Contractual penalties Przykładowe klauzule

Contractual penalties. 17.1 W każdym przypadku naruszenia postanowień: 17.1 In each and every case of the violation of the provisions of: a) art.5.1 i art.5.2 OWU, polegającego na opóźnieniu Klienta w wykonaniu obowiązku usunięcia umieszczonych przez Klienta nośników reklamowych lub informacyjnych, a) Article 5.1 and Article 5.2 of the GTC, consisting in the Customer's delay in performance of the obligation to remove the advertising or information media placed by the Customer, b) art.6.3 a) OWU polegającego na zwłoce Klienta w wykonaniu obowiązku zwrotu PL.2012+ Przedmiotu Najmu, b) Article 6.3 a) of the GTC, involving the Customer's delay in the performance of the obligation to return the Subject of the Lease to PL.2012+, c) art.6.10 OWU, polegającego na opóźnieniu Klienta w wykonaniu obowiązku usunięcia uszkodzeń w Przedmiocie Najmu, c) Article 6.10 of the GTC, involving the Customer's delay in performance of the obligation to remedy the damage to the Subject of the Lease, d) art.8.2 OWU, polegającego na opóźnieniu Klienta w wykonaniu obowiązku usunięcia efektów Prac Adaptacyjnych wykonanych pomimo braku uzgodnienia Projektu Prac Adaptacyjnych albo w niezgodnym z Projektem Prac Adaptacyjnych zakresie, d) Article 8.2 of the GTC, consisting in the Customer's delay in performance of the obligation to remove the effects of the Adaptation Works carried out without prior approval of the Adaptation Works Design or inconsistent with the scope of work included in the Adaptation Works Design, PL.2012+ będzie uprawniona do żądania zapłaty kary umownej w wysokości 100 000 złotych (słownie złotych: sto tysięcy) za każdą rozpoczętą dobę odpowiednio zwłoki lub opóźnienia w wykonaniu wyżej wymienionych obowiązków Klienta. PL.2012+ will be entitled to demand the payment of a contractual penalty in the amount of PLN 100,000 (in words: one hundred thousand zlotys) for each started day of the delay in the performance of the abovementioned obligations of the Customer. 17.2 W przypadku naruszenia przez Klienta zobowiązań określonych w art. 4 OWU, Klient zapłaci PL.2012+ karę umowną w wysokości 100 000 złotych (słownie: sto tysięcy złotych), z zastrzeżeniem wystosowania przez PL.2012+ do Klienta uprzedniego wezwania za pośrednictwem poczty e- mail i bezskutecznego upływu wyznaczonego co najmniej trzy (3) -dniowego terminu do usunięcia naruszeń. 17.2 In the case of the violation by the Customer of the obligations specified in Article 4 of the GTC, the Customer will pay PL.2012+ a contractual penalty ...
Contractual penalties. 5.1. The Lessee shall be subject to penalties established by the Lessor in these Terms & Conditions for non-performance or improper performance of the rental agreement, unless the Lessee proves that the Terms & Conditions have been violated for reasons for which neither the Lessee nor the User is responsible (by providing a written statement of the offender (if he is not the Lessee or the User) or, if the offender is unknown, an official police report from the scene describing the incident, or pre-trial investigation or other pre-trial documents in case of theft or other crimes). Payment of a penalty (fine) shall not release the Lessee from his obligation to compensate for losses that are not covered by the fine. 5.2. The amount of the contractual fine depends on the class of the rented car. 5.3. Contractual penalties applied by the Lessor: a) damage or loss of car keys or remote control - EUR 900; b) damage or loss of car documents - EUR 900; c) damage or loss of registration plate, registration sticker on window (for each) - EUR 800; d) violation of prohibition to smoke tobacco, use electronic cigarettes, consume alcohol or drugs inside the car - EUR 300; e) violation of prohibition to transport animals - EUR 300; f) returning a dirty car - EUR 50; g) returning a dirty truck/minibus - EUR 90; h) when dry cleaning of the car is required after its return (applies separately to internal and external dry cleaning) - EUR 300; i) dry cleaning of the car without the consent of the Lessor – EUR 300;
Contractual penalties. The Contractor shall pay the Contracting Authority contractual penalties for: each delay in the start or shortening of each teaching hour of classes of more than 15 minutes - in the amount of price of 1 teaching hour of classes for each case of delay / shortening, withdrawal from the agreement or termination of the agreement by any of the parties for reasons attributable to the Contractor in the amount of 20% of the gross value of the agreement. Payment of contractual penalties does not exclude the Contractor's (supplementary) compensation liability towards the Contracting Authority, on the terms set out in the Civil Code. For improper performance of the subject of the agreement, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to claim compensation on general principles of civil law, regardless of contractual penalties. The Contractor agrees to deduct due contractual penalties from the remuneration he/she is entitled to, provided that the deduction is allowed in accordance with the provisions of law. § 8 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved by the Parties amicably. In the absence of an amicable settlement, all disputes shall be resolved by the court competent for the seat of the Contracting Authority. This Agreement shall be governed by the Polish law.
