XX XXXXX Voorbeeldclausules

XX XXXXX te (plaats) .............................................................................................................. op (datum) ........................................................
XX XXXXX. Voor de Algemene Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden van België
XX XXXXX. For the Swiss Confederation,
XX XXXXX. Voor de Republiek Panama:
XX XXXXX. F X. Xxxxxxxx
XX XXXXX. For the Government of the Cayman Islands,
XX XXXXX. Voor de Zwitserse Bondsstaat,
XX XXXXX. State Secretary for Finance XXXXX X. X’XXXX Prime Minister and Minister of Finance The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the British Virgin Islands, (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Parties”), Desiring to facilitate the exchange of information with respect to taxes, Have further agreed as follows:
XX XXXXX. State Secretary for Finance XXXXX X. X’XXXX Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
XX XXXXX. For the Commonwealth of The Bahamas,