Registration Process Klausul Contoh

Registration Process. Shareholders or proxies may register attendance of AGMS and EGMS in the eASY.KSEI application on the date of the Meeting starting at 09.00 WIB until the electronic meeting registration period is closed by the Company, with the following conditions: (1) Shareholders who have provided a declaration of attendance and vote in the eASY.KSEI application according to point 3 letter b (4) above, are considered valid to attend the Meeting without the need to register attendance electronically. (2) Shareholders who wish to attend electronically but have not provided a declaration of attendance or power of attorney and vote in the eASY.KSEI application according to point 3 letter b (4) and (5) above, must register their presence in the eASY.KSEI application on the date implementation of the Meeting until the electronic meeting registration period is closed by the Company. (3) Shareholders who have given power of attorney to participating proxy (Custodian Banks or Securities Companies) and have or have not cast a vote in the eASY.KSEI application by the time limit at point 3 letter b (5), then the registered proxy in the eASY.KSEI application is mandatory to register attendance in the eASY.KSEI application on the date of the Meeting until the electronic registration period for the Meeting is closed by the Company. (4) Shareholders who have given power of attorney to PT Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx who have been appointed by the Company or the proxy appointed by the Shareholders but have not given a vote in the eASY.KSEI application according to point 3 letter b (5) above, the proxy must register attendance in the eASY.KSEI application on the date of the Meeting until the electronic registration period for the Meeting is closed by the Company. (5) Shareholders who have given power of attorney to PT Xxxx Xxxxx Registra who have been appointed by the Company or the proxy appointed by the Shareholders and have given voting choices in the eASY.KSEI application no later than the deadline in point 3 letter b (5) then the proxy does not need to register attendance electronically in the eASY.KSEI application on the date of the Meeting. Share ownership will automatically be calculated as a quorum of attendance and the votes that have been cast will be automatically counted in the voting for the meeting. (6) Any delay or failure in the electronic registration process as referred to in numbers (1) to (5) above for any reason will result in the shareholders or their proxies not being able ...
Registration Process. Electronic Submission of Questions and/or Opinions
Registration Process i. Local individual Shareholders who have not provided their attendance declaration before the deadline mentioned on item 4 above and wish to attend the Meeting electronically, then the Shareholders must register their attendance through the eASY.KSEI application during the date of the Meeting until the Meetings’ electronic registration closed by the Company .ii. Local individual Shareholders who have provided their attendance declaration but have not submitted their vote on a minimum of 1 (one) of the Meetings’ agendas through the eASY.KSEI application before the deadline mentioned on item 4 above and wish to attend the Meeting electronically, then the Shareholders must register their attendance through the eASY.KSEI application during the date of the Meeting until the Meetings’ electronic registration closed by the Company.

Related to Registration Process

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  • PENDAPAT DARI SEGI HUKUM Lihat halaman selanjutnya

  • MANFAAT INVESTASI DAN FAKTOR RISIKO UTAMA Pemegang Unit Penyertaan TRIMEGAH KAS SYARIAH dapat memperoleh manfaat investasi sebagai berikut:

  • MANFAAT INVESTASI DAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR RISIKO YANG UTAMA Pemegang Unit Penyertaan MANDIRI INVESTA ATRAKTIF dapat memperoleh manfaat investasi sebagai berikut:

  • Ganti Rugi Sanksi ganti rugi bagi Penyedia apabila terbukti jaminan tidak bisa dicairkan, terjadi kesalahan dalam perhitungan volume pekerjaan berdasarkan hasil audit, menyerahkan barang/jasa yang kualitasnya tidak sesuai dengan Kontrak berdasarkan hasil audit. Besarnya sanksi ganti rugi adalah sebesar nilai kerugian yang ditimbulkan sebagaimana ditentukan dalam SSKK.

  • Pelunasan Lebih Awal Manajer Investasi untuk kepentingan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan, dengan memperhatikan ketentuan dalam Bab XV, akan melakukan Pelunasan Lebih Awal atas sebagian Unit Penyertaan secara proporsional berdasarkan kepemilikan Unit Penyertaan dari setiap Pemegang atau seluruh Unit Penyertaan yang telah diterbitkan dalam waktu yang bersamaan (serentak) dan dengan harga per Unit Penyertaan yang sama besarnya bagi semua Pemegang Unit Penyertaan berdasarkan Nilai Aktiva Bersih BATAVIA PROTEKSI CEMERLANG PLUS pada tanggal dilakukannya Pelunasan Lebih Awal, hal mana harga Pelunasan Lebih Awal tersebut mungkin lebih rendah dari tingkat proteksi Pokok Investasi untuk setiap Unit Penyertaan.


  • Manfaat Investasi BATAVIA PROTEKSI MAXIMA 21 memberikan manfaat dan kemudahan bagi Pemegang Unit Penyertaan antara lain:

  • Risiko Pelunasan Lebih Awal Dalam hal terjadinya perubahan yang material dalam peraturan di bidang perpajakan dan/atau perubahan yang material dalam interpretasi peraturan perpajakan oleh pejabat pajak dan/atau terdapat perubahan politik dan hukum yang berlaku, perubahan ekonomi yang ekstrim yang berdasarkan pertimbangan Manajer Investasi dapat merugikan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan BATAVIA PROTEKSI MAXIMA 21 secara signifikan dan/atau adanya permintaan tertulis dari seluruh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan untuk melakukan Pelunasan Lebih Awal, maka Manajer Investasi dapat melakukan Pelunasan Lebih Awal atas seluruh Unit Penyertaan yang telah diterbitkan dan masih dimiliki oleh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan, yang mana harga Pelunasan Lebih Awal tersebut dapat lebih rendah dari tingkat proteksi Pokok Investasi untuk setiap Unit Penyertaan.

  • PENDAPAT AKUNTAN TENTANG LAPORAN KEUANGAN (halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan)