Responsibility Voorbeeldclausules

Responsibility. You are fully responsible for the equipment as soon as you leave the workshop with it. Also when you keep it inside the institute. • Recording equipment like cameras and audio recorders. Recording equipment is manufactured to use on various locations and may be used within and outside the institute, but not outside the country. • Presentation equipment, like projectors, DVD and Blu-Ray players, TVs. Presentation equipment is manufactured to install once on one location and to be operated from that location only. This type of equipment is not fit for regular transport and may not be used outside the institute.
Responsibility. The purchaser is obliged to handle and use our products in compliance with the rules of the trade and specific methods of application, which are assumed to be known. Inappropriate application, or use for purposes other those originally intended, removes any responsibility on our part with regard to the quality of goods sold. Our liability shall be confined to the quality of our products. If a product should prove to be faulty or non-compliant, our commitment will be restricted, regardless of the consequential effects of that fault, to the quantitative replacement of that product. Apart from this, we shall accept no liability except as required by law. Any complaint relating to hidden defects will be accepted by us only within 3 calendar months of the merchandise delivery date.
Responsibility. 11.1 Any legal claim against DS Xxxxx under this Agreement will only be valid if it is made within 6 months of the date of the event giving rise to the claim.

Related to Responsibility

  • Monitoring Wijze van monitoren van de Individuele voorziening

  • Evaluatie Zo vaak als nodig, maar in ieder geval één keer per 3 jaar wordt deze gedragscode geëvalueerd en waar nodig bijgesteld.

  • Functiewaardering 1 De functie van de werknemer is op basis van het door de werkgever gehanteerde systeem van functiewaardering FUWA-HBO of de Hay-methodiek ingedeeld in één van de functiegroepen 1 tot en met 18. Deze functiegroepen zijn tevens salarisgroepen.