Contractual penalties Przykładowe klauzule

Contractual penalties. 17.1 W każdym przypadku naruszenia postanowień: 17.1 In each and every case of the violation of the provisions of:
Contractual penalties. The Contractor shall pay the Contracting Authority contractual penalties for: each delay in the start or shortening of each teaching hour of classes of more than 15 minutes - in the amount of price of 1 teaching hour of classes for each case of delay / shortening, withdrawal from the agreement or termination of the agreement by any of the parties for reasons attributable to the Contractor in the amount of 20% of the gross value of the agreement. Payment of contractual penalties does not exclude the Contractor's (supplementary) compensation liability towards the Contracting Authority, on the terms set out in the Civil Code. For improper performance of the subject of the agreement, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to claim compensation on general principles of civil law, regardless of contractual penalties. The Contractor agrees to deduct due contractual penalties from the remuneration he/she is entitled to, provided that the deduction is allowed in accordance with the provisions of law. § 8 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved by the Parties amicably. In the absence of an amicable settlement, all disputes shall be resolved by the court competent for the seat of the Contracting Authority. This Agreement shall be governed by the Polish law. § 9 Applies to natural persons who are party to the agreement The controller of your personal data is the Medical University of Bialystok with its seat in Białystok, xx. Xxxxxxxxxxx 0, 15-089 Białystok, represented by the Rector, Contact to the Data Protection Inspector at the Medical University of Bialystok, email:, Personal data will be processed in order to perform the agreement pursuant to Art. 6, section 1, (b) of The General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, Personal data will be disclosed only to persons authorized by the Data Controller, Your personal data may be disclosed to other entities on the basis of an entrustment agreement and entities authorized by law, Personal data will be stored for a period of 5 years from the end of the agreement, You have the right to access your data, the right to rectify it, the right to transfer data, You have the right to delete data, the right to restrict processing of data, the right to object to processing of data, if it is justified that there are circumstances specified in art. 17, 18, and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, You have the right to lodge a complaint wi...
Contractual penalties. In addition to any other rights Buyer may have under order or at law, in the case of delay in the performance of order, as such delay shall be calculated from the delivery date confirmed and acknowledged by Seller, Buyer shall have the right to claim a contractual penalty in the amount of 0,1% of the order value for each day of delay. However the Buyer reserves the right to claim additional damages exceeding the value of agreed contractual penalties based on general principles provided in the civil code.
Contractual penalties. 5.1. The Lessee shall be subject to penalties established by the Lessor in these Terms & Conditions for non-performance or improper performance of the rental agreement, unless the Lessee proves that the Terms & Conditions have been violated for reasons for which neither the Lessee nor the User is responsible (by providing a written statement of the offender (if he is not the Lessee or the User) or, if the offender is unknown, an official police report from the scene describing the incident, or pre-trial investigation or other pre-trial documents in case of theft or other crimes). Payment of a penalty (fine) shall not release the Lessee from his obligation to compensate for losses that are not covered by the fine.
Contractual penalties. The Buyer may charge the Seller a contractual penalty: for any delay in executing the Subject of the Agreement within the time limit specified in § 4 para. 1 of the Agreement, in the amount of 0.1% of the net remuneration indicated in § 3 para. 1 of the Agreement, for each day of delay, but not more than 10% of the net price indicated in § 3 para. 1 of the Agreement; for delay in the removal of defects in the Subject of the Agreement detected upon acceptance or during the period of guarantee and/or statutory warranty, in the amount of 0.1% of the net price, indicated in § 2 para. 1 of the Agreement for each day of delay, counting from the date indicated in § 7 sec. 3, but no more than 10% of the net price indicated in § 3 para. 1 hereof. A party may charge the other party a contractual penalty of 10% of the net price in the event of that Party's rescission from the Agreement through the other party's fault. The Parties have the right to claim damages on general terms in excess of contractual penalties. Payment for the contractual penalty will be made on the basis of an accounting note.
Contractual penalties. 1. The Contractor shall pay a contractual penalty to the Employer:
Contractual penalties. 1. The Contractor shall pay the Ordering Party Contractual penalties arising from the following provisions and related to the below-mentioned rates:
Contractual penalties. 1. Unless specified otherwise in the text of the Purchase Order, the Contractor shall pay the Ordering Party a contractual penalty of 1% of the net value of the Purchase Order for each commenced week of the delay in the performance of the Contract.
Contractual penalties. 5.1. The Lessee shall be subject to penalties established by the Lessor in these Terms & Conditions for non-performance or improper performance of the rental agreement, unless the Lessee proves that the Terms & Conditions have been violated for reasons for which neither the Lessee nor the User is responsible (by providing a written statement of the offender (if he is not the Lessee or the User) or, if the offender is unknown, an official police report from the scene describing the incident, or pre-trial investigation or other pre- sformalizowany na podstawie protokołu przekazania i odbioru podpisanego przez przedstawiciela Wynajmującego i Najemcę. W przypadku, gdy Najemca unika udziału w procedurze zwrotu samochodu lub podpisania protokołu przekazania i odbioru lub nie dotrze do uzgodnionego miejsca zwrotu samochodu w uzgodnionym terminie, Wynajmujący ma prawo do jednostronnego przyjęcia samochodu poprzez podpisanie protokołu przekazania i odbioru oraz poinformuje Najemcę o stanie zwróconego samochodu w terminie 14 dni.
Contractual penalties. 8.1 The Supplier/Contractor shall pay the Ordering Party a contractual penalty for withdrawal from the agreement, the conclusion of which was effected by the Supplier/Contractor’s acceptance of the order, by any of the parties for reasons attributable to the Supplier/Contractor, as well as in the case of withdrawal from this agreement by the Supplier/Contractor for reasons beyond the control of the Ordering Party - in the amount of 20% of the net value of the order.