DISCLAIMER mintaszakaszok

DISCLAIMER. This Confirmation of the Specific Capacity Booking Transaction is deemed to be an eletronically generated contract between FGSZ and XX. The Confirmation of the Specific Capacity Booking Transaction is effective and valid without any further measures according to the General Terms and Conditions related to the Network Usage Contract between FGSZ and XX. FGSZ confirms by its digital signature that all data of the Confirmation of the Specific Capacity Booking Transaction is true and authentic. This Confirmation of the Specific Capacity Booking Transaction shall form inseparable part of the Network Usage Framework Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx. In matters not covered by this Confirmation of the Specific Capacity Booking Transaction the provisions of the referred Network Usage Framework Contract and the provisions of GTC 4.d, which are an inseparable part thereof, shall apply to the contractual terms and conditions not included in this Confirmation of the Specific Capacity Booking Transaction due to changes occuring during the performance of the contract (in particular, suspension, termination of the contract). According to the provisions of 4.d GTC - especially regarding invoicing and settlement - the data contained in this Confirmation of the Specific Capacity Transactions are used as the basis for invoices and contractual penalty. Amely létrejött egyrészről az / Concluded between Székhely/Seat: Adószám/Tax No.: Cégjegyzékszám/Registration No: másrészről a(z) / and Székhely/Seat: Adószám/Tax No.: Cégjegyzékszám/Registration No.: között a év.hó.nap-án megkötött FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx számú Rendszerhasználati Keretszerződés alapján. / on the basis of the Network Usage Framwork Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx signed on dd.mm.yyyy Hálózati pont neve / Network point name Hálózati pont kódja / Network point code Kapacitás típusa /Capacity type Kapcsolódó szerződés azonosító / Concerning Contract ID Ügylet azonosító / Transaction ID Ügylet típusa / Type of transaction Érvényesség kezdete / Valid from Érvényesség vége / Valid to CMP miatt elvont kapacitás mértéke Visszafizetendő díj / Refundable fe (év/hó/nap) (dd,mm,yyyy) (év/hó/nap) (dd,mm,yyyy) kWh/óra kWh/h Ft/ HUF FDA UIOLI N.A. LTUIOLI SURRENDER BUYBACK
DISCLAIMER. This Confirmation of Specific congestion management transaction(s) is deemed to be an elektronically generated contract between FGSZ and XX. The Confirmation of Specific congestion management transation(s) is effective and valid without any further measures according to the General Terms and Conditions for Network Usage Contracts. FGSZ confirms by its signature that all data of the Confirmation of Specific congestion management transaction(s) is true and authentic. This Confirmation of Specific congestion management transaction(s) shall form inseparable part of the Network Usage Framework Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx. In matters not covered by this Confirmation of Specific congestion management transaction(s) the provisions of the referred Network Usage Framework Contract shall apply. The invoice to be issued is based on the data recorded in this Confirmation of Specific congestion management transaction(s). Amely létrejött egyrészről az / Concluded between Székhely/Seat: Adószám/Tax No.: Cégjegyzékszám/Registration No: másrészről a(z) / and Székhely/Seat: Adószám/Tax No.: Cégjegyzékszám/Registration No.: között a év.hó.nap-án megkötött FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx számú Rendszerhasználati Keretszerződés alapján. / on the basis of the Network Usage Framwork Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx signed on dd.mm.yyyy
DISCLAIMER. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) is deemed to be a contract between FGSZ and XX. The Confirmation of Specific Transation(s) is effective and valid without any further measures according to the General Terms and Conditions for Network Usage Contracts. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) shall be issued based on the data provided by the transmission system operator in accordance with the methodology stated in Annex No. 4 of MEKH Decree 11/2016. (XI.14) of the President of the Authority on the rules of applying network usage fees, additional charges and connection fees. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) shall form inseparable part of the Network Usage Framework Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx. In matters not covered by this Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) the provisions of the referred Network Usage Framework Contract shall apply. The invoice to be issued is based on the data recorded in this Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s).
