INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The results of intellectual activity created during the performance of this agreement are assigned to the party (parties) that created them and become their property. If the results of intellectual activity cannot be attributed to a specific party (parties), these results of intellectual activity are considered the joint partial property of all parties. The parts of such intellectual property are determined in a separate agreement that is signed by the parties and provides for the use and disposal of such intellectual property objects and order of publication. Personal non-property rights to intellectual property objects belong to the authors who created them. FINAL PROVISIONS This agreement shall be amended only upon a written agreement of all parties. Amendments to the agreement shall be an integral part of the agreement. This agreement shall be terminated providing the following: if the student is expelled from the University, terminates their study agreement or takes an academic leave/suspend their studies; if any of the parties is in breach of the obligations under this agreement; upon mutual agreement between the parties. Any party of the agreement shall notify other parties of the agreement about termination of the agreement no later than within 10 days prior the termination. All disputes shall be solved by mutual agreement; if the agreement shall not be reached – in court. This agreement comes into force from the day it is signed by the last of the parties and shall remain valid until the end of the internship and the fulfilment of all other obligations under this agreement. The agreement is concluded (please tick or underline one): □ by signing it in the written form in 3 (three) counterparts, of which each shall have the same legal effects, one counterpart for each Party; Or □ by exchanging signed and scanned copies of the Agreement in PDF format using the following e-mail addresses: The University: _______________________, The host Organization:__________________, The student: _________________________; Or □ by qualified electronic signature (creating and signing an ADOC document). 15. The Lithuanian version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the Lithuanian version and its English translation. Universitetas/ University: ________________________________________________________________ Pavadinimas, juridinio asmens kodas, buveinės adresas, telefonas, el. paštas, Universiteto paskirto praktikos vadovo vardas, pavardė, telefono numeris...
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 6.1. All and any intellectual property (including, but not limited to, copyrights, codes, drawings, technical solutions, adaptations, improvements, know-how, designs, trademarks), improvements to such intellectual property, and rights, information and materials (hereinafter together referred to as the Intellectual Property) provided to the Seller by the Buyer shall remain the property of the Buyer. Seller will use such Intellectual Property only for the purposes of this Agreement.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Everything you need to know

Intellectual Property (IP) is any product, work, or invention from human creativity, such as artistic works, symbols, designs, and images used in business. Intellectual Property is protected by the law in many forms.

Patents, trademarks, and copyrights enable individuals to gain recognition along with financial benefits from their creations. The IP system aims to create a balance between the interests of innovators and the public to create an environment where innovations can prosper.

Intellectual property rights are the rights given to the creators for their innovation. These rights remain exclusive for a certain period. When someone creates anything unique, the creator can claim ownership of their work with these rights. The owner of this content/product will have complete control over its usage.

Types of intellectual property rights

There are several types of Intellectual property rights. Some of them are:


The creativity of artists and writers like films, books, paintings, songs, and so on is guarded by these copyrights. This protection will live on for another 50 years, even after the death of the creator.

Copyrights secure the creator's works of authorship along with their rights to distribution, performance, public display, reproduction, and so on. The owners of these rights can deploy their works in the free market as property rights. The exclusive right to distribution that is provided by copyrights is particularly significant in the film industry.

In the filmmaking process, the distribution deals aid the finances of production by selling the right to distribute their movie. The distributors purchase these rights with an agreement to pay after the film is made.

This agreement is used to secure loans that help produce the movie. After the film is completed, an amount from distributors is used to pay these loans. Without copyrights, the producer will not have anything to offer the distributors, and thus, the film suffers financially. Copyrights also help the music and sound system that appear in movies. It ensures all the artists involved will be rewarded with fame and money for their hard work.


To distinguish the goods from different enterprises, trademarks are used. Trademarks are words, phrases, symbols or designs that distinguish the source of goods from another. Typically businesses trademark names, logos, or company taglines. For example, Tiffany & Co. has trademarked the color Tiffany Blue to be used on their promotional materials. Coca-cola has even trademarked the shape of their bottles.

We can also see these trademarks in the introduction of films specifying that the product is the work of a particular artist or director. Many famous movies such as Harry Potter, James Bond, and Lord of rings use trademarks to protect their titles and characters.

