INSTALLATION Clausole campione
INSTALLATION. A cause des caractéristiques du dispositif, il est important de prendre quelques précautions :
INSTALLATION. Verpackung entfernen und Zustand des Geräts überprüfen. Sollte es Anzeichen von Transportschäden aufweisen, ist der Hersteller zu verständigen. Die Verpackung ist über die gesamte Dauer der Garantiezeit aufzubewahren. Der Hersteller akzeptiert keine Rücksendungen ohne Originalverpackung. Das Gerät ist auf einer ebenen und stabilen Fläche aufzustellen. Bei der Trocknung tritt heiße Luft an den Seiten des Geräts aus und an der Rückseite Luft angesaugt, daher ist bei der Installation mindestens 5 cm Freiraum an den Seiten und hinten vorzusehen. Das Gerät darf nicht in explosionsgefährlicher Atmosphäre verwendet werden. Das Gerät ist fern von Wärmequellen wie Bunsenbrennern, Dampferzeugern, Öfen usw. aufzustellen. Gerät so aufstellen, dass das Bedienfeld und der Bildschirm durch den Anwender gut sichtbar sind. Netzkabel auf Beschädigungen kontrollieren.
INSTALLATION. With bottom-hung windows, there is a danger of potential injury resulting from the window accidentally falling. It is OBLIGATORY to fit limiting arms (such as the 1276 series of Comunello Frame Division range), or an alternative safety system, of a suitable size to prevent the window from accidentally falling down. DO NOT LET THE CHAIN BE RETRIEVED ENTIRELY IN ITS CASE BEFORE INSTALLING THE BRACKETS 105 56 50 100 394 307 27 134 43 130 51 31 70 70
5.1 Installation sequence
INSTALLATION. 7.1. Where the Seller carries out the installation, these consignments it will be specialized personnel or an authorized third parties and the Customer will make the equipment available (lifting equipment, test weights, etc.) if this is not supplied by the Seller. Specialized personnel or the authorized third parties will be sent when the Customer announces that everything necessary is ready to start the assembly operations. The time in which the specialized personnel or authorized third parties is absent from the Seller's offices will be charged to the Customer at the previously agreed hourly rate. Upon request of the Customer and evaluation of the Seller, the specialized personnel or the authorized workshop may work overtime on public holidays and working days beyond the normal 8-hour working day, according to the increases provided by law in the case of overtime work. Suspended work time due to circumstances beyond the Seller's control will be calculated at the Customer's expense even if the cost of installation is charged as a flat rate. The installation will be considered complete even if the Customer, due to unforeseen circumstances, is not able to carry out the testing.
INSTALLATION. Aufgrund der Eigenschaften der Vorrichtung ist es wichtig, einige Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zu treffen: Die Lampe befindet sich in einem Zellophanbeutel, der in einem Wellpappkarton untergebracht gebracht und mit speziellen Schaumstoffteilen stabilisiert ist.
INSTALLATION. 🞂 Verbinden Sie den LAN Anschluss Ihres Computers über das mitgelieferte LAN Kabel mit der LAN Buchse am Repeater.
INSTALLATION. If the Agreement includes the installation service, the Purchaser shall comply in full with the operating conditions of preparation of the work site, as indicated by the Seller, and collaborate to ensure that assembly takes place in the best possible way and in total compliance with occupational safety regulations. The Purchaser shall therefore provide free access to the site and to all the necessary equipment, including the supply of electricity, water and Goods loading, unloading and handling vehicles and assembly equipment, or any other supporting material that may be reasonably requested by the Seller’s technicians to ensure that installation is carried out promptly and without delays. If the Purchaser fails to provide the necessary work site operating conditions, it shall be required to pay the higher expenses sustained by the Seller to carry out assembly. The Purchaser hereby authorizes the Seller to carry out installation and/or maintenance of the Products, both through its own employees and through independent personnel hired specifically for this purpose. The Seller shall make all commercially reasonable efforts to obtain the visas and work permits needed to allow its technicians to carry out installation. When requested, the Purchaser will assist the Seller in obtaining the necessary visas and work permits. If, despite the efforts made, the Seller is unable to obtain the necessary visas and work permits, the Seller shall be exempted from fulfillment of its installation and/or maintenance obligations under the Agreement. It is agreed that, when installation and/or maintenance are excluded from the Agreement and are carried out under the direct responsibility of the Purchaser, the Seller shall not be held liable for any faults and/or defects relating to assembly.
INSTALLATION. Remove the packing and inspect the cleaner. If you notice any signs of damage, contact the manufacturer. Keep the packing material available for the entire duration of the warranty period. The manufacturer will not accept goods returned without the original packing. Place the cleaner on a flat, stable surface. When drying, the cleaner releases hot air from the sides and intakes air from the back, so leave at least 5 cm of free space on the sides and the back of the cleaner during installation. Do not install the cleaner in potentially explosive atmospheres. Install the cleaner far from sources of heat (e.g., bunsen burners, steamers, ovens, etc.). Install the cleaner so that the control panel and the screen can be clearly seen by the user. Make sure the power cable is not damaged.