Fees Voorbeeldclausules

Fees. De aangeboden diensten worden in rekening gebracht door de Distributeur voor rekening van de Issuer overeenkomstig de FinanciëVleoorwaarden. Fees verschludigd door de Gebruiker aan de Issuer kunnenEinlektronisch Geldbetaald worden
Fees. 1. The Client must pay the Service Provider a fee and reimburse any costs incurred, in accordance with the fees, calculations and methods commonly in use with the Service Provider. The Service Provider’s fees shall not, under any circumstances, be dependent on the outcome of the granted commission.
Fees. 6.1 That Special Day’s fees are excluding That Special Day’s expenses and excluding expense sheets for third parties employed by That Special Day.
Fees. De aangeboden diensten worden in rekening gebracht door de Distributeur voor rekening van de Service provider overeenkomstig de Financiële Voorwaarden. Fees verschuldigd door de Gebruiker aan de Service provider kunnen in Elektronisch Geld betaald worden.
Fees. The partnership charges an hourly fee for services rendered. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the fees shall not be dependant upon the result of the execution of those legal services. Unless agreed otherwise the partnership shall render a monthly ac-count for, according to their administration, hours spent and the costs incurred in the preceding quarter, which account shall include a fixed percentage covering general office expenses, as well as VAT. The fees could be adapted on a yearly basis. Out of pock-et expenses are amongst others: translation costs, bailiff’s costs, court fees, attorney of record fees and travel costs. As is common practice among law firms in the Netherlands the partnership reserves the right to demand a retainer for fees and costs and postpone the commencement of its legal services until said retainer has been paid by the client. The retainer serves as a deposit for future accounts. The retainer is determined by the partnership and shall be the equivalent of fees and costs (such as court registry fees and court server fees) expected to be incurred in the next quarter.
Fees. The fee for ‘Other services’ is in principle based upon an hourly rate of €80 per clock hour (fee for academic year 2024-2025). The fee relates to general language educational services and is thus exempted from VAT. The precondition is that this service is for a minimum of five clock hours. These hours stand for the time that IBID effectively uses to complete the service, so besides contact time this may also be preparation or marking time. IBID guarantees a very efficient and professional approach. Contact time can be booked for a variety of durations, in agreement with the IBID-teacher.

Related to Fees

  • Feestdagen Feestdagen zijn: Nieuwjaarsdag, Tweede Paasdag, Hemelvaartsdag, Tweede Pinksterdag, Eerste en Tweede Kerstdag, Koningsdag, 5 mei in de lustrumjaren (een keer per 5 jaar, wanneer het jaartal eindigt op een 0 of een 5).