Background Clausole campione

Background. The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels. The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future. The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).
Background. The CTRS in Wales is set by regulations made under Schedule 1B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (as inserted by the Local Government Finance Act 2012). On 26th November 2013, the National Assembly for Wales (NAfW) approved two sets of regulations:
Background. 4. The proposal was submitted by the Commission on 12 September 2018. 5. On 6 December 2018, the Council agreed on a general approach4 on the TCO which constituted the mandate for the negotiations with the European Parliament in the context of the ordinary legislative procedure. 3 xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxx/00000/, p. 7: "We therefore aim to successfully complete the negotiations of the Regulation on terrorist content online (TCO) by the end of the year, while maintaining our strong ambition to create a new and effective operational instrument for the cross-border elimination of terrorist content. The aim is to enable issuing removal orders with cross-border effect to create a new and rapid and effective instrument to counter terrorist content online within an hour or less of its being reported, while maintaining effective safeguards for the protection of fundamental rights.". 6. On 17 April 2019, the European Parliament (EP) reached a first-reading position5 on the Commission proposal. The proposal is assigned to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), with the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) as associated committee and with the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) giving an opinion. The report contained 155 amendments to the Commission's proposal. 7. The European Economic and Social Committee was consulted by the Council by letter of 24 October 2018 and delivered its opinion on the proposal on 12 December 20186 during its December plenary session. 8. On 12 February 2019, the European Data Protection Supervisor sent ‘formal comments’ on the draft Regulation to the EP, the Commission and the Council7. On the same day, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, following a request from the EP on 6 February 2019, issued an opinion on the xxxxxxxx0. 9. Six political trilogues (17 October, 20 November and 12 December 2019, 24 September, 29 October and 10 December 2020) were held. In addition to the political trilogues, several technical meetings took place.
Background. To guarantee more test capability on high gradient structure testing at 12 GHz, the installation of a new high repetition rate RF source in the TEX laboratory is required. Moreover, the test of this source (modulator and klystron) with higher repetition rate with respect to the actual source is of great interest in the framework of the EUPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB project and for the entire X-band users community. The chosen frequency of 12 GHz is also compatible to other studies within the member states notably at CERN, Trieste, and PSI who have chosen this “European” X- band frequency. Moreover, to upgrade the TEX testing capabilities also to other frequencies of interest and expand the possible users of the LATINO project, the installation of a C-band (6GHz) high repetition rate RF source is requested. The C-band frequency is very interesting in the context of accelerators for medical applications and the development of innovative and more compact injectors for Linac. INFN thus strongly supports the development and production of these Sources through collaboration with industries.
Background. 1. Le Parti identificano nell'Allegato 1, su base volontaria, il Background che intendono rendere accessibile alle altre Parti. 2. Le Parti possono prevedere nello stesso Allegato 1 specifiche limitazioni all'Accesso a uno qualsiasi dei Background individuati nell'Allegato 1. 3. Le Parti possono aggiungere, sempre su base volontaria Background ulteriori all'Allegato 1 durante lo svolgimento del Progetto dandone comunicazione scritta alle altre Parti. Tuttavia, qualora una Parte desideri modificare o ritirare il proprio Background nell'Allegato 1 è necessaria l'approvazione di tutte le Parti che lo hanno sottoscritto. 4. Le Parti non sono tenute a mettere a disposizione delle altre Parti alcuno specifico Background.
Background. The following factual background is reflected in the Indictment, “the allegations of which we accept as
Background. The Union Civil Protection Mechanism ("Mechanism") was first established by Council Decision No. 2001/792/EC Euratom1. Council Decision 2007/779/EC, Euratom of 8 November 2007 established a recast of this Mechanism2 in which currently thirty states - the EU28 and two EEA countries (Norway and Iceland) participate (together "participating states"). The Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council No 1313/2013/EU3 on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism in December 2013 further developed the Mechanism into a comprehensive framework for European cooperation in disaster prevention, preparedness and response. The overall objective of the Mechanism is to strengthen the cooperation among Member States in the field of civil protection and between the Union and the Member States in order to facilitate coordination to improve the effectiveness of system for preventing, preparing for and responding to natural and man-made disasters. In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, the Mechanism activates support on request of a Member State overwhelmed by a disaster or any affected country in the world. By pooling the civil protection capabilities of the participating states, the Mechanism can ensure better protection primarily of people, but also of the natural and cultural environment and of property. The Mechanism consists of a series of elements facilitating adequate prevention, preparedness and effective response actions at EU level. The elements most relevant for this contract are the following: Member States and the Commission will work more closely together in the field of disaster prevention, including for the establishment of national risk assessments, risk management planning, and assessments of their risk management capability. The outcomes of these assessments will be considered for the setting of priorities in the future strategic exercise framework. The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) is the operational heart of the Mechanism. It is operated by DG ECHO4 and is operational 24 hours a day/7 days a week. The role of the ERCC is to facilitate and support the mobilisation and coordination of Member States' civil protection assistance during emergencies. It provides countries with access to a platform of civil protection means available amongst all the participating states. Any country inside or outside the European Union affected by a major disaster can make a request for assistance through the ERCC. Besides acting as a communication ...
Background. 2.1 Members will know that responsibility for the Cae Ddol Paddling Pool in Ruthin, and the Riverside Park Paddling Pool, Llangollen were transferred from the Leisure Contract to Leisure Services with effect from April this year.
Background. GECOTRUCK fornisce uno strumento di gestione operativa, sotto forma di applicazione web e mobile, che garantisce ai propri Clienti una gestione aziendale più efficiente. Sono possibili integrazioni con Software Team online di terze parti tramite Servizi di onboarding. Il Software Team è stato registrato da GECOTRUCK presso la Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori (SIAE) in data 09/02//2022 con numero progressivo D000017035 e numero di registrazione D000016076. Il software è stato pubblicato dal marzo 2022 ed è scritto con linguaggio: C SHARP C#
Background. One of the terms of reference of this Committee is to ‘monitor internal (and) external audit performance’. In order to comply with this requirement to monitor the in-house service, a progress report is given below outlining internal audit work undertaken in the last quarter. This work is then set against the original Internal Audit Plan to show what progress has been achieved. In addition, information is provided for members on the current position regarding staff vacancies and other staffing issues within the team.