DELIVERY Clausole campione

DELIVERY. 5.1 – Unless there is agreement to the contrary, the supplies shall be deemed to be goods supplied ex works, without packing.
DELIVERY. Place of delivery
DELIVERY. 3.1 The delivery of the Products shall be made by MUNTERS ITALY S.P.A. to the Seller’s site in accordance with Incoterms of the International Chamber of Commerce, as in force at the date of the execution of the Agreement within the delivery time specified in the Agreement.
DELIVERY. 6.1 Delivery shall be effected as agreed in the contract. Delivery dates and delivery periods agreed in the contract are only binding if they have been agreed as binding and Buyer has provided Seller in a timely manner with all of the information or documentation required for the performance documentazione richieste per l'esecuzione di tale consegna e l'Acquirente ha effettuato dei pagamenti anticipati secondo le modalità e gli importi convenuti dalle parti. I periodi di consegna convenuti dalle parti inizieranno alla data di conferma dell'ordine. In caso di contratti aggiuntivi o integrativi stipulati a una data successiva, i periodi di consegna e le date di consegna saranno prorogati o riprogrammati di conseguenza, come applicabile.
DELIVERY. 4.1. The delivery terms are those indicated in the order confirmation and usually expressed with indication of the week foreseen for the preparation of the goods.
DELIVERY. 4.1. Unless otherwise agreed, the order shall be shipped by Oberalp to the place indicated by the Customer in its order. The risks shall pass to the Customer upon delivery of the goods to the carrier. Transportation shall occur at the Customer’s own risk, even if arranged or paid for by Oberalp. The Customer shall be subrogated to any claims against the carrier. If shipment is delayed due to a cause attributable to the Customer, the risks shall pass to the Customer upon Oberalp's notice that the ordered products are ready for shipment.
DELIVERY. The Goods will be deemed Delivered when they have arrived at the Delivery Location. Any dates quoted for Delivery are approximate only and the time of delivery is not of the essence. Should the Buyer be unable or unwilling to accept the Goods within a reasonable period after notification that the Goods have been Delivered, the Supplier reserves the right to make arrangements for the storage of the Goods at the Buyer’s expense. Risk in the Goods will pass to the Buyer upon completion of Delivery.
DELIVERY. Unless otherwise agreed and with sole and limited reference to the inferred contract, the delivery will be always carried out according to the formula "ExWorks" (Icoterms 2000). Even when it is expressly agreed that transportation expenses are included in the price, the delivery - with regards to conveyance of the property and consequent risks - is considered accomplished in every respect at C&F Srl premises, at the moment that the goods are placed at buyer's disposal and transferred to carrier or forwarder, or rather when the transport is carried out on one's own, with the beginning of the transportation itself. In case the shipment or the delivery of goods is delayed as per customer's instructions, conveyance of title and transfer of risks will fall back on the customer when the goods are stored and ready for delivery at C&F Srl warehouse. Delivery terms shall be considered favourable for both contracting parties and in any case shall be considered merely indicative and not-binding and/or primary. Any delay in delivery shall not entitle the buyer to terminate the contract nor to demand compensation for damages of any kind. It is however understood that C&F Srl may not be held responsible on any account for any possible delays in delivery due to missed or delayed delivery of processing materials by suppliers, breakdowns, suspensions or delay in transportations or power failures, strikes or industrial actions, as well as unforeseeable circumstan- ces resulting from events beyond its reasonable control. Any claim, in case of faults or shortages occurred during transportation, may be sent to C&F Srl no later than eight days from receipt of goods, under penalty of invalidation. Transport may be carried out in accordance with rules regulating the execution of transportation activities and the customer will check at its own ordered by the customer, he undertakes to provide the goods with all compulsory documentations, that is to transmit the required information as per Italian Ministerial Decree 30 June 2009, relevant all compulsory documentations in their own name with information required by law, as much as known by supplier.
DELIVERY. 4.1 Qualsiasi data indicata da LSI LASTEM per la spedizione è fornita in buona fede solo a titolo di stima. Sebbene LSI LASTEM si adoperi per effettuare la consegna entro il termine indicato, tale data non deve essere considerata l'essenza del contratto e il Cliente è tenuto ad accettare la merce non appena sarà disponibile. 4.1 Any date quoted by LSI LASTEM for dispatch is given in good faith by way of estimate only. While LSI LASTEM will endeavor to deliver within the period stated, such date is not to be of the essence of the contract and the Customer shall be bound to accept the goods when they become available.
DELIVERY. 4.1 Where no indication of the sale form is given in the Contract, the Product shall be sold “ex-works”.