By featuring a reputed brand in the films, the producer can cash its popularity and increases relatability with the audience. Many movies and TV show characters are recognizable by a particular brand name. For example, The Yakult brand gains its popularity among many youngsters from the film To All The Boys I've Loved Before when Peret shows love for Lara Jean by bringing her favorite Yakult's.

Additionally, by marketing trademark-protected products, such as Yakult in our example, the producers can acquire another source of the avenue from these brands to build the finances of the film.


A patent is a special right granted to the creator, who will have complete rights over the content and can control who and if their content can be used or not. The patent owner will publish the technical data about the invention online in exchange for this right.

The patented technologies enhanced the film industry by providing a foundation on which the advertisements, along with the viewer's satisfaction, are based. For example, the implementation of Dolby Surround Sound in the year 1980 allowed the music composers and directors to develop rich sonic tapestries.

Trade Secrets

A trade secret is any confidential corporate information that gives any business a competitive advantage. Trade secrets can be as straightforward as Coca-Cola’s secret formula to distribution methods from Amazon. Other forms of trade secrets include: ad strategies, sales methods, lists of consumers, lists of vendors, production processes, and algorithms.

Trade secrets must be designated before they can be leaked, a person cannot state that they have a trade secret. Corporations typically use nondisclosure agreements or specifically state trade secrets in contracts when dealing with internal employees or partner companies.


A franchise is a license that an individual, party, or company (franchisee) purchases that allows them to use another company’s (franchisor) name, trademark, processes, and company processes.

The franchisee is typically an entrepreneur who operates a store or franchise under the franchisor's name. The franchisor is typically paid an upfront fee as well as ongoing licensing fees. McDonald’s Corporation is a famous example of a franchise business.

Intellectual Property on the Balance Sheet

Many types of intellectual property are not listed on the balance sheet since it isn’t clear what the value of each asset is. Sometimes intangible assets such as patents are listed as property since they have an expiration date. These assets also have a value that is decreased over time by amortization.

Example of Intellectual Property in Film

Intellectual Property rights play the most critical role in the film industry when it comes to securing funds. The producer has to maintain clear documentation of all the IP rights to prevent problems in the sales of the film. The agreements with the scriptwriter, actors, and directors will enhance the financial requirements of the movie. Based on the jurisdiction, the director can also be identified as the joint owner, author, or story writer of the film.

Similarly, the producer has to negotiate an agreement with the actors. The legal status of the actors differs in countries. Some countries offer the actors related rights, whereas other countries hire actors to work as employees on the sets. Once the film is ready to be released and open for public viewing, the significance of IP rights is highlighted again.

To secure financing for a movie, Intellectual property rights play a crucial role. In a nutshell, IP rights are the most valuable asset to filmmakers that can be secured through copyrights, patents, trademarks, and industrial properties. They must be withheld despite challenges, as movie components like songs, scripts, and characters work, face the issue of ownership.


  • DRAUDIMO IŠMOKA 7.1. Draudimo išmoka yra mokama Taisyklių Bendrųjų sąlygų 2.8.2. punkte nustatytais terminais.

  • DRAUDIMO IŠMOKOS APSKAIČIAVIMAS 38.1. Apdraustojo ligą pripažinus draudžiamuoju įvykiu išmokama visa pasirinkta papildomų ligų draudimo suma.

  • NUOMOS MOKESTIS 3.1. Nuomininkas už turto nuomą įsipareigoja mokėti nuomotojui nuompinigius – ______________________________________ per mėnesį / ketvirtį (nereikalingą žodį išbraukti). (suma skaičiais ir žodžiais) Jeigu nuomininkas yra pridėtinės vertės mokesčio (toliau – PVM) mokėtojas, – su PVM (jeigu jis turi būti skaičiuojamas) __________________________________. (suma skaičiais ir žodžiais)

  • Draudimo išmokos mokėjimas 3.1. Jei pastatai sunaikinti ar sugadinti, draudimo išmoka mokama vadovaujantis Jūsų pateiktais nuostolio dydį ir faktines atstatymo (remonto) išlaidas patvirtinančiais bei su mumis suderin- tais dokumentais (projektais, statybos leidimais, atstatymo / remonto darbų sąmatomis, ran- gos sutartimis, sąskaitomis už darbus, kuriuos būtina atlikti atstatant (atkuriant) draudžiamojo įvykio metu sunaikintą ar sugadintą turtą, pirktas medžiagas, būtiną įrangą objektui atstatyti iki draudžiamojo įvykio buvusios būklės, darbų priėmimo aktais, pastato pripažinimo tinkamu naudotis aktais ir kt. dokumentais) ir (arba) mūsų atliktu vertinimu.

