taken place on the date of signature of the Handover Minutes.
The executor is obliged to submit:
Izvršitelj je dužan prilikom primopredaje dostaviti:
• jamstvene listove,
• ateste i certifikate proizvođača opreme,
• komplet tehničke dokumentacije (upute za rukovanje, instaliranje i servisiranje).
Gore navedena dokumentacija čini sastavni dio Zapisnikom o primopredaji.
U jamstvenom roku prava iz jamstva moraju obuhvaćati minimalno slijedeće:
• usluge popravka i otklanjanja svih nedostataka i kvarova na isporučenoj opremi za vrijeme i pod uvjetima jamstvenog roka;
• ukoliko u roku za otklanjanje nedostataka i kvarova (rok popravka - zamjene počinje teći od dana prijave nedostatka ili kvara, te isti može iznositi najviše 45 dana), ne otkloni nastali kvar ili nedostatak, Izvršitelj je dužan zamijeniti robu kojoj nije otklonjen kvar ili nedostatak novom robom istih tehničkih specifikacija, o svom trošku. Naručitelj može umjesto zamjene robe novom robom istih tehničkih specifikacija, naplatiti jamstvo za otklanjanje nedostataka.
Izvršitelj odgovara za materijalne i pravne nedostatke koji bi nakon predaje ugovorene robe bili uočeni na robi.
Ukoliko Izvršitelj i nakon prigovora od strane Naručitelja ne otkloni nedostatke u odnosu na isporučenu robu, Naručitelj ima pravo raskinuti ugovor jednostranom izjavom, te pravo na naknadu štete.
Članak 12.
Naručitelj i Ugovaratelj smiju izmijeniti Ugovor tijekom njegova trajanja bez provođenja novog postupka javne nabave sukladno članku 316. i članku 317. ZJN 2016.
U slučajevima izmjena Xxxxxxx tijekom njegova trajanja, na strani Ugovaratelja, primjenjuju se odredbe članka 318. ZJN 2016.
U slučajevima izmjena Xxxxxxx tijekom njegova trajanja, koje nisu značajne primjenjuju se odredbe članka 319. i članku 320., a uzimajući u obzir nedopustivost izmjena prema članku
321. ZJN 2016.
Rok završetka ugovornih obveza iz članka 4. ovog Ugovora može se iznimno produljiti, i to ukoliko viša sila spriječi potpuno ili djelomično izvršenje ugovorne obveze:
• ugovorna strana na čijoj je strani nastala viša sila dužna je drugu ugovornu stranu obavijestiti o nastanku i prestanku više sile i to najkasnije u roku 5 dana po nastupu, odnosno prestanku više sile., osim toga mora drugoj ugovornoj strani priložiti vjerodostojne dokaze o postojanju i trajanju više sile;
• strana koja neće poštovati te uvjete obavezna je preuzeti trošak rizika i posljedica te više sile;
• warranty sheets,
• certificates and certificates of equipment manufacturers,
• a set of technical documentation (instructions for handling, installing and servicing).
The above documentation forms an integral part of the Handover Log.
Within the warranty period, guarantee entitlements must include at least the following:
• repair and elimination services for any defects and failures in the supplied equipment during and under the terms of the warranty period;
• if within the time limit for the elimination of defects and malfunctions (the repair period - replacements begin to run from the day of the reporting of defects or malfunctions, and it may be a maximum of 45 days), does not eliminate the resulting defect or defect, the Executor is obliged to replace the goods that have not been eliminated by the defect or the lack of new goods of the same technical specifications, at his own expense. Instead of replacing the goods with new goods of the same technical specifications, the contracting entity may charge a guarantee for the elimination of defects.
The executor is liable for material and legal defects that would be observed on the goods after the surrender of the contracted goods.
If the Executor does not remedy the defects in relation to the goods delivered after the complaint by the Client, the Client has the right to terminate the contract with a unilateral statement and the right to compensation.
