flooding Voorbeeldclausules

flooding c. Should the situation of force majeure last so long that the purchaser, in reasonableness, can no longer demand compliance on the part of the vendor, then either party may dissolve the agreement for future times by means of a simple written statement, without judicial intervention and without payment of compensation. Article 12: Liability of the vendor a. The liability of the vendor shall explicitly be limited to the provisions of article 8.e, unless, in addition, damage has been sustained as a result of gross negligence or intention on the part of the vendor or of its managerial staff. b. The vendor shall never be liable for any "further" damage, including consequential damage, and the vendor is therefore not obliged to reimburse any trading loss, loss of profits, damage as a result of personal accidents, damage arising out of claims of third parties vis-à-vis the purchaser or any other damage whatsoever. The purchase indemnifies the vendor in the matter of all claims of third parties relating to goods supplied by the vendor to the purchaser. c. If there should be damage as a result of a defect in the product as referred to in articles 6:185 and thereafter of the Civil Code of the Netherlands, the vendor shall furnish to the purchaser the necessary details of the producer of the product. The purchaser is obliged to institute its claim against the producer unless the vendor must be deemed to be the producer on the basis of article
flooding. Should the force majeure event last so long that the Purchaser can no longer reasonably demand the performance from the Vendor, either party may dissolve the Agreement by a mere written statement and without any judicial intervention without the Purchaser having any claim for compensation for any loss arising from this.
flooding c. Should the situation of force majeure last so long that the purchaser, in reasonable- ness, can no longer demand compliance on the part of the vendor, then either party may dissolve the agreement for future times by means of a simple written statement, without judicial intervention and without payment of compensation. a. The liability of the vendor shall explicitly be limited to the provisions of article 8.e, unless, in addition, damage has been sustained as a result of gross negligence or in- tention on the part of the vendor and/or of its managerial staff. b. The vendor shall never be liable for any “further” damage, including consequential damage, and the vendor is therefore not obliged to reimburse any trading loss, loss of profits, damage as a result of personal accidents, damage arising out of claims of third parties vis-à-vis the purchaser or any other damage whatsoever. The purchase indemnifies the vendor in the matter of all claims of third parties relating to goods supplied by the vendor to the purchaser. c. If there should be damage as a result of a defect in the product as referred to in arti- cles 6:185 and thereafter of the Civil Code of the Netherlands, the vendor shall furnish to the purchaser the necessary details of the producer of the product. The purchaser is obliged to institute its claim against the producer unless the vendor must be deemed to be the producer on the basis of article 6:187 of the Civil Code of the Netherlands. a. The purchaser shall trade the contract goods exclusively in the original packaging as they come from the vendor, in unchanged condition and intact. However, the purcha- ser may trade individually any contract goods which have been delivered in bulk packaging, provided the individual products are traded in the original packaging as they come from the vendor, in unchanged condition and intact. b. For each violation of the obligations named in this present article, the purchaser shall forfeit to the vendor an immediately due and payable astreinte which does not qualify for compensation or discount in the amount of 5000 Euros. The vendor shall not need to send the purchaser any notice of default in connection with this penalty. In addition to this penalty, the vendor shall be entitled to compensation, and it may dis- solve the agreement(s) with the purchaser with immediate effect. The publicity and promotional material which the vendor should make available to the purchaser, whether it is free of charge or othe...

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  • Inleiding Hieronder vindt u onze Algemene Voorwaarden. Deze zijn steeds van toepassing als u gebruik maakt van of een bestelling plaatst via onze Website. De Algemene Voorwaarden bevat belangrijke informatie voor u als koper. Xxxx deze daarom goed door. Wij raden u verder aan deze voorwaarden op te slaan of af te drukken, zodat u ze op een later moment nog eens kunt teruglezen.