Executive Director a member of the Board appointed as executive director; General Meeting: the corporate body of the Company consisting of Shareholders and all other Persons with Meeting Right or a meeting of Shareholders and other Persons with Meeting Right, as the case may be;
Executive Director. Een persoon belast met de taken als vermeld in Artikel 6 van deze Overeenkomst.
Executive Director a Director who is an executive director (uitvoerend bestuurder) as referred to in Section 2:129a DCC;
Examples of Executive Director in a sentence
Any Executive Director shall also be authorized to represent the Company.
More Definitions of Executive Director
Executive Director means an executive Director. “General Meeting” means the body of the Company consisting of the person or persons to whom, as a Shareholder or otherwise, voting rights attached to Shares accrue, or (as the case may be) a meeting of such persons (or their representatives) and other persons with Meeting Rights.