TARGHETTA DEI DATI TECNICI. La targhetta dati tecnici è posta sulla parete laterale dell’apparecchio. La manomissione, la rimozione, la mancanza delle targhette di identificazione o quant’altro non permetta la sicura identificazione del prodotto, rende difficoltosa qualsiasi operazione di installazione e manutenzione. Some parts of solar collectors can reach high temperature and may cause burnings: please take care they do not get in contact with people, animals an others things which could be damaged by high temperature When starting work before assembling solar collectors the utmost care must be devoted to safety regulation in working area as well as all safety structures must be provided such as protection against falling down, safety net for scafolding , overalls with safety or holding back belt . Also fittings must be as per regulations. While working you must always wear safety glasses, safety shoes, safety gloves and cap After unwrapping packaging take care that supply arrived safe and in case of problems get in contact with comapny which sold solar collectors.
TARGHETTA DEI DATI TECNICI. Marcatura CE La targhetta dati tecnici è posta all’in- terno della caldaia sullo schienale nella parte inferiore.