Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Groenland 20-12-1976 Australië, 25 februari 2000 [The Government of Australia declares that] it will not be bound by any of the Regulations annexed to the Agreement, as amended, until further notification is given. [The Government of Australia also declares] that the Agreement, as amended, will apply to all territories for whose international relations Australia is responsible, with the exception of Norfolk Island. België, 7 juli 1959
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Hongkong SAR 01-07-1997 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Hongkong (< 01-07-1997) 11-08-1995 01-07-1997 Partij Onder- tekening Ratificatie Type* In werking Opzeg- ging Buiten werking Albanië 28-05-09 T 28-08-09 Algerije 08-05-98 R 08-08-98 Andorra 02-09-98 R 02-12-98 Partij Onder- tekening Ratificatie Type* In werking Opzeg- ging Buiten werking Belarus 07-05-98 R 07-08-98 België 18-07-97 R 18-10-97 Bosnië en Herzegovina NB Bulgarije 11-03-03 R 11-06-03 Chili 03-03-04 R 03-06-04 Cyprus 25-10-04 R 25-01-05 Denemarken 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Duitsland 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 EG (Europese Gemeenschap) 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Estland 17-01-96 R 17-04-96 Finland 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Frankrijk 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Georgië 01-04-10 T 01-07-10 Griekenland 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Hongarije 31-01-05 R 30-04-05 Ierland 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Italië 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Kroatië 01-03-99 R 01-06-99 Letland 16-07-99 R 16-10-99 Litouwen 26-02-98 R 26-05-98 Luxemburg 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Macedonië, Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek 21-04-06 R 21-07-06 Madagaskar 02-06-08 T 02-09-08 Malta 08-01-01 R 08-04-01 Moldavië 02-02-09 T 02-05-09 Partij Onder- tekening Ratificatie Type* In werking Opzeg- ging Buiten werking Montenegro 23-06-08 T 23-09-08 Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der – Nederland – Ned. Antillen – Aruba 18-06-97 18-06-97 – R R 18-09-97 18-09-97 – Nigeria 10-06-93 R 17-04-96 Oekraïne 22-06-04 R 22-09-04 Oostenrijk 29-09-94 R 17-04-96 Polen 15-03-01 R 15-06-01 Portugal 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Roemenië 26-11-02 R 26-02-03 Russische Federatie 18-04-96 R 18-07-96 Slovenië 23-10-00 R 23-01-01 Slowakije 22-09-00 R 22-12-00 Spanje 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Tadzjikistan 27-08-97 R 27-11-97 Tsjechië 24-11-99 R 24-02-00 Turkije 15-12-04 R 15-03-05 Verenigd Koninkrijk, het 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Zimbabwe 17-11-92 R 17-04-96 Zweden 18-06-97 R 18-09-97 Zwitserland 11-05-95 R 17-04-96 * O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R= Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Groenland 13-05-1953 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Aden (< 30-11-1967) 22-11-1953 30-11-1967 Akrotiri en Dhekelia (Soevereine Basis Gebieden op Cyprus) 01-05-2004 Anguilla 22-11-1953 Antigua en Barbuda (< 01-11-1981) 22-11-1953 01-11-1981 Bahama’s (< 10-07-1973) 22-11-1953 10-07-1973 Barbados (< 30-11-1966) 22-11-1953 30-11-1966 Belize (< 21-09-1981) 22-11-1953 21-09-1981 Bermuda 22-11-1953 Botswana (< 30-09-1966) 22-11-1953 30-09-1966 Brits Noord Borneo (< 16-09-1963) 22-11-1953 16-09-1963 Brits Somaliland (< 26-06-1960) 22-11-1953 26-06-1960 Britse Maagdeneilanden 22-11-1953 Brunei (< 01-01-1984) 12-10-1967 01-01-1984 Caymaneilanden 22-11-1953 Cyprus (< 16-08-1960) 22-11-1953 16-08-1960 Xxxxxxxx (< 03-11-1978) 22-11-1953 03-11-1978 Falklandeilanden 22-11-1953 Fiji-eilanden (< 10-10-1970) 22-11-1953 10-10-1970 Gambia (< 18-02-1965) 22-11-1953 18-02-1965 Ghana (< 06-03-1957) 22-11-1953 06-03-1957 Gibraltar 22-11-1953 Grenada (< 07-02-1974) 22-11-1953 07-02-1974 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Guernsey 22-11-1953 Guyana (< 26-05-1966) 22-11-1953 26-05-1966 Jamaica (< 06-08-1962) 22-11-1953 06-08-1962 Jersey 22-11-1953 Kenia (< 12-12-1963) 22-11-1953 12-12-1963 Kiribati (< 12-07-1979) 22-11-1953 12-07-1979 Lesotho (< 04-10-1966) 22-11-1953 04-10-1966 Malawi (< 01-01-1964) 22-11-1953 01-01-1964 Maleise Federatie (< 31-08-1957) 22-11-1953 31-08-1957 Malta (< 21-09-1964) 22-11-1953 21-09-1964 Man 22-11-1953 Mauritius (< 12-03-1968) 22-11-1953 12-03-1968 Montserrat 22-11-1953 Nigeria (< 01-10-1960) 22-11-1953 01-10-1960 Saint Kitts en Nevis (< 19-11-1983) 22-11-1953 19-11-1983 Saint Lucia (< 22-02-1979) 22-11-1953 22-02-1979 Saint Vincent en de Grenadines (<27-10-1979) 22-11-1953 27-10-1979 Salomonseilanden (< 07-07-1978) 22-11-1953 07-07-1978 Sarawak (< 16-09-1963) 22-11-1953 16-09-1963 Seychelles (< 29-06-1976) 22-11-1953 29-06-1976 Sierra Leone (< 27-04-1961) 22-11-1953 27-04-1961 Singapore (< 16-09-1963) 22-11-1953 16-09-1963 Sint-Xxxxxx, Ascension en Tristan da Cunha 22-11-1953 Swaziland (< 06-09-1968) 22-11-1953 06-09-1968 Tanganika (< 09-12-1961) 22-11-1953 09-12-1961 Tonga (< 04-06-1970) 22-11-1953 04-06-1970 Trinidad en Tobago (< 31-08-1962) 22-11-1953 31-08-1962 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Turks- en Caicos-eilanden 22-11-1953 Tuvalu (< 01-10-1978) 22-11-1953 01-10-1978 Uganda (< 09-10-1962) 22-11-1953 09-10-1962 Zambia (< 01-01-1964) 22-11-1953 01-01-1964 Zanzibar (< 26-04-1964) 22-11-1953 26-04-1964 Zuid-Georgië en de ...
