Confidentiality and intellectual property Clausole campione

Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the Grant Holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data, which are covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, then the Grant Holders must consider this sensitive information. They hereby pledge to keep all of this information and data confidential. Attribution of the right to register a patent for the inventions produced on the basis of any scientific research activity carried out with the facilities and funds of the University of Padova is generally governed by the University’s Patent Regulations.
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the grant golders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, they must consider this sensitive information and hereby pledge to keep it confidential. Attribution of the right to register a patent for the inventions produced on the basis of any scientific research activity carried out with the facilities and funds of the University of Padua is generally governed by the University’s Patent Regulations.
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should Grant Holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Research Base for which they work, the Grant Holders must consider this sensitive information and hereby pledge to keep it confidential. The copyright remains the property of the author. The Regional Administration reserves the rights of economic use. In the case of dissemination or promotion of the work
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the grant golders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, they must
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the Grant Holders come into contact during
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the Grant Holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data, which are covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, then the Grant Holders must consider this sensitive information. They hereby pledge to keep all of this information and data confidential. Attribution of the right to register a patent for the inventions produced on the basis of any scientific research activity carried out with the facilities and funds of the University of Padova is generally governed by the University's Patent Regulations. Confidentiality clauses regarding publication and dissemination of research results signed with the funding body are ruled by the Grant Agreement N. 677793 of the project ERC STARTING entitled: “StableChaoticPlanetM”.
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the Grant Holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data, which are covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, then the Grant Holders must consider this sensitive information. They hereby pledge to keep all of this information and data confidential. Attribution of the right to register a patent for the inventions produced on the basis of any scientific research activity carried out with the facilities and funds of the University of Padova is generally governed by the University’s Patent Regulations. Art. 8 – Tax, social security and insurance The grants within this present announcement are governed by a series of laws: Art. 4 of Law no. 476 dated 13 August 1984, for tax; Art. 2, paragraphs 26 and following of Law no. 335 dated 8 August 1995, plus subsequent amendments and additions, for social security; the Ministry of Labour and Social Security decree dated 12 July 2007 for maternity leave (see Official Gazette no. 247 dated 23 October 2007); and Art. 1 paragraph 788 of Law no. 296 dated quelle concesse da istituzioni nazionali o straniere utili ad integrare, con soggiorni all’estero, l’attività di ricerca delle titolari e dei titolari di assegni. Grant Holders are not allowed to enrol in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree courses, funded PhDs or specialist courses in Medicine, in Italy or abroad, first and second-level postgraduate diploma courses and, if nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 247 del 23 ottobre 2007, e, in materia di congedo per malattia, l’articolo 1, comma 788, della legge 27 dicembre 2006, n. 296, e successive modificazioni. L’Università provvede alla copertura assicurativa per quanto riguarda i rischi da infortuni e responsabilità civile alle condizioni previste dalle relative polizze stipulate dall’Ateneo. Il trattamento di missione della/del titolare di assegno ricade sui fondi del Responsabile Scientifico della ricerca o sui fondi di ricerca attribuiti all'assegnista o su fondi della Struttura ospitante secondo le modalità previste dal vigente Regolamento di Ateneo per le Missioni.
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the Grant Holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data, which are covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, then the Grant Holders must consider this sensitive information. They hereby pledge to keep all of this information and data confidential. Attribution of the right to register a patent for the inventions produced on the basis of any scientific research activity carried out with the facilities and funds of the University of Padova is generally governed by the University’s Patent Regulations. considerati riservati. L’assegnista si impegna a mantenere la segretezza su tali dati e informazioni. L’attribuzione del diritto di conseguire il brevetto per le invenzioni realizzate a seguito di attività di ricerca scientifica, svolta utilizzando comunque strutture e mezzi finanziari forniti dall’Università, è regolata in via generale dal Regolamento brevetti dell’Università.
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the Grant Holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data, which are covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, then the Grant Holders must consider this sensitive information. They hereby pledge to keep all of this information and data confidential. Attribution of the right to register a patent for the inventions produced on the basis of any scientific research activity carried out with the facilities and funds of the University of Padova is generally governed by the University’s Patent scientifica, svolta utilizzando comunque strutture e mezzi finanziari forniti dall’Università, è regolata in via generale dal Regolamento brevetti dell’Università.
Confidentiality and intellectual property. Should the grant holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, they must consider