Responsibility in the Software use -- CAD Software and other types of technical Clausole campione

Responsibility in the Software use -- CAD Software and other types of technical. Software are tools designed to be used by expert professionals only. These tools enhance, but cannot possibly replace, the user's professional knowledge. CAD Software and other types of technical Software may be used as tools that assist the designer drawing the schemes but do not replace the tests required to check these designs. Given the wide range of potential applications, the Software has not been tested in all the circumstances in which it could be used. Accordingly, SDProget accepts no responsibility with regard to the results obtained by the use of the Software. Persons using the Software are responsible for the supervision, management and control of the Software. Such responsibility includes the selection of appropriated uses and other programs in order to attain the desired results. Software users are also responsible for assessing the suitability of independent procedures aimed at testing the reliability and accuracy of anything created using the program, including anything produced or processed through the use of the Software.