INSTRUCTIONS Clausole campione

INSTRUCTIONS. (a) The data exporter has informed the data importer that it acts as processor under the instructions of its controller(s), which the data exporter shall make available to the data importer prior to processing.
INSTRUCTIONS. Article IA.3.2.4
INSTRUCTIONS. Title IA.9 Derivatives market (IDEM) Chapter IA.9.1 - Derivative contracts admitted to trading Article IA.9.1.6
INSTRUCTIONS. A DT-57A B DT-57B C DT-57A NOTE: Don't use glue on this joint; this piece can be removed during the game. Non usare colla su questo incastro, pezzo rimovibile durante il gioco. DT-57C 4x 1 2 3 4 5 VERTICAL STORAGE SAFETY Every piece will stay in its slot. Follow the reboxing sequence to properly store your organizer. We recommend using a h-band to avoid accidental box opening. Don’t shake. Ogni componente rimarrà al suo posto. Segui la sequenza di reinserimento per riporre nella maniera corretta il tuo organizer. Consigliamo l’utilizzo di una h-band per evitare aperture accidentali. Non scuotere.
INSTRUCTIONS. Article IA.9.1.3
INSTRUCTIONS. Section IA.1.1 Documentation to be produced following submission of an application for admission to listing of an issuer not having financial instruments admitted to trading in Borsa Italiana TABLE 1: SHARES
INSTRUCTIONS. Données prévues par la procédure pour demander un DURC (Les données ont été regroupées dans les cadres A, B et C pour faciliter la tâche des usagers)
INSTRUCTIONS. Title IA.9 Derivatives market (IDEM) Article IA.9.1.1
INSTRUCTIONS. (a) The data importer shall process the personal data only on documented instructions from the data exporter. The data exporter may give such instructions throughout the duration of the contract.
INSTRUCTIONS. Chapter IA.3.1 – Conditions for admission to trading and maintaning eligibility Article IA.3.1.4