Professional qualification Clausole campione

Professional qualification to evaluate during interview (30/100 score)
Professional qualification. European Union institutions and policies, Cohesion policy in particular, with specific reference to European Territorial Cooperation; • EU financial and implementing regulations (focus on ETC and ERDF) in the framework of the 2021- 2027 programming period; • European Macro-regional Strategies, with a specific focus on EUSAIR; • Fundamentals of Public Procurement rules and procedures; • Management and Control system of ETC Programmes; • Cooperation Programmes and projects fundamental communication requirements; • Working experience in an international and multicultural environment. • Team leading and problem-solving attitude; • Capacity to managing office procedures so as to ensure effective delivery of services; • Determination to take personal responsibility for delivery of high-quality results to tight deadlines; • Negotiating and communication skills; • Excellent writing, presentation and analytical skills; • Willingness to travel frequently. PEC: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xxxxxx.xx I, the undersigned (name and surname) , born in (Town, Country , date (dd/mm/yyyy) ,address ZIP Code Town , Country , Mob. ,E-mail to be admitted to the selection procedure for the position of Joint Secretariat Coordinator of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (Interreg VI-A) Greece – Italy 2021-2027”. to send all communications concerning the above-mentioned selection procedure to the following address (only if different from the previous one): Address ZIP Code Town E-mail PEC On the basis of Italian Law, D.P.R. 445/2000, and aware of the legal consequences in case of false declarations, • I am a/an citizen (nationality); • I have full citizenship rights; • I not had criminal convictions and I not be the recipient of prevention or safety measures or of civil decisions or administrative measures registered in the criminal record; • To be aware of not being subjected to criminal proceedings; • I am not in any other case of negotiating with the public administration in accordance with the law and that I not having received any penalty or precautionary measures that prevent me from contracting with the public administration; • I have fulfilled all obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military/civil service (if applicable); • I am not in a situation of incompatibility or in conflict of interest with Puglia Region, other Programme National referent institutions and with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (INTERREG V - A) Greece...