Export Controls Clausole campione

Export Controls. The Buyer shall comply with all applicable export controls and all other applicable laws and regulations in connection with the use of the Goods. The Buyer will not offer employment to any employee of the Supplier either during the term of this Contract or within one year of their termination or completion. Should the Buyer act in breach of this condition, then without prejudice to any other remedies available to the Supplier the Buyer will pay the Supplier by way of liquidated damages the equivalent of one year’s salary for the employee concerned.
Export Controls. The Software and all related technical information or materials are subject to export controls and are licensable under the U.S. Government export regulations, as well as similar laws and regulations of other countries (Export Laws). You agree to comply fully with all applicable Export Laws to assure that neither the Software, nor any direct products thereof are (1) exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of Export Laws, or