LIABILITY OF THE PARTIES. 5.1. The Carrier must submit its written claims to the Customer regarding the indemnification of penalties, additional incurred costs or losses and the originals (or certified copies) of the documents confirming these claims within 7 (seven) calendar days from the day of delivery of the Freight to the Consignee. The Customer shall have the right to unilaterally reject these subsequent claims and return them to the Carrier as unfounded. 5.2. Penalties for damages due under the Contract must be paid within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the written request of the party entitled to receive the amounts specified in this Clause, if the other party is provided with all documents confirming the right to receive the mentioned amounts and/or their amount. 5.3. If the Customer cancels the Order less than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the deadline for delivery of the vehicle to the Place of Loading specified in the Order, the Carrier shall have the right to demand from the Customer to pay a fine of EUR 100 (one hundred euros), unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties. 5.4. In the cases specified in Clause 3.1.4 of these General Terms and Conditions, the Carrier shall have the right to demand from the Customer the amount of EUR 100 (one hundred euros) for 1 (one) full day of downtime (24 hours), if the Carrier provides the Customer with duly completed related documents and VAT invoice. The Carrier shall not be entitled to demand from the Customer any additional amounts/payments related to downtime than specified in this Clause of the General Terms and Conditions. Delay in loading the Freight shall not entitle the Carrier to cancel the Order and/or leave the Place of Loading without the relevant instructions of the Customer. The Customer shall not be liable for the Carrier's downtime caused by the veterinary and/or customs services. 5.5. If the Carrier cancels the confirmed Order less than 24 (twenty four) hours before the deadline for 5.6. Vežėjui vėluojant pateikti transporto priemonę į Pakrovimo vietą patvirtintame Užsakyme sutartu laiku daugiau kaip 2 (dvi) valandas, tai yra laikoma transporto priemonės nepateikimu, šiuo atveju Užsakovas turi teisę nutraukti Sutartį ir reikalauti iš Vežėjo sumokėti baudą, kurios suma lygi 20 (dvidešimt) procentų sutartos Paslaugų kainos, bet ne mažiau nei 100 EUR (vienas šimtas eurų). Transporto priemonės nepateikimu bei pagrindu taikyti šiame Bendrųjų sąlygų numatytą Sutarties nutraukimą bei baudą taip pa...
LIABILITY OF THE PARTIES. If the Buyer fails to duly pay the total amount of the Contract, including VAT, the Seller may unilaterally terminate the Contract by giving 5 (five) calendar days’ prior notice in writing to the Buyer without reimbursing the Buyer for any costs or losses incurred by the Buyer as a result of termination of the Contract. In which event, the Seller shall retain the Contract performance security referred to in Clause 22 of this Contract and shall be entitled to sell the Goods specified in Table 1 to another Buyer. If the Seller incurs any costs in connection with the transfer of the Goods to the Buyer, the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller for such costs. If the Buyer unilaterally terminates the Contract without justifiable cause, the Seller shall retain the Contract performance security. If the Buyer is in default of payment for the purchased Goods within the time limit provided for in Clause 8 of the Contract, it shall be liable from the next day to default interest at the rate of 0.1% of the total amount of the Contract, including VAT, for each calendar day of delay (the total amount of default interest may not exceed 20% of the total amount of the Contract, including VAT, in the case of default on the contractual obligations).
LIABILITY OF THE PARTIES. 4.1. The Buyer undertakes: 4.1.1. to accept the quality goods confirmed by a Acceptance protocol from the Seller; 4.1.2. to pay in a timely manner for the delivered goods. 4.2. The Seller undertakes: 4.2.1. to deliver goods in a timely manner; 4.2.2. to deliver high-quality goods in accordance
LIABILITY OF THE PARTIES. 5.1. The Carrier must submit its written claims to the Customer regarding the indemnification of penalties, additional incurred costs or losses and the originals (or certified copies) of the documents confirming these claims within 7 (seven) calendar days from the day of vienašališkai atmesti ir grąžinti Vežėjui kaip nepagrjstus. 5.2. Netesybos ir nuostolių atlyginimas, priklausantys mokėti pagal Sutartj, privalo būti sumokėti per 30 (trisdešimt) kalendorinių dienų po raštiško šalies, turinčios teisę gauti šiame punkte nurodytas sumas, pareikalavimo gavimo dienos, jei kitai šaliai yra pateikti visi teisę gauti paminėtas sumas ir/ar jų dydj patvirtinantys dokumentai. 