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Xxxxx XXX 00-00-0000 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Groenland 01-06-1980 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Macao SAR 19-07-1999 20-12-1999 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Anguilla 14-01-1983 Xxxxxxx 00-00-0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 21-01-1972 Caymaneilanden 21-01-1972 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00-00-0000 Xxxxxxxxx 21-01-1972 Montserrat 21-01-1972 Pitcairneilanden 21-01-1972 Salomonseilanden 21-01-1972 07-07-1978 Sint-Xxxxxx, Ascension en Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxx 00-00-0000 Xxxxx- en Caicoseilanden 21-01-1972 Zuid-Georgië en de Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden 21-01-1972 Algerije, 6 oktober 1995 The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria does not consider itself bound by the provisions of articles 24.1, 12.1 and 14.1 respectively of the Tokyo, The Hague and Montreal Conventions, which provide for the mandatory referral of any dispute to the International Court of Justice. The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria states that in each case the prior consent of all the parties concerned shall be required in order to refer a dispute to the International Court of Justice. Andorra, 23 september 2004 At the time of accession to this Convention, the Principality of Andorra has no airport or an aerodrome, although it does have a heliport and helipads. Argentinië, 11 september 1972 The application of this Convention to territories the sovereignty of which may be disputed among two or more States, whether Parties to the Convention or not, may not be interpreted as alteration, renunciation or waiver of the position upheld by each up to the present time. Bahrein, 20 februari 1984 Reservation made with respect to paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the Convention. Belarus, 30 december 1971 Reservation made with respect to paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the Convention. Brazilië, 14 januari 1972 Reservation made with respect to paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the Convention. China, 10 september 1980 Reservation made with respect to paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the Convention. The Chinese Government declares illegal and null and void the signa- ture and ratification of the above-mentioned Convention by the Taiwan authorities in the name of China. China, 29 november 1999 The reservation made by the Government of the People’s Republic of China to paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the Convention will also apply to the Macao Special Administrative Region. Cuba, 27 november 2001 Reservation made with respect to paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the Convention.
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Xxxxxxxx XXX 00-00-0000 Xxxxx XXX 24-06-2005 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Niue 16-07-1979 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Xxxxxxx 00-00-0000 Xxxxxxxx (< 01-07-1997) 22-08-1979 01-07-1997 Cuba, 12 september 2003 In the name of the Government of the Republic of Cuba, at the time of ratification of the Amended Convention on the International Mobile Sat- ellite Organization (INMARSAT), In conformity with the provisions of Article 15 and the Annex to the afore-mentioned Convention, the Cuban State declares: That disputes between the Parties concerning the interpretation and application of this International Legal Instrument must be settled through diplomatic negotiations. Cuba does not accept the compulsory jurisdic- tion of the International Court of Justice and thus, does not recognize its decisions, nor the arbitration envisaged in the Annex concerning settle- ment of disputes. Of which this Declaration shall be the formal expression. Indonesië, 9 oktober 1986 Notwithstanding to the provision of the article 31 of this Convention the Government of the Republic of Indonesia declares that any dispute aris- ing between the Republic of Indonesia and one or more Parties, or between the Republic of Indonesia and the Organisation, will be settled by negotiation among the parties concerned. Italië, 10 juli 1978 { it is not the Italian Government’s intention to confirm the declaration on initial investment shares which was deposited at the moment of the signature of the INMARSAT Convention. Italië, 6 juni 1978 The Italian Government, at the moment of signing the INMARSAT Con- vention, wishes to reaffirm Italy’s intention to become a party of the Organization, within the terms of ratification set by the Convention, and to participate with an initial investment share equal to that established in part (A) of the Annex to the operating Agreement. The Italian Government, well aware of the fact that part (B) of the Annex was intended to secure the entry into force of the INMARSAT agreements within the terms set by Art. 33 of the Convention, is none the less convinced that said part (B) of the Annex cannot be interpreted in such a way as to become prejudicial to the right acquired by one State by virtue of part (A) of the Annex. In fact, the operating Agreement is not entitled to modify the right deriving from the Convention.
