Content のサンプル条項

Content. The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “IBM provides only services for Content.
Content. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it has sole responsibility: (i) to administer user access to Qlik Cloud and the Content, (ii) for the input and administration of Content in Qlik Cloud, including deletion of Content prior to expiration or termination, (iii) to ensure Qlik has all rights necessary to host, store, adapt or integrate such Content as required to provide Qlik Cloud, (iv) for maintaining Content on the systems from which they are sourced and making backup copies of Content. Customer hereby represents and warrants on behalf of itself and its Authorized Users that it has all of the rights in the Content necessary for the use, display, publishing, sharing and distribution of the Content and that such use of the Content under this Agreement does not violate any third-party rights, legal obligations, laws or this Agreement.
Content. For the particular contract, the Quality Plan shall identify: • the critical quality activities • the specific allocation of resources, duties, responsibilities and authority • details of all suppliers/subcontractors and how interfaces will be managed • the specific procedures, methods and work instructions to be applied • the specific methods of communication, both formal and informal, to be established between working groups The level of detail in the plan shall be consistent with: • the technical requirements of the contract • the safety and operational importance of the items involved • the complexity of the organizations, functions and activities involved • the degree of design innovation • the involvement of innovative processes • the involvement of processes which cannot be fully verified by inspection or test • the degree to which functional compliance can be demonstrated by inspection or test • design, performance or manufacturing margins Much of the generic documentation needed to prepare the Quality Plan will normally already exist as part of the performer’s quality documents and supporting procedures. The Quality Plan need only refer to this documentation and show how it is to be applied to the particular contract. The Quality Plan may be a single document that covers the whole scope of the contract, including work performed by subcontractors. The plan may also be the compilation of coordinated separate and well defined documents. It is not essential for the Quality Plan to follow the structure outlined below which is given for guidance. The elements listed in the following sections are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and shall be addressed only where relevant: The plan shall: • identify all critical quality activities • identify the different organizations involved • detail the breakdown of responsibilities • identify within the different organizations involved the key individuals responsible for: ▪ ensuring that the activities performed in connection with the particular contract are planned, implemented and controlled and their progress monitored ▪ communicating requirements peculiar to the specific contract to all affected organizations ▪ resolving problems that may arise at interfaces between the organisations involved An organization flow chart could facilitate the understanding. The plan shall indicate how, when and by whom contract requirements are to be reviewed and the review recorded.

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  • 事業契約 第6条 甲及び乙は、この協定締結後、令和3年●月を目途として、山北町議会への事業契約に係る議案提出日までに、甲と事業予定者間での事業契約の仮契約を締結せしめるものとする。

  • Point 契約時点では、最も合理的な工法として指定したものであるが、地元から要望を寄せられた時点で、発注者は苦情内容を調査し、「周辺住民に振動による悪影響を及ぼさない施工方法を採用すること」という施工の制約を変更特記仕様書に示し、設計変更の対象とする必要がある。

  • 弁済の充当順序 私の弁済額がこの契約から生じる乙に対する債務の全額を消滅させるに足りないときは、乙が適当と認める順序、方法により充当できます。尚、私について乙に対する複数の債務があるときも同様とします。

  • 通知等 届出のあった氏名、住所にあてて当行が通知または送付書類を発送した場合には、延着しまたは到達しなかったときでも通常到達すべき時に到達したものとみなします。

  • 受益者の権利等 第4 ファンドの経理状況

  • 条件変更等 第18条 受注者は、工事の施工に当たり、次の各号のいずれかに該当する事実を発見したときは、その旨を直ちに監督員に通知し、その確認を請求しなければならない。

  • 工事材料の品質及び検査等 第13条 工事材料の品質については、設計図書に定めるところによる。設計図書にその品質が明示されていない場合にあっては、中等の品質を有するものとする。

  • 規定の変更等 当金庫は、本規定の内容を、お客様に事前に通知することなく店頭表示その他相当の方法で公表することにより任意に変更できるものとします。 変更日以降は変更後の内容に従い取扱うこととします。 なお、当金庫の責めによる場合を除き当金庫の任意の変更によって損害が生じたとしても、当金庫は一切責任を負いません。

  • 付帯サービス等 1 会員は、当社又は当社の提携会社が提供するカード付帯サービス及び特典を利用することができます。会員が利用できる付帯サービス及びその内容については別途当社から本人会員に対し通知します。