Article 12
The contracting entity and the Contractor may amend the Contract for its duration without carrying out a new procurement procedure in accordance with Article 316 and Article 317 ZJN 2016.
In cases of amendments to the Treaty during its lifetime, on the contractor's side, the provisions of Article 318 ZJN 2016 apply.
In cases of amendments to the Treaty over its lifetime, which are not significant, the provisions of Article 319 and Article 320 apply, taking into account the inadmissibility of the amendments under Article 321 of the ZJN 2016.
The term of completion of the contractual obligations referred to in Article 4 of this Contract may be exceptionally extended, and how much force majeure prevents the full or partial performance of the contractual obligation:
• the contracting party on whose side the force majeure has arisen shall inform the counterparty of the occurrence and termination of force majeure, no later than 5 days after the performance or termination of force majeure., in addition, it shall provide the other contracting party with credible evidence of the existence and duration of force majeure;
• the party that will not comply with these conditions is obliged to assume the cost of the risks and consequences of that force majeure;
• under force majeure, all unforeseen and unavoidable
• pod višom silom se smatraju svi nepredviđeni i neizbježni događaji nastali izvan kontrole ugovornih strana, a pojavili su se nakon što je ugovor stupio na snagu, te sprečavaju potpuno ili djelomično izvršavanje ugovorne obveze;
• viša sila će produžiti rok ispunjenja ugovornih obveza obiju strana za period trajanja više sile.
Zahtjev za produljenje roka za izvršenje obveza podnosi se odmah po nastanku okolnosti na kojima se temelji zahtjev u pisanom obliku. U zahtjevu je potrebno opisati okolnosti na kojima se on temelji te dostaviti dokaze takvih navoda. U slučaju osnovanosti zahtjeva pristupa se izmjeni Ugovora.
Cijena ponude, odnosno jedinične cijene navedene u ponudbenom troškovniku temeljem kojih je određena ukupna cijena ponude, nepromjenjivi su za vrijeme trajanja ugovora.
Sve izmjene i dopune ugovora, biti će uređene dodatkom osnovnog ugovora, potpisane i ovjerene na isti način kao i osnovni Ugovor.
U slučaju da tijekom provođenja ugovora dođe do potrebe za izmjenama ugovora, Naručitelj će primijeniti odgovarajuće odredbe članaka iz Odjeljka B, Poglavlja 7. Zakona o javnoj nabavi (NN 120/16).
Javni naručitelj smije izmijeniti ugovor o javnoj nabavi tijekom njegova trajanja bez provođenja novog postupka javne nabave ako su izmjene, neovisno o njihovoj novčanoj vrijednosti, bile na jasan, precizan i nedvosmislen način predviđene u dokumentaciji o nabavi u obliku odredaba o izmjenama ugovora, a koje mogu uključivati odredbe o promjeni cijene ili opcija, sukladno članku 315. stavak 1.
Zakona o javnoj nabavi (NN 120/16).
Javni naručitelj smije izmijeniti ugovor o javnoj nabavi tijekom njegova trajanja bez provođenja novog postupka javne nabave u slučajevima predviđenim člancima 316., 317. i 318. Zakona o javnoj nabavi (NN 120/16).
Javni naručitelj smije izmijeniti ugovor o javnoj nabavi tijekom njegova trajanja bez provođenja novog postupka javne nabave ako izmjene, neovisno o njihovoj vrijednosti, nisu značajne u smislu članka 321. Zakona o javnoj nabavi (NN 120/16).
U slučajevima izmjena ugovora o javnoj nabavi tijekom njegova trajanja, a koje nisu značajne, primjenjuju se odredbe članka 320. Zakona o javnoj nabavi (NN 120/16).
Sukladno članku 321. Zakona o javnoj nabavi (NN 120/16), značajne izmjene ugovora o javnoj nabavi neće biti dopustive.
Članak 13.
