LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. 1. The Contractor is only liable to the Principal for damage which directly results from a (related series of) culpable failure(s) in fulfilling the Agreement. This liability is limited to the amount paid for the event in question according to the Contractor’s liability insurer, plus the excess to be paid by the Contractor under the insurance policy, if any. If the liability insurer does not pay for any reason whatsoever, the Contractor’s liability is limited to the amount of the fee charged for fulfilling the Agreement. In the event that the Agreement is a continuing performance contract with a term of more than one year, the amount mentioned above will be set at three times the amount of the fee charged to the Principal in the twelve months preceding the occurrence of the damage. In no event will the total compensation of the damage by virtue of this article amount to more than € 225,000.00 per event, in which a series of related events is deemed to be a single event, unless -in view of the scope of the instructions or the risks related to the instructions- the parties at the time the Agreement is entered into feel that there is reason to deviate from this maximum.
LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. 13.1. The Seller explicitly disclaims any liability and/or strict liability for direct loss, indirect loss, consequential loss, trading loss, loss of profits, missed savings, reduced goodwill, loss due to business interruption, corruption or loss of data, damage to crops and all other forms of direct and/or indirect loss or damage caused by the Seller, its employees, auxiliary persons it engages and/or its Products, unless the loss or damage is the result of intent or deliberate recklessness.
LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. 1. WKP is never liable for any damage resulting from the incorrect and/or incompetent use of the Products. Incorrect use is at any rate taken to include the use of the Product for any purpose other than the one it was manufactured for.
LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. 1 The Contractor is only liable to the Principal for damage which directly results from a (related series of) culpable failure(s) in fulfilling the Agreement. This liability is limited to the amount paid for the event in question according to the Contractor’s liability insurer, plus the excess to be paid by the Contractor under the insurance policy, if any. If the liability insurer does not pay for any reason whatsoever, the Contractor’s liability is limited to the amount of the fee charged for fulfilling the Agreement. In the event that the Agreement is a continuing performance contract with a term of more than one year, the amount mentioned in the previous sentence will be set at twice the amount of the fee charged to the Principal in the twelve months preceding the occurrence of the damage. In no event will the total compensation of the damage by virtue of this article amount to more than EUR 300,000 per event, in which a series of related events is deemed to be a single event, unless – in view of the scope of the instructions or the risks related to the instructions – the parties at the time the Agreement is entered into feel that there is reason to deviate from this maximum.
LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. 6.1 Backbone accepts the legal obligations to pay for damages to the extent of the terms set out in Article 6.


  • Functie-indeling Deze cao kent een functiewaarderingssysteem (FUWAM, gebaseerd op de CATS methodiek). Er zijn 9 functieniveaus, A t/m I, en daarmee corresponderende loonschalen. Elk functieniveau bevat volwaardige functies; elke schaal kan daardoor eindschaal zijn. In 2020 is de functiewaarderingssystematiek uitgebreid met E-businessfuncties. Medewerkers worden op het juiste functieniveau ingedeeld met behulp van het Handboek Functie-indeling voor Retail Non-Food (voorheen: Fashion, Sport & Lifestyle) of de door de brancheorganisatie online beschikbaar gestelde tools, zoals de website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. In bijlage 1c staat een samenvatting van de niveaubladen van dat Handboek. Het Handboek is digitaal beschikbaar. Voor medewerkers die het niet eens zijn met de indeling bestaat een bezwaar- en beroepsprocedure (zie bijlage 1d). Eventuele geschillen over functie-indeling kunnen slechts op basis van het (uitgebreide/gedetailleerde) Handboek Retail Non-Food (voorheen: Functie-indeling voor Fashion, Sport & Lifestyle) worden beslecht. Werkgevers die een eigen loongebouw willen toepassen, kunnen hiervoor een verzoek tot dispensatie indienen bij de Sociale Commissie.


  • WELK ADRES GEBRUIKEN WIJ OM U TE INFORMEREN? 15.1 Wij hebben u volgens de wet op de juiste manier geïnformeerd als wij onze informatie sturen naar:

  • Wat doen wij bij fraude? 11.1 Vertrouwen is één van de uitgangspunten van verzekeren. Dit vertrouwen wordt soms misbruikt door fraude te plegen. Onder fraude verstaan wij het met opzet een oneerlijk verzoek om schadevergoeding, reparatie van schade of hulp doen.