5.3. Užsakovui atšaukus Užsakymą likus mažiau nei 24 (dvidešimt keturioms) valandoms iki Užsakyme nurodyto transporto priemonės pateikimo j Pakrovimo vietą termino, Vežėjas turi teisę reikalauti iš Užsakovo sumokėti 100 EUR (vieno šimto eurų) baudą, jei šalių nesutarta kitaip. 5.4. Šių Bendrųjų sąlygų 3.1.4 punkte nustatytais atvejais, Vežėjas turi teisę reikalauti iš Užsakovo 100 EUR (vieno šimto eurų) sumos už 1 (vieną) pilną prastovos parą (24 val.), jei Vežėjas per nustatytą terminą pateikia Užsakovui tinkamai užpildytus su tuo susijusius dokumentus bei PVM sąskaitą-faktūrą. Vežėjas neturi teisės reikalauti iš Užsakovo jokių papildomų sumų/mokėjimų, susijusių su prastovomis, nei nurodytos šiame Bendrųjų sąlygų punkte. Vėlavimas pakrauti Krovinj nesuteikia teisės Vežėjui atšaukti Užsakymą ir/ar išvažiuoti iš Pakrovimo vietos be atitinkamų Užsakovo instrukcijų. Užsakovas neatsako už veterinarinių ir/ar muitinių tarnybų sąlygotas Vežėjo prastovas. 5.5. Vežėjui atšaukus patvirtintą Užsakymą likus mažiau nei 24 (dvidešimt keturioms) valandoms iki Užsakyme nurodyto transporto priemonės pateikimo j Pakrovimo vietą termino, Užsakovas turi teisę reikalauti iš Vežėjo sumokėti baudą, kurios suma lygi 20 (dvidešimt) procentų sutartos Paslaugų kainos, bet ne mažiau nei 100 EUR (vienas šimtas eurų), jei šalių nesutarta kitaip. 5.6. Vežėjui vėluojant pateikti transporto priemonę j Pakrovimo vietą patvirtintame Užsakyme sutartu laiku daugiau kaip 2 (dvi) valandas, tai yra laikoma transporto priemonės nepateikimu, šiuo atveju Užsakovas turi teisę nutraukti Sutartj ir reikalauti iš Vežėjo sumokėti baudą, kurios suma lygi 20 (dvidešimt) procentų sutartos Paslaugų kainos, bet ne mažiau nei 100 EUR (vienas šimtas eurų). Transporto priemonės nepateikimu bei pagrindu taikyti šiame Bendrųjų sąlygų numatytą Sutarti...
LIABILITY OF THE PARTIES. 16.1. The Customer shall be liable for the fulfilment of the obligations assumed under Application-agreement, these General terms and arising from use of Internet Service. The Customer shall be liable for the Bank for all instructions and transactions submitted and/or made via Internet Service when Customer’s identification data was entered. 16.2. If the correct identification data has been used when submitting and/or conducting instructions and transactions, the Bank makes presumption that the person having used identification data has acted according to the will of the Customer, even if the person having used the correct identification data has not been the Customer. 16.3. The Customer shall be fully liable for instructions and transactions submitted and/or made via Internet Service by a third person, if: 16.3.1. the Customer has given and/or disclosed identification data to a third person; 16.3.2. the Customer has lost identification data due to obvious negligence; 16.3.3. identification data has been lost in any manner and the loss has not been reported to the Bank according to Clause 15.1. 16.4. The Bank shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage caused to the Customer by circumstances beyond the Bank’s control nor for immediate or direct or indirect loss or damage due to disturbances in system, or due to the Customer’s inability to use the money on the bank account(-s) according to his wishes, or due to fulfilment of unauthorised or do not corresponding to reality instructions and transactions, presented in the name of Customer. 16.5. The Bank shall not be liable for the operations, services and products offered by other service providers. 16.6. The Bank shall not be liable for the correctness of the data of instructions and transactions, presented in the name of Customer. 16.7. The Bank shall not be liable for the loss or damage caused to the Customer due to incorrect usage of PC or other terminal.
LIABILITY OF THE PARTIES. 5.1. The Carrier must submit its written claims to the Customer regarding the indemnification of penalties, additional incurred costs or losses and the originals (or certified copies) of the documents confirming these claims within 7 (seven) calendar days from the day of delivery of the Freight to the Consignee. The Customer shall have the right to unilaterally reject these subsequent claims and return them to the Carrier as unfounded. 5.2. Penalties for damages due under the Contract must be paid within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the written request of the party entitled to receive the amounts specified in this Clause, if the other party is provided with all documents confirming the right to receive the mentioned amounts and/or their amount. 5.3. If the Customer cancels the Order less than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the deadline for delivery of the vehicle to the Place of Loading specified in the Order, the Carrier shall have the right to demand from the Customer to pay a fine of EUR 100.00 (one mokėtinos Paslaugos kainos, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar nuostoliai ar netesybos atsirado to Krovinio vežimo, už kurį mokama Paslaugos kaina, metu.