Na odgovornost ugovornih strana za ispunjenje obveza iz ovog Ugovora se uz odredbe važećeg Zakona o javnoj nabavi na odgovarajući način primjenjuju odredbe važećeg Zakona o
events arising outside the control of the contracting parties are considered to have occurred after the contract entered into force, preventing the full or partial performance of the contractual obligation;
• force majeure will extend the fulfilment period of contractual obligations of both parties for the period of force majeure.
An application for an extension of the deadline for enforcement of obligations shall be submitted immediately after the occurrence of the circumstances on which the application is based in writing. The application should describe the circumstances on which it is based and provide evidence of such allegations. In the event of the merits of the application, the amendment to the Treaty shall be approached.
The offer price, i.e. the unit prices specified in the quote bill of quantities on the basis of which the total offer price is determined, are unchangeable for the duration of the contract.
All amendments to the contract will be governed by the addition of the basic contract, signed and certified in the same way as the basic Contract.
In the event that during the implementation of the contract there is a need for changes to the contract, the Client will apply the relevant provisions of the Articles referred to in Section B, Chapter 7. Public Procurement Act (OG 120/16).
The contracting authority may amend the public procurement contract for its duration without carrying out a new procurement procedure if the amendments, irrespective of their monetary value, were provided for in a clear, precise and unambiguous manner in the procurement documents in the form of provisions on changes to the contract, which may include provisions on price or option changes, in accordance with Article 315(1). Public Procurement Act (OG 120/16).
The contracting authority may amend the public procurement contract for its duration without carrying out a new procurement procedure in the cases provided for in Articles 316, 317 and 318. Public Procurement Act (OG 120/16).
The contracting authority may amend the public procurement contract for its duration without carrying out a new procurement procedure if the amendments, irrespective of their value, are not relevant within the meaning of Article 321 of the Code of Procedure. Public Procurement Act (OG 120/16).
In cases of modifications to public contracts over its lifetime, which are not significant, the provisions of Article 320 apply. Public Procurement Act (OG 120/16).
Pursuant to Article 321. Public Procurement Act (OG 120/16), significant changes to public contracts will not be permissible.
Article 13
The provisions of the current Law on Obligations (OG 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18) are appropriately applied to the responsibility of the contract parties for the fulfilment of the obligations under this Contract. Trading customs (uzance) will not apply.
obveznim odnosima (NN 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18). Trgovački običaji (uzance) neće se primjenjivati.
Eventualna sporna pitanja glede tumačenja i provedbe ovog Ugovora, ugovorne strane će nastojati riješiti u duhu dobrih poslovnih običaja, izvansudski odnosno sporazumno, u pismenom obliku, a ako na taj način ne budu riješena, u slučaju sudskog spora, ugovorne strane ugovaraju nadležnost stvarno nadležnog suda prema mjestu sjedišta Naručitelja.
Članak 14.
Ovaj Ugovor je sačinjen u 4 (četiri) istovjetna primjerka od kojih svaka ugovorna strana zadržava po 2 (dva) primjerka.
Članak 15.
U znak prihvaćanja prava i obveza iz ovog Ugovora osobe ovlaštene za zastupanje ugovornih strana osobno potpisuju Ugovor.
Ovaj Ugovor stupa na snagu i proizvodi pravne učinke danom potpisa zadnjeg potpisnika.
Any dispute regarding the interpretation and implementation of this Contract, the Contracting Parties shall endeavour to resolve in the spirit of good business practices, out-of-court or by mutual agreement, in writing, and if they are not resolved in this way, in the event of a court case, the contracting parties agree on the jurisdiction of the actual competent court according to the place of the Office of the Client.
This Contract is made up of 4 (four) identical copies, each of which the contracting party retains 2 (two) copies.
In recognition of the acceptance of the rights and obligations under this Contract, persons authorised to represent the contracting parties personally sign the Contract.
This Contract enters into force and produces legal effects on the date of signature of the last signatory.