Warranty Primjeri odredbi

Warranty. 11.1. Warranty for the proper functioning and relia- bility of the delivered goods or goods installed on site is 36 months from the date of delivery or 24 months from the date of commissioning of the goods, whichever is earlier. 11.2. The Supplier will warrant the workmanship of any Services provided to the Purchaser for 12 months from the date of such work being complet- završetka tog posla.
Warranty. Article 12 In the event that the Subscriber purchases the Equipment, the Provider shall provide a two-year warranty for the Equipment. The warranty period for the supplied units shall be two years from the date when the individual unit was installed into the Subscriber’s vehicles. The warranty will not apply in cases of overvoltage (lightning, induction, etc.) and other weather-atmospheric disturbances or in case of force majeure. Force majeure is understood as the occurrence of circumstances which make it difficult or impossible for any one of the Contracting Parties to fulfil their contractual obligations which have arisen after the start of subscription period and which could not have been foreseen, prevented or avoided by any of the Contracting Parties at the time when the subscription period was started. In the event of force majeure, the Contracting Party at which the force majeure has occurred shall notify the other Contracting Party in writing about the occurrence or cessation of force majeure. In the event of damage caused by force majeure, each Contracting Party shall be liable for the costs incurred on their own side as a result of force majeure. Furthermore, the warranty will not apply if the damage to a device is caused by mechanical damage or by handling the devices in a way that is not in accordance with the instructions. The warranty will not cover the normal use of consumables (batteries, external antennas, 12V car plugs, fuses, etc.). Odredbe stavka 2. članka 11. ovih općih uvjeta na odgovarajući xx xxxxx primjenjuju i na garancijske popravke kupljene opreme. Popravke opreme izvan garancijskog roka vrši i naplaćuje ponuđač prema sljedećoj formuli: troškovi rada (satnica usluge prema cjeniku) + materijalni troškovi + troškovi prijevoza (u oba smjera, ovisno o lokaciji vozila) odnosno opreme, a sukladno pretplatničkom ugovoru).
Warranty. Article 5 Warranty for remedying deficiencies in the warranty period For the goods delivered, the Executor is obliged to provide the Client with a guarantee for the elimination of defects within the warranty period in the form of a bank guarantee or blank promissory note or as a monetary deposit within 10 days of delivery of the goods. The duration of the warranty must be: - 61 months. The bank guarantee must be "unconditional", "without objection", "irrevocable" and "chargeable at first call" to the amount of 3% (three percent) of the agreed amount excluding VAT. The validity of the bank guarantee must be, with the authority of the Client for payment at the first call, and with the cover of all activities in case the Executor fails to comply with the remediation obligations it has within the warranty period on the basis of guarantees or from the title of compensation. The blank promissory note must be confirmed by a notary public and filled in accordance with the Regulations on the Form and Contents of the Blank Promissory Note (“OG'' no. 115/12 and 82/17) with an indication of the maximum amount covering 3% (three percent) of the agreed amount excluding VAT. The cash deposit must be in the amount of 3% (three percent) of the agreed amount excluding VAT, it is paid to the account of the Client XX0000000000000000000, MODEL HR00, call to the number: OIB of the payer, indicating that it is a guarantee for the elimination of defects within the warranty period and a record number of purchases. Delivery implies the supply of goods to the address of the Client, for which the date of signing the Handover log is authoritative. Upon expiry of the offered warranty period on the delivered goods, the Client undertakes to return the guarantee or cash deposit to the Executor, if the circumstances for the activation of the warranty do not arise, within 30 days from the expiry of the warranty period. COMMUNICATION, CONTROL AND MONITORING OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT Article 6 The Client and the Executor shall designate, as persons in kontrolu i praćenje usklađenosti izvršenja Ugovora s uvjetima određenima u Dokumentaciji za nadmetanje u postupku javne nabave koji je prethodio sklapanju ovog Ugovora, odabranom ponudom te uvjetima Ugovora: - xxx - xxx U slučaju promjene osoba zaduženih za kontrolu i praćenje usklađenosti izvršenja Ugovora, ugovorna će strana na kojoj strani je došlo do promjene, bez odgađanja imenovati drugu osobu i pisanim putem obavijestiti drugu st...
Warranty. Obvious defects in the services provided must be reported immediately on-site. In the event that such defects are not rectified, the Client undertakes to submit a written complaint no later than 24 hours after the provision of the respective service. SPOTLESS undertakes to rectify valid and well-founded complaints from the Client within 48 hours of receiving the complaint.
Warranty. THE WARRANTY 10.1 Grundfos warrants to deliver the products and services in accordance with the Agreement. A product is defective only if it is not delivered in accordance with the Agreement due to faulty material, design or manufacturing on the part of Grundfos or a third party acting on Grundfos’ behalf. 10.2 Without altering the general nature of Clause 10.1, damage is not covered by the warranty if due to (including); ordinary wear and tear; use of the products for applications for which they are not intended; installation of the products in an environment not suitable for the products in question; modifications, alterations or repair of the products or services undertaken by customer or a third party (not acting on Grundfos’ behalf); failure to follow Grundfos’ instructions, e.g. in its installation-, operation-, maintenance- or service manual; installation, commissioning, operation (e.g. use of any Grundfos product outside its specifications) or maintenance not in accordance with Grundfos installation-, operation-, maintenance- or service manual or with good industry practice; use of faulty or inadequate ancillary equipment in combination with the products or services; the application of spare parts of poor quality (excluding the application of any Grundfos original spare parts); accidental or intentional damage or misuse of the products or services by customer or third party (not acting on Grundfos’ behalf); and customer’s or its own product’s non-compliance with applicable law and regulation. In addition, the warranty does not cover that a product is fit for a particular purpose or will be able to meet its specifications in the actual application. 10.2a For firefighting products and dosing and disinfection products, the warranty is only valid if the products are commissioned by Grundfos’ authorised personnel. Commissioning fees apply.

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  • PREAMBULA S OBZIROM NA TO DA, xx Xxxxxx i Akcionarsko društvo „Železnice Srbije” zatražili pomoć xx Xxxxx za finansiranje ovog Projekta; S OBZIROM NA TO DA, u skladu sa Ugovorom o zajmu koji nosi datum ovog ugovora, a koji je potpisan između Akcionarskog društva „Železnice Srbije” u svojstvu Zajmoprimca i Banke („Ugovor o zajmu” onako xxxx xx definisan u Standardnim odredbama i uslovima), Banka se saglasila da odobri zajam Zajmoprimcu u iznosu od 95.000.000 EUR, za rehabilitaciju i modernizaciju mreže pruga na Koridoru H fokusirajući se na obnovu deonice Beograd-Rakovica-Xxxxxx i rehabilitaciju deonica duž Koridora H, saglasno uslovima koje Ugovor o zajmu utvrđuje ili na koje se poziva, ali samo pod uslovom xx Xxxxxx garantuje za obaveze Zajmoprimca po Ugovoru o zajmu, xxxx xx predviđeno ovim ugovorom; i S OBZIROM NA TO DA, xx Xxxxxx u odnosu na Banku stupio u Ugovor o zajmu sa Zajmoprimcem i preuzeo na sebe da garantuje za napred pomenute obaveze Zajmoprimca. NA OSNOVU TOGA, ugovorne strane se ovim usaglašavaju na sledeći način: Član 1.01. Primenjivanje Standardnih odredbi i uslova