REASONS FOR REJECTION OF TENDERS. The Commission shall reject a Tender if: the Supplier has submitted more than one Tender (all Supplier’s Tenders shall be rejected); the Supplier has not complied with minimum qualification requirements if applicable; the Supplier, in its Tender, has submitted inaccurate or insufficient data about his own qualification, and, upon request from the Buyer, has not specified this data; the Tender (in the case of participation in the negotiations – the Final Tender) has not complied with the requirements laid down in the Tendering Terms and Conditions (the Object of Procurement indicated in the Tender does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Technical Specification, etc.) or a Tenderer, upon request from the Buyer, without changing the essence of the Tender, has not explained or clarified his own Tender); the Supplier has not corrected arithmetic errors within a period specified by the Buyer and / or has not explained the Tender; an abnormally low price has been submitted and the Supplier, upon request from the Buyer, has not submitted written justification of price breakdown or in any other way has not justified abnormally low price; the Supplier submitted false information, which the Buyer is able to prove using any legitimate means; the Price, offered by the Supplier, the Tender of whom has not been rejected due to other reasons, has been too high, unacceptable to the Contracting Authority. A Supplier shall be informed on Tender rejection within one business day from the day of this decision adoption. If the Buyer is not satisfied with the Tenders offered, on the basis of a decision adopted by the Commission, all Suppliers meeting minimum requirements laid down in the present Tendering Terms and Conditions, may be invited to negotiate. If a decision has been adopted to held the negotiations, it will be held with all Suppliers, the Tenders of which have not been rejected. During the negotiations, the same information shall be delivered to all Suppliers. The outcomes of the negotiations shall be executed in the Minutes, which shall be drafted for each Supplier separately. Negotiations may be executed concerning the properties of all Goods, Services or Works to be purchased, including the price, quality, commercial conditions and social, environmental and innovation aspects. No negotiations shall be held concerning minimum requirements, applied to the Object of Procurement, Suppliers’ qualification, Tenders, criteria for evaluation of these Tender...
REASONS FOR REJECTION OF TENDERS. 7.1 The Commission shall reject a Tender if:
REASONS FOR REJECTION OF TENDERS. 7.1. The Commission shall reject the tender if:
REASONS FOR REJECTION OF TENDERS. 7.1. The Commission rejects a proposal if:
REASONS FOR REJECTION OF TENDERS. The Commission shall reject a tender when: More than one tender was submitted by the supplier (all tenders of the supplier shall be rejected); The supplier did not comply with the minimum qualification requirements, if any; The supplier has provided inaccurate or incomplete information about its qualification in the tender and has not clarified it upon request of the Buyer; The tender did not comply with the requirements set out in the Terms and Conditions of the Tender (the subject of the procurement specified in the tender does not meet the requirements specified in the Technical Specification, etc.) or the tenderer did not explain or clarify its tender without changing the essence of the tender; The supplier has not corrected the arithmetic errors and / or clarified the tender within the term specified by the Buyer; An abnormally low price was offered and the supplier did not provide written justification for the price components or otherwise justify the abnormally low price upon request of the Buyer; The supplier has provided false information which the Buyer can prove by any lawful means; The supplier, whose tender was not rejected for other reasons, offered an abnormally high price that was unacceptable to the Contracting Authority. The supplier shall be informed on the rejection of its tender within one business day from the date of taking of such decision.
REASONS FOR REJECTION OF TENDERS. 5 Abnormally low price is considered as it is defined in Public Procurement Office's Guidelines on "Determining and justifying an abnormally low price or cost" 6 The price indicated in the tender in foreign currency will be converted into euros according to the ratio of the euro to the foreign currency published by the European Central Bank on the last day of submission of tenders.


  • FINAL PROVISIONS The costs of Tender preparation and participation in the Tendering Process shall not be compensated to the Suppliers. The Buyer at any time prior to conclusion of the Procurement Contract, shall be entitled to terminate Procurement procedures, if some circumstances have appeared, which could not be anticipated. The Buyer, after adopting decision concerning termination of Procurement procedures, no later than within 3 business days from decision adoption, shall inform all suppliers, who have submitted their Tenders, on such a decision, and, if the Procurement procedures have been terminated prior to the deadline for Tender submission shall inform all suppliers who have acquired the Procurement Terms and Conditions and / or Procurement Documents. The Buyer, no later than within 3 business days after Procurement Contract conclusion, shall inform via e-mail all Suppliers, who have submitted their Tenders, about conclusion of the Procurement Contract, indicating the successful Supplier awarded the Contract, as well as on the price offered by this Supplier. Information, submitted in the Tenders, except for information indicated in item 11.3 of the Tendering Terms and Conditions shall not be disclosed to Suppliers and third persons, who administer and audit use of the EU Funds. Technical Specification (Annex No 1); Tender Form (Annex No. 2); Declaration of Compliance with Minimum Qualification Requirements (Annex No. 3); Supplier’s Declaration (Annex No. 4).

  • MINIMALIŲ KVALIFIKACIJOS REIKALAVIMŲ ATITIKTIES DEKLARACIJA (Data) _____________________ (Sudarymo vieta) tvirtinu, kad mano vadovaujamo (-os) /(atstovaujamo (-os)) ______________________________________________________________________________ , ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________