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Hong Kong SAR 01-07-1997 Macau SAR 18-07-2005 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Faeröer 18-09-1990 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Cook-eilanden 30-10-1986 Niue 30-10-1986 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Bermuda 01-01-1989 Britse Maagden-eilanden 19-06-2006 Cayman-eilanden 01-04-1991 Gibraltar 27-09-1995 HongKong (< 01-07-1997) 03-11-1984 01-07-1997 Man 01-07-1985 Australië, 7 november 1983 Australia has a federal constitutional system in which legislative, execu- tive and judicial powers are shared or distributed between the Common- wealth and the constituent States. The implementation of the Treaty throughout Australia will be effected by the Commonwealth, State and Territory authorities having regard to their respective constitutional powers and arrangements concerning their exercise. Canada, 6 november 1987 The Government of Canada reserves its position with regard to the pro- visions of paragraph 6(d) of the appendix to regulation II/2 and para- graph 16 of the appendix to regulation II/4 in the Annex to the Interna- tional Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 in respect of the compulsory knowl- edge of an ability to use the English language. The position of the Gov- ernment of Canada is that the provisions of those paragraphs which refer to the ability to use navigational publications in English, and the need to have an adequate knowledge of the English language, are not appli- cable to Canada as there are two official languages in Canada: English and French. Both languages have equal status, consequently candidates for certificates may choose to be examined in either language.
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Faeröer 01-01-2007 Groenland 01-04-1995
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Amerikaans-Samoa 01-04-1995 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden 01-04-1995 Bakereiland 01-04-1995 Guam 01-04-1995 Howland-eiland 01-04-1995 Jarviseiland 01-04-1995 Johnstoneiland 01-04-1995 Kingman Reef 01-04-1995 Xxxxxx-xxxxxx 00-00-0000 Xxxxxxx-xxxxxx 01-04-1995 Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00-00-0000 Xxxxxxx-xxxxxx 01-04-1995 Panamakanaal-zone (< 31-12-1999) 01-04-1995 31-12-1999 Xxxxxx Xxxx 00-00-0000 Wake-eiland 01-04-1995 Argentinië, 13 september 2012 The Argentine Republic shall not provide any type of assistance in rela- tion to the taxes of the other Parties as mentioned in Article 2, paragraph 1, sub-paragraphs b.i or b.iv, of the Convention according to Article 30, paragraph 1.a, of the Convention. The Argentine Republic shall not provide assistance in the collection of tax claims or in the collection of administrative fines, for all the taxes, according to the provisions of Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention. The Argentine Republic shall not provide assistance for the notification and the transfer of documents for any tax, according to the provisions of Article 17 of the Convention. Annex A – Taxes to which the Convention would apply: – Article 2, paragraph 1.a.i: Income Tax. – Article 2, paragraph 1.b.ii: Contributions to Social Security. – Article 2, paragraph 1.b.iii. A: Tax on Personal Property. – Article 2, paragraph 1.b.iii. C: Value Added Tax. – Article 2, paragraph 1.b.iii. D: Tax on Liquid Fuels, Domestic Tax, Law 24764, Tax on Insurance and other Assets, Law 3764. – Article 2, paragraph 1.b.iii. G: Presumptive Income Tax, Real Property Transfer Tax, Tax on the Debits and Credits originated from Financial Transactions, Law 25413, Simplified Regime for Taxpayers (Monotributo). Xxxxx X – Competent Authorities The Argentine Republic declares that the competent authority, with the powers mentioned in Article 3, paragraph 1.d, of the Convention, is the Federal Administration of Public Revenue. Australië, 30 augustus 2012 Annex A – Taxes to which the Convention applies For Australia, the Convention shall apply to taxes of every kind and description imposed under the federal laws of Australia administered by the Commissioner of Taxation which correspond to the taxes in the cat- egories referred to in paragraphs 1(a) and (b)(ii) and (iii) of Article 2 of the Convention. Xxxxx X – Competent authorities In relation to Australia, the term “competent authority” means the Com- missioner of Taxation or an authorized repres...
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Norfolk 12-02-1985
Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking. Comoren, de (< 06-07-1975) 24-07-1960 06-07-1975 Djibouti (< 27-06-1977) 24-07-1960 27-06-1977 Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx 00-00-0000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 24-07-1960 Sint Pierre en Xxxxxxxx 00-00-0000 Uitgebreid tot In werking Buiten werking Jersey 30-07-2003 Man 29-11-1984 Algerije, 10 september 1969 The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 16 of the Convention concerning the competence of the International Court of Justice and affirms that the agreement of all the parties concerned is required in each case before a dispute can be brought before the International Court of Justice. Argentinië, 29 november 1972