Limited Warranty のサンプル条項

Limited Warranty. With regard to perpetual Software licenses issued under this Agreement, the first three sentences of Section II, 9.1 of the Agreement shall not apply. Instead, the following limited warranty shall apply: Qlik warrants that the initial version of the Software delivered hereunder (but excluding any updates thereto provided as a result of Support) provides the functionalities set forth in the Documentation (the “agreed upon functionalities”) for the limited warranty period following the Delivery Date when used on the recommended hardware configuration. As used in this Section, “limited warranty period” means one (1) year. Non- substantial variation from the agreed upon functionalities shall not be considered and does not establish any warranty rights. To make a warranty claim, Customer must notify Qlik in writing during the limited warranty period. If the functionalities of the Software vary substantially from the agreed upon functionalities, Qlik shall be entitled, by way of re-performance and at its own discretion, to repair or replace the Software. If this fails, Customer is entitled to cancel the purchase agreement (rescission).
Limited Warranty. The Software and the accompanying documentation are provided "as is" without any warranty or condition of any kind. Vienna Symphonic Library GmbH and its suppliers make no warranties, express, implied, or otherwise, that the documentation or the functions contained in the Software will meet Your requirements or that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. The Licensee agrees that it is not possible to develop software programs in such a way that they will function without failure in all fields of use of licensee. Vienna Symphonic Library GmbH specifically excludes any warranty for any functions or specifications described in the Software description or any promotional materials. Vienna Symphonic Library GmbH expressly disclaims all warranties including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, and fitness for a particular purpose.
Limited Warranty. The following is added to the end of Section 15.1:
Limited Warranty. The following is added to this Section 15.1: The following is added to Section 15: Warranty and Exclusions:
Limited Warranty. The following is added to the end of Section 17.1:
Limited Warranty. 5.1 Performance Warranty. Parasoft warrants that the Software, as delivered by Parasoft and when used in accordance with the User Documentation and the terms of this Agreement, will substantially perform in accordance with the User Documentation for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of initial delivery of the Software. If the Software does not operate as warranted and You have provided written notice of the non-conformity to Parasoft within the ninety (90) day warranty period, Parasoft shall at its option (a) repair the Software; (b) replace the Software with software of substantially the same functionality; or (c) terminate the license for the nonconforming Software and refund the applicable license fees received by Parasoft for the nonconforming Software. The foregoing warranty specifically excludes defects in or non-conformance of the Software resulting from (a) use of the Software in a manner not in accordance with the User Documentation;
Limited Warranty. 6.1 T-Engine Forum warrants that the Source Code for which T-Engine Forum owns the copyrights does not infringe upon third party’s copyrights and Xxx Xxxxxxxx warrants that the Source Code for which Xxx Xxxxxxxx owns the copyrights does not infringe upon third party’s copyrights. 6.2 Neither T-Engine Forum nor Xxx Xxxxxxxx warrants that the Source Code other than those set forth in the preceding Article does not infringe upon third party's copyrights. 6.3 Neither T-Engine Forum nor the copyright holder of the Source Code warrants that the Source Code will fit for any particular purpose of the Source Code User. 6.4 Neither T-Engine Forum nor the copyright holder of the Source Code warrants that the Source Code does not infringe upon any third party’s industrial property rights. In no event shall T-Engine Forum and the copyright holder of the Source Code be liable for any dispute which may arise between the Source Code User and a third party in connection with the third party’s industrial property rights.
Limited Warranty. Wavesfactory warrants that the disks on which the SOFTWARE is furnished to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of purchase. Your receipt shall be evidence of the date of purchase. Any implied warranties on the SOFTWARE are limited to thirty (30) days from the date of purchase. Some states do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you. All programs and accompanying materials are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The complete risk as to the quality and performance of the programs is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

Related to Limited Warranty

  • 個人情報の第三者への提供 1. 当社は、以下に該当する場合を除くほか、あらかじめ申込者等本人の同意を得ずに個人情報を第三者に提供することはありません。

  • 印鑑照合等 (1) 手形、請求書、諸届け書類に使用された印影または署名(電磁的記録により当金庫に画像として送信されるものを含みます)を届出の印鑑(または署名鑑)と相当の注意をもって照合し、相違ないものと認めて取扱いましたうえは、その手形、請求書、諸届け書類等につき、偽造、変造その他の事故があっても、そのために生じた損害については、当金庫は責任を負いません。 (2) 手形として使用された用紙(電磁的記録により当金庫に画像として送信されるものを含みます)を相当の注意をもって第9条の交付用紙であると認めて取扱いましたうえは、その用紙につき模造、変造、流用があっても、そのために生じた損害については、前項と同様とします。 (3) この規定並びに別に定める約束手形用法に違反したために生じた損害についても、第 1 項と同様とします。

  • Point 契約約款第19条(設計図書の変更)では発注者は必要があると認める時は自らの意志で設計図書を変更できるとされており、工事目的物の変更を受注者に通知し、工期又は請負代金の変更を行う。

  • 契約約款の変更 本契約においては、約款のうち、次に掲げる条項については、約款の規定によらず、次のとおり変更するものとする。

  • 他の口座管理機関への振替 当社は、お客様からお申し出があった場合には、他の口座管理機関へ振替を行うことができます。

  • 通信経路における安全対策 お客様は、本サービスの利用に際し、公衆回線、移動体通信網、専用電話回線、インターネット等の通信経路の特性および本サービスに関して当金庫が講じる安全対策等について了承しているものとみなします。

  • 秘密の保持等 乙は、業務の履行に関して知り得た秘密を第三者に漏らし、又は業務の履行以外の目的に利用してはならない。この契約が終了し、又は解除された後においても同様とする。

  • 個人情報の提供 1. 申込人等は、信用金庫が、基金に、申込人等に関する下記(1)の情報を、基金における下記(2)の目的の達成に必要な範囲で提供することに同意します。 (1) 提供する個人情報 第1条に基づき取得し保有する個人情報 (2) 提供を受けた基金における利用目的

  • 料金の計算等 料金の計算方法並びに料金の支払方法は、別途当社が定めるところによります。

  • 収益分配方針 毎決算時に、原則として以下の方針に基づき分配を行ないます。