Background Clausole campione

Background. The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels. The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future. The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI). The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team- working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
Background. To guarantee more test capability on high gradient structure testing at 12 GHz, the installation of a new high repetition rate RF source in the TEX laboratory is required. Moreover, the test of this source (modulator and klystron) with higher repetition rate with respect to the actual source is of great interest in the framework of the EUPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB project and for the entire X-band users community. The chosen frequency of 12 GHz is also compatible to other studies within the member states notably at CERN, Trieste, and PSI who have chosen this “European” X- band frequency. Moreover, to upgrade the TEX testing capabilities also to other frequencies of interest and expand the possible users of the LATINO project, the installation of a C-band (6GHz) high repetition rate RF source is requested. The C-band frequency is very interesting in the context of accelerators for medical applications and the development of innovative and more compact injectors for Linac. INFN thus strongly supports the development and production of these Sources through collaboration with industries.
Background. 1.1 The working group have been given a brief by the Scrutiny Programme Committee for one off working group to raise issues and ask questions about car park charges and provision across Swansea including information on service performance and plans for improvement.
Background. 1. Iniziato nel 2004 con l’esperienza pilota del Lar do Sonhos7, oggi il progetto delle Escolinhas conta con 4 centri per l’educazione prescolare (3-6 anni) che accolgono 711 bambini/e (2015). L’obiettivo principale del progetto Escolinhas è quello di assicurare lo sviluppo integrale del bambino/a inteso come garanzia di un’alimentazione minima, di alcune prestazioni sanitarie di base e l’integrazione /accesso all’educazione primaria. Il progetto prevede quindi la fornitura di servizi alla prima infanzia, la sensibilizzazione dei genitori e encarregados8 e il coinvolgimento delle strutture amministrative locali (Segreteria d’Educazione, della Salute e della Donna e dell’Azione sociale).
Background. 149. Due sono gli interventi presi in considerazione in questa sezione: il piano urbanistico di Caia e Sena e il Piano di ordinamento territoriale del distretto di Caia. Mentre per il piano urbanistico non esistono obblighi di legge, essendo Xxxx e Sena capoluoghi rurali, il secondo è un adempimento previsto dalla legge mozambicana. Gli elementi di rilevanza che hanno condotto a questi interventi sono ben riassunti nel documento “Situacion Atual” del Piano di Ordinamento Territoriale (POTC) che riassumiamo di seguito. 150. I due centri urbani del distretto (Caia e Sena) si sono sviluppati molto rapidamente negli anni dopo il 2005 sia in termini di funzioni acquisite sia in numero di abitanti. In particolare, Caia ha acquisto una dimensione urbana, passando da un insieme di rovine post belliche e insediamenti spontanei a una realtà amministrativa importante. Sena, a sua volta, ha rafforzato la sua vocazione commerciale e sta riprendendo il ruolo importante che aveva in precedenza, anche in relazione alla ripresa del traffico ferroviario.
Background. 288. La situazione del settore rurale e agricolo in generale risente di alcuni vincoli strutturali, tra i quali: ·∙ La terra è proprietà dello stato. Ne consegue che anche in considerazione dei diritti consuetudinari e quando ci sono conflitti i piccoli produttori non hanno meccanismi per difendere i loro diritti e interessi; ·∙ i principali strumenti di politica economica, dal credito, ai tassi di cambio, alle sovvenzioni, ecc., hanno dimostrato di avere un impatto negativo sull’agricoltura; ·∙ Le famiglie rurali sono particolarmente vulnerabili ai disastri naturali, come le siccità e le inondazioni in quanto spesso esse risiedono in aree a rischio; ·∙ I cambiamenti climatici hanno reso sempre più frequenti le perdite dei già scarsi raccolti e le famiglie sono quindi immediatamente esposte alla minaccia di insicurezza alimentare. Nel 2012, circa il 66% degli agricoltori poveri ha perso i propri raccolti a causa di calamità naturali. Nel periodo 2015/16 si registra già una perdita del 50% dei raccolti (anche quelli da esportazione); ·∙ La prevalenza di HIV / AIDS è un altro punto di vulnerabilità per le famiglie rurali povere, che aggrava ulteriormente i livelli di povertà e di malnutrizione. In ambito rurale il virus colpisce i membri più produttivi delle famiglie e consuma le risorse già insufficienti, che sono principalmente utilizzate per pagare le spese mediche e l’assistenza. Questo fenomeno ha prodotto come effetto l’aumento di donne capofamiglia.
Background. A teleworking pilot exercise was undertaken over a period of 9 months commencing in June 1995 with 6 volunteers from Personal Collections department working from home. A final report was produced outlining the findings from the pilot exercise and the Bank based the decision to include teleworking as one of its permanent employment options based on the findings of the pilot scheme run initially in Personal Collections, Head Office. The final report will be made available to any member of Bank staff that is considering volunteering for Teleworking in the future. A further pilot exercise commenced in July 1996 with a small number of Corporate Relationship Managers Homeworking for a period of 6 months with a view to establishing teleworking Convenio Interno Deutsche Bank CCOO.
Background. 4. The proposal was submitted by the Commission on 12 September 2018.
Background. EMSO XXXX was set up to establish, coordinate, facilitate and optimize the use of pan-European Regional Facilities and sea operation resources in order to ensure maximum benefit to the ocean observation community. It is devoted to deep-sea processes and water column investigation. EMSO XXXX is a distributed research infrastructure, composed of the Central Hub together with all Regional Facilities contributing to EMSO XXXX by its Members, for undertaking the EMSO Programme.
Background. On September 1, 2012, Xxxxx Del Xxxxxxx, a thirty-nine-year-old man with a history of epileptic seizures and mental illness, locked his bedroom door and refused to allow family members to enter. Am. Compl. ¶ 22; Defs.’ Br., Ex. C ¶ 4, E ¶ 8. Concerned for Xxxxx’s safety, his sons asked an English- speaking friend to call 911 and request emergency medical assistance. Am. Compl. ¶ 25. The 911 operator dispatched Paterson Police and designated the call as an “EDP” (emotionally disturbed person). Id. ¶ 26. Several police officers soon arrived at the Del Xxxxxxx home and attempted unsuccessfully to communicate with Xxxxx through the locked bedroom door. Id. ¶ 28. Police then removed from the house Xxxxx’s three children, six nieces and nephews, and three siblings, and directed the family members to wait outside. Id. ¶¶ 30-31. A group of officers proceeded to break down the bedroom door. Id. ¶¶ 34-37. Seeing that Xxxxx was holding a xxxxxx, Officer Xxxx Xxxx fired two shots, resulting in Xxxxx’s death. Id. ¶¶ 37-38. All family members present at the home on September 1, 2015 heard the fatal gun shots and watched as police officers carried Xxxxx’s body out of the house.1 Defs.’ Br., Ex. H ¶ 11; Ex. I ¶ 9a. Plaintiffs Xxxxx and Styven Xxxxxx Del Xxxxxxx (Xxxxx’s daughter and son) allege that they were standing directly outside Xxxxx’s bedroom window and heard him exclaim “please let me live!” before the shots were fired. Defs.’ Br., Ex. G ¶ 8, Ex. I ¶ 9a. Plaintiffs filed their original complaint on August 19, 2014, alleging twelve state and federal tort claims. On April 16, 2015, the Court granted in part and denied in part Defendants’ motion for summary judgment for failure