Definizione di Industrial Property Rights

Industrial Property Rights indicates the rules laid down by Legislative Decree no. 30, dated 10th February 2005 and further amendments, namely the “Industrial Property Code” (“Codice di Proprietà Industriale” - C.P.I), concerning brands and other distinctive signs, geographical indications, denominations of origin, works of industrial design, inventions, utility models, topographies of semiconductor products, classified corporate information (know-how) and new plant varieties.
Industrial Property Rights indicates the rules laid down by Legislative Decree no. 30, dated 10th February 2005 and further amendments, namely the “Industrial Property Code” (“Codice di Proprietà Industriale” - C.P.I), concerning brands and other distinctive signs, geographical indications, denominations of origin, works of industrial design, inventions, utility models, topographies of semiconductor products, classified corporate information (know-how) and new plant varieties "Intellectual Property Rights": indicates the rules laid down by Law No.633 of 22nd April 1941 – “Protection of copyright and rights related to its exercise” - and further amendments, concerning works of the mind having a creative character and belonging to literature, music, figurative arts, architecture, theatre, or cinematography, including computer programmes, databases and works of industrial design. "Results": indicates all assets, both tangible and intangible, as well as all the knowledge or information arising from carrying out the research activity covered by this Agreement and by reason thereof.

Examples of Industrial Property Rights in a sentence

  • In this case, Politecnico will have the option to obtain, from ........................, free of charge, the transfer of the share of the latter’s ownership of the Industrial Property Rights to the Results and/or the Intellectual Property Rights, relating to computer programmes and works of industrial design, which will be formalized in a dedicated written agreement between the Parties.

  • In this case, Politecnico will have the option to obtain, from , free of charge, the transfer of the share of the latter’s ownership of the Industrial Property Rights to the Results and/or the Intellectual Property Rights, relating to computer programmes and works of industrial design, which will be formalized in a dedicated written agreement between the Parties.

Related to Industrial Property Rights

  • Diritti di Proprietà Intellettuale indica tutti i diritti di brevetto, i diritti d’autore, i diritti sui marchi e altri segni distintivi, i diritti sui segreti commerciali (se esistenti), i diritti sul design, i diritti sui database, i diritti sui nomi di dominio, i diritti morali e qualsiasi altro diritto di proprietà intellettuale (registrato o non registrato) in tutto il mondo.