Contractual penalties. 5.1. The Lessee shall be subject to penalties established by the Lessor in these Terms & Conditions for non-performance or improper performance of the rental agreement, unless the Lessee proves that the Terms & Conditions have been violated for reasons for which neither the Lessee nor the User is responsible (by providing a written statement of the offender (if he is not the Lessee or the User) or, if the offender is unknown, an official police report from the scene describing the incident, or pre-trial investigation or other pre-trial documents in case of theft or other crimes). Payment of a penalty (fine) shall not release the Lessee from his obligation to compensate for losses that are not covered by the fine. 5.2. The amount of the contractual fine depends on the class of the rented car. 5.3. Contractual penalties applied by the Lessor:
Contractual penalties. In addition to any other rights the Buyer may have under the agreement or under applicable laws and regulations, in the event of a delay in the execution of the order, which delay shall be calculated from the date of delivery as confirmed and approved by the Seller, the Buyer may claim a contractual penalty equal to 0.1% of the order value for each day of delay, with the maximum total amount of such contractual penalty not to exceed 10% of the order price. The Buyer reserves the right to seek damages in excess of the contractual penalties agreed herein. § 11.
Contractual penalties. 1. In the event of non-performance or improper performance of the Cooperation Agreement by the Ordering Party, contractual penalties shall accrue, irrespective of any other rights provided for in the T&Cs or the Cooperation Agreement for the Contractor, unless the Contractor is solely to blame for the non-performance or improper performance of the Cooperation Agreement. 2. The Contractor reserves the right to claim damages in excess of the stipulated contractual penalties, up to the amount of the damage suffered. 3. The contractual penalties accrued by the Contractor may be asserted cumulatively, in particular in the event of the Ordering Party's delay in performing its obligations under the wynikających z Umowy współpracy oraz odstąpienia od Umowy współpracy. 4. Strony zastrzegają kary umowne w następujących wypadkach i wysokościach (chyba, że co innego wynika z treści zawartej Umowy współpracy): 1) Wykonawca zapłaci Zamawiającemu karę umowną: a. za zwłokę w zachowaniu terminu określonego w § 7 ust. 2 lub 3 OWU w wysokości 0,1% Wynagrodzenia brutto określonego w Umowie współpracy - za każdy rozpoczęty dzień zwłoki, b. za zwłokę w usunięciu wad stwierdzonych przy odbiorze lub w okresie gwarancji w wysokości 0,1 % Wynagrodzenia brutto określonego w Umowie współpracy - za każdy rozpoczęty dzień zwłoki w usunięciu wad, 2) Zamawiający zapłaci Wykonawcy karę umowną: a. za odstąpienie od umowy z przyczyn, o których mowa w § 13 ust. 1 pkt 1) lub
Contractual penalties. 1. In addition to other cases provided for in the Contract, the Ordering Party shall be entitled
Contractual penalties. 1. In the event of a failure to observe the terms hereof pertaining to the deadline for collection of waste metal provided for in § 2 (4), the Seller shall have the right to sell waste metal to a third party, and the Buyer shall cover the between the offer made by the Buyer and the price of sale to that third party, inclusive of any and all costs of additional waste metal storage resulting from the failure to observe the deadline for collection thereof by the Buyer. 2. In the event of a failure to observe the terms hereof pertaining to cleanliness and provided for in § 4 (10) hereof, the Seller shall have the right to charge a contractual penalty in an amount corresponding to the amount of costs and losses incurred thereby in connection with the need to neutralise and clean the area. 3. In the event of a failure to observe the terms hereof with respect to: (a) timely provision of Waste Metal Transfer Notes, (b) collection of volumes inconsistent with the request, (c) deadlines for container return, the Seller shall have the right to charge a contractual penalty in the amount of 0.1 % of 4. Płatność kar umownych nastąpi w terminie 7 dni od daty otrzymania wezwania. Wpłata zostanie uznana za dokonaną w dniu uznania rachunku bankowego Sprzedającego.
