Group Company definitie

Group Company a group company of the Company as referred to in Section 2:24b DCC; in writing: by letter, by e-mail, or by a legible and reproducible message otherwise electronically sent, provided that the identity of the sender can be sufficiently established; Lead Independent Director: the Non-Executive Director designated by the Board as lead independent director; Loyalty Register: the loyalty register kept by or on behalf of the Company in which the holders of Ordinary Shares are registered who have requested to become eligible to hold Special Voting Shares; Non-Executive Director: a member of the Board appointed as non-executive director;
Group Company a company that is part of the Group The parties foresee that The Employee in the course of his employment under this employment agreement may invent or create Intellectual Property. The Employee agrees that in respect of such Intellectual Property he has a special obligation to further the interests of The Employer and the Group. The Employee acknowledges that all Intellectual Property and all materials embodying the Intellectual Property will automatically by operation of law belong to The Employer to the fullest extent permitted by law. To the extent that the Intellectual Property does not vest in The Employer automatically by operation of law The Employee hereby irrevocably and unconditionally assigns, with full title guarantee, and where applicable in advance, to The Employer all such Intellectual Property, which assignment is hereby accepted by The Employer. To the extent that any future Intellectual Property and all materials embodying such Intellectual Property cannot hereby be assigned in advance to The Employer and/or such assignment requires confirmation and/or other perfection acts, The Employee hereby agrees to, at The Employer's first request, provide its full cooperation and perform all acts The Employer deems necessary to effectuate any such assignment without delay. To the extent that legal title in any Intellectual Property does not vest in The Employer by virtue of clause 0 and/or 1.4 of this Annex, The Employee hereby agrees to, immediately upon creation of such rights and inventions, offer to The Employer in writing a right of first refusal to acquire them on arm’s length terms to be agreed between the parties. If the parties cannot agree on such terms within 30 days of The Employer receiving the offer, The Employer will refer the dispute to an arbitrator of the appropriate national arbitration institute. The arbitrator's decisions will be final and binding on the parties and the costs of arbitration will be borne equally by the parties. The Employee agrees to keep such Intellectual Property offered to The Employer under this clause 1.5 confidential until such time as The Employer has agreed in writing that The Employee may offer them for sale to a third party. The Employee agrees:
Group Company a group company of the Company as referred to in Section 2:24b DCC; in writing: by letter, by telecopier, by e-mail, or by a legible and reproducible message otherwise electronically sent, provided that the identity of the sender can be sufficiently established; Management Report: the Company's management report as referred to in Section 2:391 DCC; Meeting Right: the right, either in person or by proxy authorized in writing, to attend and address the General Meeting; Non-Executive Director: a member of the Board appointed as non-executive director; Persons with Meeting Right: Shareholders, holders of a usufruct with Meeting Right and holders of a right of pledge with Meeting Right;

Examples of Group Company in a sentence

  • Dit bedrijf is op dit moment onderdeel van de groep van Holland Communication Group Company B.V. Dit bedrijf is in staat om recepten voor te stellen op basis van persoonlijke doelen, allergieën en intoleranties.

  • Onze enig aandeelhouder is Holland Communication Group Company B.V. Holland Communication Group Company B.V. maakt deel uit van een fondsstructuur.

  • Door Holland Communication Group Company B.V. is op dit vlak al een eerste investering gedaan.

  • De grootste wijzigingen zijn dat extra kapitaal is geïnvesteerd, waardoor de totale activa van Holland Communication Group Company B.V. met ongeveer 50% zijn toegenomen.

  • Holland Communication Group Company B.V. is ook in gesprek met een supplementenbedrijf.

  • De jaarrekening van Holland Communication Group Company B.V. over 2021 wordt als bijlage bij dit IM gevoegd.

  • Momenteel heeft Holland Communication Group Company B.V. de onderstaande deelnemingen.

  • Onze aandeelhouder, Holland Communication Group Company B.V., is hoofdelijk aansprakelijk voor de betalingsverplichtingen onder deze obligatielening.

  • Deze visie en de toegevoegde waarde die onze huidige aandeelhouder (als private equity investeerder met een focus op en ervaring met digitale gezondheidsbedrijven) op dit vlak kan leveren heeft ervoor gezorgd dat onze voormalige aandeelhouder de aandelen in ons aan Holland Communication Group Company B.V. heeft verkocht.

  • Onze directe bestuurder is Holland Communication Group Company B.V. De bestuurder van Holland Communication Group Company B.V. is Holland Communication Beheer B.V. De bestuurders van Holland Communication Group Beheer B.V. zijn Verdonk Holding B.V. en X.

More Definitions of Group Company

Group Company a legal entity as referred to in Section 2:24b DCC;
Group Company means a group company of the Company as referred to in Section 2:24b of the Dutch Civil Code. “in writing” means transmitted by letter, telecopier or e-mail, or any other electronic means of communication, provided the relevant message is legible and reproducible.

Related to Group Company

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  • Materialen bijvoorbeeld(web)applicaties, software, programmatuur, adviezen of rapporten.