DISCLAIMER. This Contract Amendment Form is deemed to be an eletronically generated contract amendment between FGSZ and XX. FGSZ confirms by its digital signature that all data of the Contract Amendment Form is true and authentic. The Contract Amendment Form is effective and valid without any further measures according to the General Terms and Conditions for Network Usage Contracts. This Contract Amendment Form shall form inseparable part of the Network Usage Framework Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx. In matters not covered by this Contract Amendment Form the provisions of the referred Network Usage Framework Contract shall apply. The invoice to be issued is based on the data recorded in this Contract Amendment Form. The payable fee recorded in this Contract Amendment Form shall be modified automatically by the tariff applicable at all times in the capacity use period. Amely létrejött egyrészről az / Concluded between Székhely/Seat: Adószám/Tax No.: Cégjegyzékszám/Registration No: másrészről a(z) / and Székhely/Seat: Adószám/Tax No.: Cégjegyzékszám/Registration No.: között a év.hó.nap-án megkötött FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx számú Rendszerhasználati Keretszerződés alapján. / on the basis of the Network Usage Framwork Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx signed on dd.mm.yyyy Hálózati pont neve / Network point name Hálózati pont kódja / Network point code Kapacitás típusa /Capacity type Kapcsolódó szerződés azonosító / Concerning Contract ID Ügylet azonosító / Transaction ID Ügylet típusa / Type of transaction Érvényesség kezdete / Valid from Érvényesség vége / Valid to CMP miatt elvont kapacitás mértéke Visszafizetendő díj / Refundable fe (év/hó/nap) (dd,mm,yyyy) (év/hó/nap) (dd,mm,yyyy) kWh/óra kWh/h Ft/ HUF FDA UIOLI N.A. LTUIOLI SURRENDER BUYBACK
DISCLAIMER. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) is deemed to be a contract between FGSZ and XX. The Confirmation of Specific Transation(s) is effective and valid without any further measures according to the General Terms and Conditions for Network Usage Contracts. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) shall be issued based on the data provided by the transmission system operator in accordance with the methodology stated in Annex No. 4 of MEKH Decree 11/2016. (XI.14) of the President of the Authority on the rules of applying network usage fees, additional charges and connection fees. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) shall form inseparable part of the Network Usage Framework Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx. In matters not covered by this Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) the provisions of the referred Network Usage Framework Contract shall apply. The invoice to be issued is based on the data recorded in this Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s). Kelt: Siófok, 20…....... …..............................................Rendszerhasználó részéről / On behalf ofNetwork User ….............................................. Rendszerhasználó részéről / On behalf of Network User …..............................................FGSZ Zrt. Részéről / on behalf of FGSZ ….............................................. FGSZ Zrt. Részéről / on behalf of FGSZ
DISCLAIMER. This Confirmation of Specific Capacity Booking Transactions between FGSZ Ltd. and XX has been effected electronically, in electronic form. As per the General Conditions of Contract pertaining to the network usage contract between FGSZ Ltd. and XX, the Confirmation of Specific Capacity Booking Transactions issued is effective and valid with no further action taken. By its digital signature FGSZ hereby confirms that all data of the Confirmation of Specific Capacity Booking Transaction(s) are true and authentic. This Confirmation of Specific Capacity Booking Transaction(s) constitutes an integral part of the above Network Usage Framework Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxxx. In respect of the conditions of contract not contained in this Confirmation of Specific Capacity Booking Transaction(s), the provisions of the referenced Network Usage Framework Contract shall apply. The invoice is issued based on the data contained in this Confirmation of Specific Capacity Booking Transactions.
DISCLAIMER. Seller excludes all other warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and/ or warranty of non-infringement. Seller will not be liable to any party in strict liability, tort, contract, or any other manner for damages caused or claimed to be caused as a result of any design or defect in Seller's Products. Repair, replacement, partial or whole refund is the sole and exclusive form of remedy available to Customer in case of defective Products and the consequences that may arise from it.
DISCLAIMER. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) is deemed to be a contract between FGSZ and XX. The Confirmation of Specific Transation(s) is effective and valid without any further measures according to the General Terms and Conditions for Network Usage Contracts. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) shall be issued based on the data provided by the transmission system operator in accordance with the methodology stated in Annex No. 4 of MEKH Decree 11/2016. (XI.14) of the President of the Authority on the rules of applying network usage fees, additional charges and connection fees. This Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) shall form inseparable part of the Network Usage Framework Contract No. FGSZ_RHSZ-xxxxx. In matters not covered by this Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s) the provisions of the referred Network Usage Framework Contract shall apply. The invoice to be issued is based on the data recorded in this Confirmation of Specific Transaction(s). Kelt: Siófok, 20…....... …..............................................Rendszerhasználó részéről / On behalf ofNetwork User ….............................................. Rendszerhasználó részéről / On behalf of Network User …..............................................FGSZ Zrt. Részéről / on behalf of FGSZ ….............................................. FGSZ Zrt. Részéről / on behalf of FGSZ Cégnév: Székhely: Képviselő(k): Az FGSZ Zrt. által előírt tőkekövetelménynek való megfelelés ellenőrzése érdekében akként nyilatkozom/nyilatkozunk, hogy a ………………………………………………………………………… (Xxxxxx) saját tőkéjének a fordulónapot követő 6. hónap utolsó napján nyilvántartott összege*, pénzneme: (*Amennyiben az összeget ezresekben kifejezve adja meg, kérjük annak egyértelmű feltüntetését!) ……………………………………….. Kifejezetten tudomásul veszem/vesszük, hogy amennyiben jelen összeg magasabb az FGSZ Zrt. részére legutóbb benyújtott auditált beszámoló szerinti saját tőkénél, úgy az auditált beszámoló eredményei az irányadók az FGSZ Zrt. Üzletszabályzata szerinti kiegészítő biztosíték meghatározásánál. Büntetőjogi felelősségem/felelősségünk tudatában kijelentem/kijelentjük, hogy a fenti adatok a valóságnak mindenben megfelelnek. Kelt:………… ………………………………………………………………….. Cégszerű aláírás Nyilatkozatát az alábbi elérhetőségeinkre szíveskedjenek küldeni:
DISCLAIMER. The following is added to the end of Section 15:
DISCLAIMER. Except for the express warranties and in­ demnities stated herein and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the sub­ scribed products are provided „as is" and Elsevier and its suppliers expressly dis­ claim all warranties and represantations of any kind with regard to the subscribed products and any other data, docum en­ tation or materials provided in connec­ tion with this agreem ent including but not limited to any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or defects contained therein, and any implied or express warranty as to m erchant ability or fitness for a partic­ ular purpose.