Contractual penalties. 1. The Buyer has the right to claim a contractual penalty from the Seller: a) in the amount of 0.2% of the net price for each day of delay in the event that the Seller exceeds, the specified in §3 section 1, date of delivery of the Subject of the contract, b) in the amount of 0.05% of the net price for each day of delay in the event that the Seller exceeds the deadline for removing defects and failures found during acceptance process or during the warranty and guarantee period, d) due to the existence of defects in the subject of the contract that do not qualify for removal - in the amount of 20% of the net price, e) in the amount of 2% of the net price in the event of more than two disclosures of any defects in the Subject of the Agreement due to improperly carried out repair by the Seller - for each subsequent detection of a defect of the same type or caused by a previously performed repair, f) in the amount of PLN 10,000.00 in the case of disclosure of Confidential Information without the written consent of SIGMA contrary to the obligation to maintain confidentiality - for each case of breach, g) in the amount of 10% of the net price in the event of withdrawal from the contract, due to reasons for which the Seller is responsible.
Contractual penalties. 1. The CONTACTOR shall pay the CONTRACTING PARTY contractual penalties for the non-performance or improper performance of the CONTRACT, in the following cases and in the amounts indicated below: 1) for the non-performance of the CONTRACT in the event of either the total or partial cancellation of the CONTRACT by the CONTRACTING PARTY, where cancellation is for reasons attributable to the CONTRACTOR - a contractual penalty of 20% of the net lump sum of the remuneration specified in the CONTRACT; 2) for a delay in the execution of the SUBJECT of the CONTRACT - a contractual penalty of 0.5% of the net lump sum of the remuneration specified in the CONTRACT for each day of such a delay, bearing in mind that the amount of the penalty calculated cumulatively, may not be any higher than 20% of the lump sum of the net remuneration of the CONTRACTOR specified in the CONTRACT; 3) for a delay in the removal of defects found upon acceptance or within the guarantee or warranty period - a contractual penalty of 0.7% of the gross lump sum remuneration specified in the CONTRACT for each day of such a delay in relation to the deadline for the removal of defects; 4) for infringement by the CONTRACTOR of safety regulations, fire protection principles or environmental protection legislation during performance of the CONTRACT, or infringement thereof by the CONTRACTOR’s employees, or subcontractors or persons providing work or services for the CONTRACTOR on the basis of another legal relationship - contractual penalties, for each infringement found, will be levied according to the current tariff of fines for non-compliance with OHS, fire protection or environmental protection regulations, as indicated in an Attachment to the CONTRACT; 5) in the case of the violation of the obligation of confidentiality - a contractual penalty in the amount of 50,000 PLN for each violation. 2. Każda z powyżej zastrzeżonych kar umownych jest niezależna i ZAMAWIAJĄCY ma prawo dochodzić każdej z nich niezależnie od pozostałych, jak również kumulatywnie naliczać wszystkie te kary, których naliczenie uzasadnione jest wystąpieniem przewidzianych w UMOWIE przesłanek. 3. Naliczone kary umowne mogą zostać potrącone z wynagrodzenia WYKONAWCY. WYKONAWCA wyraża zgodę na potrącenie kar umownych, o których mowa w ust. 1 niniejszego paragrafu z wynagrodzenia należnego WYKONAWCY bez odrębnego oświadczenia ZAMAWIAJĄCEGO o potrąceniu. 4. ZAMAWIAJĄCY zastrzega sobie prawo do odszkodowania uzupełniającego, przenosz...