TESTING Voorbeeldclausules

TESTING. The contractor shall, as and when directed by the Architect & Employer, arrange to test materials and/or portions of the work at site in any approved laboratory at his own cost, in order to provide their soundness and efficiency. The contractor shall transport all the materials from site to the approved laboratory at his own cost. The contractor shall carryout all the mandatory tests as per list attached at the frequencies stated therein. Even after such tests, any materials brought to site or incorporated in the works are found to be defective or unsound or not as per approved samples, the contractor shall remove the same and re-erect at his own cost and without any additional time/period for the same, with reference to the date fixed for completing the work. In case these tests are not carried out at the frequencies stated, then proportionate costs of materials not so tested, including cost of testing and quantities of items of work executed with such materials, if otherwise accepted for retention in the work, will be deducted from the dues to the contractor. The deductions will be worked out by the Architect/client and shall be final and binding on him. Tolerance on various material and items of work shall be allowed laid down in the documents below and the order of precedence shall be:
TESTING. 1.Inspection before use 2.Trial
TESTING. 1.Inspection before use A.Check installation of the whole machine and the pipe connections according to the pipe connecting drawing; B.Check the electric wiring according to the electric wiring diagram; and earthing connection; C.Make sure that the main machine power switch is off; D.Check the temperature setting; E.Check the air inlet and outlet. X.The user must “Start the Pump before the Machine, And Turn off the Machine before the Pump”, or the machine will be damaged; B.The user should start the pump, check for any leakage of water; and then set suitable temperature in the thermostat, and then switch on power supply; C.In order to protect the swimming pool heater, the machine is equipped with a time lag starting function, when starting the machine, the blower will run 1 minutes earlier than the compressor; D.After the swimming pool heater starts up, check for any abnormal noise from the machine.
TESTING. 32.1 Alle inspecties en tests vóór levering zullen worden uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met de standaardprocedures van Cytiva.

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