Definizione di The Principal

The Principal. Investigator must mention the Università degli Studi di Milano in any publication.
The Principal. Investigator must report any fraudulent or unauthorised use to the Sponsor immediately. In the event of irreparable damage or theft of the Instrument, Sponsor shall replace the Instrument(s) at no cost to Institution, unless said damage resulted from the Institution’s wrongful misconduct.
The Principal. Investigator is identified by the Institution as the person authorized for processing pursuant to Art. 29 of the GDPR and as the person designated pursuant to art. 2 quaterdecies of the Code.

Examples of The Principal in a sentence

  • Co- 3.1 The Principal Investigator shall be assisted in the performance of the Trial by direct reports, qualified under the Protocol to intervene with discretionary powers in the performance of the Trial (hereinafter “Sub-Investigators”), as well as by the healthcare and non-healthcare staff, appointed by the Institution.

  • The Principal has the right to cancel the P.O. at any time, prior to acceptance of it by the Supplier, without incurring the payment of any penalty to the latter.

  • Firmato digita FALCICCHIO C=IT Xxxxx, approvato e sottoscritto digitalmente / Read, approved and digitally signed Per la CRO/ for the CRO Il procuratore delegato / The delegated attorney Dott./Dr. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Firmato digitalmente / Digitally signed Per I’Ente/ For the Institution Il Direttore Sanitario/the Health Director Dott./Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Firmato digitalmente / Digitally signed Xxx presa visione ed accettazione Lo Sperimentatore Principale / The Principal Investigator Xxxx.

  • Dr. Firma Signature Data Date Il Direttore generale The general Director Dr.ssa Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Firma Signature Data Date Lo “Sperimentatore Principale” The "Principal Investigator" Dott.ssa Varusca Brusegan Dott.ssa Varusca Brusegan Firma Signature Data Date SC Ricerca Clinica, Sviluppo e Innovazione Il Responsabile del Procedimento: Dott.ssa Monia M.B. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx trattata da Dr.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx-procedere Direttore Sanitario xxxx.

  • Manager Responsabile S.O.C. Affari Generali e Sviluppo Dr. / Dott.ssa Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Signature / Firma The Principal Investigator / Lo Sperimentatore Principale Xxxx.

  • The Principal shall also inform the Commercial Agent, within a reasonable time, of the acceptance or refusal and non-performance of a transaction they procured.

  • The Principal is authorized to submit and/or attach the documentation received from Pres-x for its own use.

  • The Principal is entitled not to accept the goods whether, after checking it, it is not found to comply with the specifications of the product.

  • The Principal, in turn, shall inform the other Agents of being aware of the conclusion of the business within ...

  • The Principal shall, however, be entitled to ratify the activity performed also separately by one of them.

More Definitions of The Principal

The Principal. Investigator is identified by the Institution as a person authorized to process pursuant to art. 29 of the GDPR and as the designated person pursuant to art. 2 quaterdecies of the Code. 10.8 Lo Sperimentatore principale deve informare in modo chiaro e completo, prima che abbia inizio la Sperimentazione (incluse le relative fasi prodromiche e di screening) ogni paziente circa natura, finalità, risultati, conseguenze, rischi e modalità del trattamento dei dati personali; in particolare il paziente deve inoltre essere informato che Autorità nazionali e straniere, nonché il Comitato Etico, potranno accedere, nell’ambito di attività di monitoraggio, verifica e controllo sulla ricerca, alla documentazione relativa alla sperimentazione così come anche alla documentazione sanitaria originale del paziente, e 10.8 The Principal Investigator, when applicable, must inform, in a clear and complete manner, before commencing the Trial (including the related pre-screening and screening phases) each patient on the nature, purpose, results, consequences, risks and methods of processing personal data; in particular, the patient must also be informed that the national and foreign Authorities as well as the Ethics Committee will be able to access, in the context of research monitoring, auditing and verification, trial-related documentation and the patient’s original health documentation, and that Monitors and Auditors will also be able to view such