TECHNICAL INFORMATION. As it will be described in more detail in chapter 7, two acceptance tests must be conducted for both the sources, one in factory before shipment (Factory Acceptance Test) and one on site (Site Acceptance Test). Both tests will be attended by INFN-LNF staff, in addition copies of the signed and completed acceptance tests sheets shall be provided together with RF power test curves for the klystron and lists of equipment used and their calibration data. The RF Source shall be composed of: - X-Band 25 MW high repetition rate (400Hz) klystron, Canon model E37119 (comply with the specifications listed in Tab.1); - solenoid focusing magnet model Canon VT-68970 or equivalent adapted to work with the specified klystron: - Klystron X-ray shield - Klystron Lifting attachment - high voltage solid state pulsed power modulator (negative polarity); - transformer oil - filament heater power supply; - core bias power supply; - solenoid focusing magnet power supply; - ion pump and solenoid power supply; - the cooling system with flow meter diagnostics; - oil tank with oil leak retention tray and X-ray shielding; - oil tank humidity sensor; - mineral high voltage oil; - a control-command system; - Remote control via Modbus TCP - Trigger and protection interlock system; - Digitizer for Modulator diagnostics - RF digitizer for monitoring RF signals (Forward and Reflected power) at the klystron output. The RF driver amplifier will be provided by INFN-LNF. Free space in the modulator rack must be reserved for installing the RF driver amplifier model AM61-12S-66-61PR4 (Microwave Amps Ltd). Canon tube, model E37119 (X-Band, 25 MW, 1.5µs, 400Hz) must be used as reference. The main requirements of the klystron are listed in table 2.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION. All technical information entailed in brochures, catalogs and on the website are purely descriptive. No liability can be charged to Camuna Cavi for any printing errors or in translation, nor for any statements of third parties regarding the use, title, suitability of products.