  • KONKURSO SĄLYGŲ PAAIŠKINIMAS IR PATIKSLINIMAS 5.1 Pirkėjas atsako į kiekvieną Tiekėjo rašytinį prašymą paaiškinti pirkimo sąlygas, jeigu prašymas gautas ne vėliau kaip prieš 3 darbo dienas iki pirkimo pasiūlymų pateikimo termino pabaigos. Į laiku gautą tiekėjo prašymą paaiškinti konkurso sąlygas pirkėjas atsako ne vėliau kaip per 2 darbo dienas nuo jo gavimo dienos ir ne vėliau kaip likus 2 darbo dienoms iki pasiūlymų pateikimo termino pabaigos. Pirkėjas, atsakydamas tiekėjui, kartu siunčia paaiškinimus ir visiems kitiems tiekėjams, kuriems jis pateikė konkurso sąlygas, bet nenurodo, kuris tiekėjas pateikė prašymą paaiškinti konkurso sąlygas.

  • Draudimo sutarčiai taikoma teisė 9.1. Draudimo sutarčiai taikoma Lietuvos Respublikos teisė, jeigu draudimo sutartyje nenumatyta kitaip.

  • TAIKYTINA TEISĖ Sutarčiai ir kitiems Šalių tarpusavio santykiams, neaptartiems Sutartyje, taikoma Lietuvos Respublikos teisė.

  • Nenugalimos jėgos aplinkybės (force majeure) 6.1. Šalis nėra laikoma atsakinga už bet kokių įsipareigojimų pagal šią Sutartį neįvykdymą ar dalinį neįvykdymą, jeigu Šalis įrodo, kad tai įvyko dėl nenugalimų aplinkybių, kurių Šalys negalėjo kontroliuoti ir protingai numatyti, išvengti ar pašalinti jokiomis priemonėmis, pvz.: Vyriausybės sprendimai ir kiti aktai, kurie turėjo poveikį Šalių veiklai, politiniai neramumai, streikai, paskelbti ir nepaskelbti karai, kiti ginkluoti susirėmimai, gaisrai, potvyniai, kitos stichinės nelaimės. Nenugalimos jėgos aplinkybėmis laikomos aplinkybės, nurodytos Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio kodekso 6.212 str. ir Atleidimo nuo atsakomybės esant nenugalimos jėgos (force majeure) aplinkybėms taisyklėse, patvirtintose Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 1996 m. liepos 15 d. nutarimu Nr. 840. Nustatydamos nenugalimos jėgos aplinkybes Šalys vadovaujasi Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 1997 kovo 13 d. nutarimu Nr. 222 „Dėl nenugalimos jėgos (force majeure) aplinkybes liudijančių pažymų išdavimo tvarkos patvirtinimo“. Esant nenugalimos jėgos aplinkybėms Sutarties Šalys Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktuose nustatyta tvarka yra atleidžiamos nuo atsakomybės už Sutartyje numatytų prievolių neįvykdymą, dalinį neįvykdymą arba netinkamą įvykdymą, o įsipareigojimų vykdymo terminas pratęsiamas.

  • PASIŪLYMŲ RENGIMAS, PATEIKIMAS, KEITIMAS 4.1 Pateikdamas pasiūlymą tiekėjas sutinka su šiomis konkurso sąlygomis ir patvirtina, kad jo pasiūlyme pateikta informacija yra teisinga ir apima viską, ko reikia tinkamam pirkimo sutarties įvykdymui.

  • Ekonominės ir finansinės būklės, techninio ir profesinio pajėgumo reikalavimai Eil. Nr. Kvalifikacijos reikalavimai Kvalifikacijos reikalavimų reikšmė Kvalifikacijos reikalavimus įrodantys dokumentai