Terms of payment Voorbeeldclausules

Terms of payment. 6.1 In the case of payment for orders under € 100,- (one hundred euros) this shall be done cash on delivery. Other payments shall be done in euros within 30 days of the date of invoice in a way indicated by Supplier. Payment of orders above € 10.000,- (ten thousand euros) shall be done as follows: 50% on receipt of the order; 50% within a month of paying after the delivery of the goods to the customer.
Terms of payment. All prices shown in our offers and letters of confirmation are net prices plus the corresponding valid legal sales tax which might apply under Dutch law. Costs for packaging, insurance, freight and other additional costs which occur when importing or exporting goods, such as export bonus, export taxes, customs duty and other expenses or surcharges shall be born by the buyer. The invoiced amount shall be paid within 30 days from the date of invoice without discount, unless a different agreement was reached in writing. Bills of exchange are only accepted on the grounds of special agreements. The acceptance of checks and bills of exchange is only valid after cashing of check or payment of bill, unless it has been agreed upon differently in writing. The customer is in default if he does not settle the invoiced amount without deduction within the time stipulated. The crediting of the invoiced amount to our accounts is decisive. Upon default we are entitled to charge an interest of 8% of the corresponding valid basic rate of interest. We reserve the right to claim higher provable interest damage. Furthermore, the costs connected to the collection of demands out of court and/or in court shall be paid by the buyer in the case of delay in payment. In case a buyer delays in the settlement of an invoice, all our outstanding demands inclusive of possi-ble demands form bills of exchanges are immediately due, regardless of the stipulated date of pay-ment. We are furthermore entitled to refuse all outstanding services, withdraw from the contract or demand prepayment and/or the provision of security until all outstanding bills have been settled. The same is the case if we are aware of circumstances which are appropriate to question the credit- worthiness of the buyer as e.g., in the case of non-payment of bills of exchange and checks of other delay in payment. The buyer can only enforce a lien if it is based on the same contractual relationship. He is only entitled to a set-off if the counter demand is recognized by us or if it has been established non- appealable. The objects delivered by us remain our property over the buyer until the complete payment of all de-mands also demands arising in future. The buyer may sell the conditional commodities in proper course of business against instant payment or under reservation of title. He is not entitled to other dispositions, especially regarding the transfer by way of security and to pledge. In the case of processing, connecti...
Terms of payment. 5.1. The Purchaser shall make payments at the place of GF within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice without any deductions, such as discounts, costs, taxes or dues.
Terms of payment. The Customer must pay for goods when it places the Order. The Customer may pay for his/her Orders online using any of the following cards: Carte Bleue, Visa and Mastercard, and by providing his/her card number and expiration date, as well as the three last digits of the number shown on the back of his/her bank card. An immediate reimbursement on the Customer’s bank account in case of unavailability of a good shall not give any right to compensation to the Customer.
Terms of payment. (a) Payments shall be made by wire transfer or by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit, unless otherwise agreed with Seller. Terms of payment shall be specified in the order confirmation, unless other specific terms of payment are stated in another Transaction Documents and accepted, in writing, by an authorized employee or agent of Seller. If at any time Seller, in its sole discretion, deems Buyer's credit unsatisfactory or in any way impaired, Seller reserves the right, among other remedies, to terminate the Purchase Order, and suspend further deliveries; or, to require payment either by:
Terms of payment. Except for written deviations, always strictly interpreted, our deliveries shall be paid for by cash on delivery (COD). Mentions on the invoice are considered as written deviations.
Terms of payment. The payment for services under this agreement shall be made on monthly, basis, payment through RTGS-NEFT Payment. The payment shall be done within 10 working days of receipt of the clear bill for each calendar month, duly supported with the requisite details of Invoice (i.e. Tax invoice as per Service Tax rules clearly indicating Service Tax registration number, Service Classification, rate and amount of Service Tax shown separately). Insurance Policies and proof of payment of premium (As applicable). Details of statutory payments like PF, ESI, and EPF etc. (As applicable). Undertaking by the Housekeeping Agency regarding compliance of all statutes. Certificate of the Housekeeping Agency that labours have been paid not less than Minimum wages. (As applicable). Attendance sheet/manpower deployment sheet(showing non- deployment/short deployment and reasons thereof) Any document in support of any other claim permissible under this contract. The final payment shall, however, be made only after adjusting all the dues/claims of the Institute.
Terms of payment. For bookings made later than 6 weeks before arrival, the full rental amount must be paid in full by means of online pay- ment or bank transfer. If the client makes a reservation more than six weeks in advance, half the booking amount must be transferred within 8 days after the reservation date and the balance of 50% must be received by XXXXXXX no later than 6 weeks before arrival. Booking amounts up to €150 must be paid immediately and in full. Invoices must be protested by registered letter within 8 days after the invoice date. If this is not done they will be regarded as accepted. If the client has not paid the full book- ing amount within the specified period, they will be regarded and being legally in default and XXXXXXX shall be entitled to compensation of interest equal to 10 per cent per year as of the expiry date without any notice of default being required. Any costs reasonably incurred in the collection of the claim, either legal or non-legal, shall be at the client’s expense. The non-legal costs shall always be equal to 15% of the amount in arrears with a minimum of €150. If the client cancels a travel agreement, aside from any reser- vation fees the following amounts will be owing:
Terms of payment. 8.1. Payments will be made in euro, net and without any deduction. The goods have to be paid at the seller’s head office.

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