Summary Voorbeeldclausules

Summary. Over the last hundred years, the function and meaning of work have changed considerably. Values in work have become more and more important. Buil- ding on the social choice theory, now is the time to incorporate these values in the work field in a new type of contracting process. Hence, we propose to add a work- and employability agreement, a reciprocal agreement about the working relationship between employer and employee, to the legal contract. In purposeful work it is important that work values of employees correspond to mission, identity and corporate values of the organization. We propose three stages through which a work and employability agreement is created using the seven work values of the Capability Approach. In stage one the em- ployer presents the employee an employment contract in which mission and corporate values are included. In stage two the employee receives his or her contract, scores his or her own work values and checks thoroughly all values and mutual promises. When both parties are satisfied with the created balan- ce they can go working together in stage three. After starting the work relati- onship, employer and employee evaluate regularly about the extent to which their common values are fulfilled. The Capability Approach gives us a useful framework of action for this and an opportunity to measure the effects on value in work, involvement and sustainable employability and reduce absenteeism.
Summary. Following the collapse of LBI in the beginning of October 2008, no operations outside of Iceland were transferred to NBI. This had the effect that at inception NBI was a much smaller bank than LBI was previously both in terms of the size of balance sheet (the new bank being only 25 % of the size of its predecessor) and number of employees. Although most of the operations in place in Iceland were trans­ ferred to NBI, the size and scope of the operations was greatly reduced.
Summary. For the above-mentioned reasons, the Authority questions the compatibility of the proposed scheme with the EEA Agreement. In the EEA aid towards transport of raw materials or interme- diate products can normally only be granted in the outermost regions of the EU. However, it can be considered whether trans- port aid for these products can be granted in the case of schemes limited to least populated regions.
Summary. (1) The EFTA Surveillance Authority (‘the Authority’) wishes to inform the Norwegian authorities that it has concerns that the notified measure and some of the measures covered by the complaints related to Trondheim Spektrum AS might entail state aid within the meaning of Article 61(1) of the EEA Agreement. The Authority furthermore has doubts concerning the compatibility of these measures with the functioning of the EEA Agreement. The Authority has therefore decided to open a formal investigation (1) into these measures.
Summary. There are two ways you may be able to receive a TRS payment that is eligible for rollover: (1) Certain payments can be made directly to an IRA that you establish or to an eligible employer plan that will accept it and hold it for your benefit ("DIRECT ROLLOVER"); or (2) The payment can be PAID TO YOU.
Summary. European research programs such as Horizon2020 provide millions in subsidies to the Israeli arms industry, government institutions, and highly militarized universities. Although the policy is that funding received by Israel should only be for civil applications, there is no control on this policy. Various Dutch government agencies, companies, and universities cooperate with Israeli partners. For example, the Haaglanden Security Region is working with Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit on a drone project using technology used in bombing raids on Palestinians. The Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory, the Netherlands Forensic Institute, Europol (The Hague location), the Ministry of Justice and Security, Prorail, Single Quantum BV, Corvers Procurement Services BV, Erasmus University, VU University Amsterdam and Utrecht University are also working with Israeli partners on programs that may have a military or repressive application, such as cockpit technology, surveillance technology, and 'security programs'. The Dutch government considers the Israeli settlement policy in the occupied territories to be contrary to international law and the biggest stumbling block on the Israeli side to make progress in the peace process. If the government wants to act in line with this vision and contribute to the peace process, it must ban all imports and exports of military and dual-use goods. In addition, Israel must be excluded from European innovation programs such as Horizon2020 and European trade treaties. It is not verifiable whether developed knowledge will be deployed in occupied Palestinian territory. A possible annexation will make this even more difficult.

Related to Summary

  • Procedure na beëindiging A.4.1 Partijen zijn over en weer verplicht om na beëindiging van de Overeenkomst enig goed waarvan de andere Partij eigenaar of rechthebbende is en die bij de ene Partij in bezit is, onverwijld terug in het bezit te brengen van de andere Partij. Bepaalde goederen, zoals gegevens(dragers), kunnen ook worden gewist of vernietigd in plaats van teruggegeven, indien de rechthebbende partij daar Schriftelijk toestemming voor heeft gegeven.

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  • Algemene informatie 1. Gegevens ggz-aanbieder

  • Wettelijke informatie De notaris wijst op de verplichtingen opgelegd door artikel 101 van het Vlaams Decreet van 27 oktober 2006 betreffende de bodemsanering en de bodembescherming (Bodemdecreet).

  • Beroepsprocedure 1. Indien een werknemer het niet of niet meer eens is met de beschrijving van de functie waarin hij is aangesteld en/of bezwaar heeft tegen zijn functie-indeling in een der loonschalen genoemd in artikel 25, dient hij te streven naar een oplossing van het bezwaar langs normale wegen van overleg, als weergegeven in bijlage I.

  • Budget Krijgt u voor de betreffende zorg een budget? Dan is de totale vergoeding nooit hoger dan het maximale budget dat in het betreffende zorgartikel staat.

  • Procedure 1 Indien de werkgever een besluit tot schorsing oplegt of overweegt, stelt de werkgever de werknemer schriftelijk en met redenen omkleed op de hoogte van zijn besluit dan wel voornemen daartoe alsmede van de te volgen procedure. Indien de omstandigheden zodanig zijn dat de schorsing onmiddellijk dient in te gaan handelt de werkgever tijdens de schorsing overeenkomstig het bepaalde in de eerste volzin.