Scope mintaszakaszok

Scope. 2.1. In exchange for the Purchaser paying the Price, the Supplier shall provide the Products and/or the Services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Scope. 3.2.1 To meet these objectives, the Participants establish the SAC Program, as follows:
Scope. 1.1. These General terms and Conditions shall apply to all transactions, including future transactions, between us, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Hungary Llc. (“TSS”), and the customer, unless the customer is a consumer within the meaning of the Act V of 2013 on the Hungarian Civil Code. The deliveries, services and quotations by our enterprise shall be made exclusively on the basis of the most recent version of the General terms and Conditions set out below. These General terms and Conditions can be viewed online at any time at in a reproducible form that can be saved and printed out by the Purchaser. Customer's conflicting conditions or conditions departing from these General terms and Conditions shall not be recognised unless we have expressly consented to their application. Acts in performance of the contract on our part shall to this extent not be deemed to be consent to contractual conditions departing from our conditions.
Scope. These Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase (“Terms”) shall govern, and are automatically incorporated by reference into, every PO (as defined herein) submitted by NORSK HYDRO ASA or any of its Affiliates (NORSK HYDRO ASA or its respective Affiliate shall be referred to herein as “HYDRO”) to any supplier or any of its Affiliates (“Supplier”) for Supplier’s Deliverables, and any variation to these Terms shall have no effect whatsoever unless expressly agreed to by HYDRO in writing executed by one of its authorized signatories. Acceptance of any PO is expressly limited to these Terms and HYDRO objects to and rejects any different or additional terms provided in response. No other terms or conditions endorsed upon, delivered with or contained in Supplier’s quotation, acknowledgement or acceptance of a PO or similar document shall form part of the parties’ contract and are automatically voided, superseded and of no legal force or effect. Supplier waives any right which it might otherwise have to rely on any such other terms and conditions. No prior course of dealings between the parties or usage of trade shall be relevant to supplement or amend these Terms. The Contract between HYDRO and Supplier shall consist of: (a) HYDRO's PO; (b) these Terms; (c) Supplier's quote (to the extent not in conflict with the PO or these Terms); and (d) any other specifications expressly accepted by HYDRO in writing, as specified above.
Scope. 1.1. A jelen általános szerződési feltételek (a továbbiakban: ÁSZF) a Magyar Állami Operaház (székhely: 1061 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx xx 00; a továbbiakban: MÁO) nem lakás céljára szolgáló helyiségeinek bérbeadása tárgyában, valamint a használathoz kapcsolódóan a MÁO által nyújtott kiegészítő szolgáltatásokra kötött bérleti szerződések (a továbbiakban: egyedi szerződés) általános szerződési feltételeit tartalmazza. Az egyedi szerződés tárgya a MÁO vagyonkezelésében álló épületek vagy helyiségek (a továbbiakban: bérlemény) ideiglenes használatba adása. A bérlet időbeli hatálya 90 napnál hosszabb nem lehet. 1.1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “GTC”) set forth the general terms and conditions applicable to the various Lease Agreements to be signed by the Hungarian State Opera (legal seat: H-0000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx xx 00., hereinafter referred to as the “HSO”), for its various non- residential premises, and to the related auxiliary services to be rendered by the HSO, in relation to the use of such Premises (hereinafter referred to as the “Individual Agreements”). The subject matter of the various Individual Agreements shall be the provision of the various buildings or facilities (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Leased Premises”) managed by the HSO for temporary use to the Lessees. The term of the lease shall be no longer than 90 days.
Scope. 3.1. The scope of these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: “Terms” or “GTC”) covers any individual Visitor using the Parking Garage for a fee, any lessee who uses the Parking Garage based on a Declaration of Intent or a Lease Agreement (hereinafter: “Lessee”), and any person who enters the Parking Garage. The GTC applies to the legal relationship established between the Lessee/Visitor and the Company (hereinafter jointly: “Parties”). 3.2. The following fall under the territorial scope of the GTC (as private areas open to public traffic): Castle Garage 1, including: the driving ramp, the high-ceiling parking areas in the lowest level (parking level 7), the driving and loading areas in the same airspace as these, and the parking spaces of the multi-level indoor garage from levels +2 to -4 (parking levels 1 to 7). Castle Garage 2, including: parking levels 1–4, the stairwells belonging to the Parking Garage, and the elevators connected to them. 3.3. These Terms and Conditions are effective as of 01.07.2024, with the exception that the Parking Rates (Annex 1) are effective as of 1 January 2024, as previously notified by the Lessor. The Company shall be entitled to amend the Terms at any time and unilaterally. Any amendment to the Terms shall take effect from the calendar day following their publication and shall also apply to the legal relationships established subject to the GTC prior to the amendment’s entry into force. If these Terms are amended, the Company will publish the effective text of the Terms on its website. 3.4. A hard copy of the effective version of the Terms is available for inspection at the Parking Garage service. IV.